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Subject: What is everyone's beef with christanity

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Date Posted: 11:25:17 12/17/04 Fri

A line in abel's last thread inspired me to post this. I figured that while i think most of us here have stated it but i thought this thread might clear up any possible misconceptions of what are beef with the religion is. My beef is very simple it is only the fact that according to chiranity no other religious practioners are worthy of grace. Personally i believe this was something that has been changed throughout the ages. According to my friend she said that the dead sea scrolls are apprently much different then the bible we have today. Although, none of us no armaic so i can't say for sure. I do not care about all the people who think they are self rigtheous that dress a certain way and condemn others to hell. What they say has about as little merrit as the bible does to me. Now for people who i would consider true christians (very small percent) that try to love thy neighbhor and do what they can to help others like mother teresa i greatly admire her. Now i guess under some ways it is a hypcorsciy to claim what i can't stand about chrianity since i think this was just something man twisted around for reasons of fear and power (although i'd say it is something that is definately strongly inagrated into the church by now.

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Re: What is everyone's beef with christanityCJ06:37:28 01/01/05 Sat

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