Subject: Re: You CAN be a christian witch |
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Date Posted: 17:07:34 10/05/04 Tue
In reply to:
Salim du Avania
's message, "You CAN be a christian witch" on 05:44:56 10/01/04 Fri
>just because on is a witch, does not mean that they
>practise wicca. I worship the same God that you do,
>not some silly godess or idol. i believe in God in
>three persons, god the father, The Holy Spirir, and
>Jesus Christ, the son of God, who was killed on the
>cross for our sins and that only throuh him you can be
>saved. after you die, we will all face judgement.
>Reincarnation is crap, and utter nonsense. wicca and
>witchcraft are diffrent. Witchcraft is not a religion,
>it a craft and a way to pray and worship God, alone or
>with others.
You can't get saved through doing good meditations, spells whatever. You can correct me but I believe that that's what wiches do right? I've heard about Christian wiches but the thing is even in the New Testament it says not to do stuff related to scorcery (sp??) why you might ask? because that is just another door that people, Christians, tend to open to Satan. We believe in Jesus Christ BY FAITH not by any works. If your following any form of wichcraft, magic, call it what you like, i suggest you stop.
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