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Subject: Science and religion

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Date Posted: 15:48:26 12/30/04 Thu

I think the trouble is and this is just a theory, but for so long the catholic church in particular has been so forceful and has lied to so many people that persons are starting to wake up and question what has gone on. I know I have said it before but I just believe that there is an exodus from the catholic way of thinking and all it has taught. I know I'm one of them. As a person who was raised catholic I am mad for all that they have done and lied about. But hey you move on and find something that fits you. Find happiness I'm happy knowing what I know about the other side and have no fear of crossing over. See I know things of people that no one but that persons loved one could ever know. I take solice in the fact that there is a new begining after this but no saints are going to take me there. unless you consider your circle of life family and friends saints. we must never stop questioning what we feel and never take for granted time spent here. I have learned most of all to mix science with spiritualism. It just explains things so much easier and it makes so much more sense when you use the two together. So I think this is the manifestation of a new age where science is going to seek answers to prove or disprove. Already documentaries and books are beginging to explain that paganism is the ancient religion. Because Science has proved it is, remember pagan means non-christian. So I think more people have to be more open minded and to those who follow the bible literally when the church has admitted to false stories and purgeries I think those people will be the more sadened by the results. Radically question the devoute, ask them wyy they preach to you, religion is not a competition it should be one's way of life and love and if it be true then it will survive on it's own merit, and not based on falicy.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Science and religionmorpheus02:59:38 12/31/04 Fri
CatholicismVince09:26:55 12/31/04 Fri

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