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Subject: Re: Your god.

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Date Posted: 14:07:51 11/24/04 Wed
In reply to: Abel 's message, "Re: Your god." on 14:37:37 11/20/04 Sat

>When we accept Christ into us we become co-heirs with
>Christ-Jesus, so in that sense if ya wanna be called a
>god you would have to be reborn.

I was reborn as a Wicca who believes in a god and Goddess as did the ancients before shovenist males dominated the earth and belittled the female and made her less of a being.
The goddess long watches over everything and shall never be forgotten again in my heart the woman is a temple who bears the fruit of all men without women their would be no arrogant man to persecute. As a man I am ashamed of my once catholic followings and ashamed of myself that I once worshipped but one dominating being for it is the mother who protects us from the almighty wrath it is her who is the merciful one who will never leave us in our time of need. It is the male God which I respect to provide me courage and honor so that I may succeed in my humble plane of existence here on this earth but I will always look to both for the answers to which I seek as I did my parents growing up. To think but one man is the answer is false and no one shall convince me differently otherwise why would Jesus have asked mary magdilin to join him and itis now thought by the church she was the first apostle. But man has erased that from the world here. Apparently her status in early Christianity was as high, if not higher, than Peter's. After his resurrection, Jesus first appeared to Mary Magdalene not Peter, according to the Gospel of John. I beleive jesus works through the people I believe in him as a man but thats all he was a simple man who is now perhaps unhappy that his word and God's has become so twisted and destroyed. jesus also said "Do not hold on to me,... for I truly believe he did his job and asked us to never forget but also to not hold onto the past move on progress. Long winded again CYA CJ

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Re: Your god.Wendy16:28:37 11/24/04 Wed

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