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Subject: Re: WAVES TO CJ

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Date Posted: 00:00:02 11/09/04 Tue
In reply to: silverfox 's message, "Re: WAVES TO CJ" on 01:51:13 11/06/04 Sat

Why God bothered to create humans?
God was already eternally being worshipped by a race of creatures that never could actually conceive what Not worshiping God would be like. So although they had a limited free will, they were pretty much as drones worshiping GOD. therefore, God wanted to create a creation out of His Own Breath who would chose to worship Him. since we are created with an eternal spirit within that cannot be satisfied with natural earthly things we feel unfulfilled until He fills us who can only fill us because He is eternal. Although, God knew that some would choose not to worship Him so gave us wisom to create other things such as blocks of wood to worship so we could make our own rules and little gods. he respected our free will although He knew that only He could satisfy us.
if God did not want evil in this world why did he ever created lucifer because god would have known before he created him that he would eventually betray him?
We all know that one cannot give of what one does not have. Therefore, God could not create evil because He does not have evil. Like I said these angelic beings had limited free will, so they could choose to disobey God, however it is "limited" because they have already seen God therefore are forced by Truth to worship Him. Lucifer had limited free will and never knew what it was like not to worship God and considering he was the most beautiful the head of the worship and so on I can see how he would be the first to want to explore elsewhere. However if God is all good all glory all honour then to be outside of Him is the opposite. So lucifer decided to be the opposite and therefore unworthy to be in the presence of the Almighty.
Blame the devil for all the evil that happens outside of your will, and blame yourself for all the evil done within your own will, but don't blame God whose desire is for you to enjoy His Very Being. If we are tempted and we give into it it is by our own will and the outcome of all sin is evil to oneself and others but Christ endured all things that we may be victorius. He was made weak so we may be strong. Therefore we rely in Christ not in ourselves if one relies on themself then they deny God and acknowledge willfully that there is another way therefore not worthy of the presence of the Almighty. Just like Lucifer.

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Re: WAVES TO CJsilverfox07:27:28 11/09/04 Tue

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