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Subject: Sexual Peversions

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Date Posted: 10:34:42 01/01/05 Sat
In reply to: CJ 's message, "Re: Catholicism" on 06:39:18 01/01/05 Sat

Yes, that happens. I think though, in fairness to the majority of priests, the majority are not like that. But with that said, I do think that the RC teaching that priests should remain celibate adds to this problem. God has intended for a man to be married (unless they have a definite individual calling whereby they do feel they should be single - which I think is more of a rareity than something common) - i.e. Genesis "It is not good for the man to be alone"

I alos think that the org/church that the individual is part of needs to be looked at in all this too. It is not just the RC's either. Take the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Jehovah's Witnesses. They have also had a lot of child abusers in their ranks. But it is the way their org deals with it. They say that unless 2 or 3 people have witnessed the abuse then it basically didn't happen. The nature of abuse is secret anyway so I don't know how they think this can ever stand. Also, they do not like to take such things to the police (or "worldly authorities" as they call them) and try and keep it amongst themselves.

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Re: Sexual PeversionsWendy08:10:54 01/02/05 Sun

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