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Subject: buh?

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Date Posted: 12:53:50 05/23/03 Fri

Well, Caro, there seems to be several posts missing. I dunno what's up, except that this site is free and sometimes it's pretty fugly.

If I decide to do this right--which I may well do--I'm going to just buy my own domain name and get hosting somewhere and then go ahead and do something like the whole livejournal thing so we don't have to do this crappy forum.

IN the meanwhile, may I suggest copying stuff you post so that you can repost if necessary?

--sarahchia (wearing her forum admin cap)

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[> Subject: Re: buh?

Evo Terra
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Date Posted: 18:40:03 05/26/03 Mon

>dunno what's up, except that this site is free and
>sometimes it's pretty fugly.

I think it goes beyond the pretty side of fugly, Sarah. Don't get me wrong, yer blog posts kick serious botanical booty. But this forum (and the fact I can't link to a specific post in the blog) applies vacuum force to the same anatomical area... if a plant had one.

>If I decide to do this right--which I may well do--I'm
>going to just buy my own domain name and get hosting
>somewhere and then go ahead and do something like the
>whole livejournal thing so we don't have to do this
>crappy forum.

YEAH RUSH! Might I suggest HostMatters? I use them for two different sites. Dirt cheap. Great support. http://hostmatters.com I think. No, I don't work for them. Got turned on to them by another blogger. She didn't lie. Oh, and try MovableType as your blogging software. I've used a couple tools and found it to be the most user friendly.



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[> [> Subject: Re: buh?

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Date Posted: 12:30:56 05/27/03 Tue

>I think it goes beyond the pretty side of fugly,
>Sarah. Don't get me wrong, yer blog posts kick serious
>botanical booty. But this forum (and the fact I can't
>link to a specific post in the blog) applies vacuum
>force to the same anatomical area... if a plant had
>>If I decide to do this right--which I may well do--I'm
>>going to just buy my own domain name and get hosting
>>somewhere and then go ahead and do something like the
>>whole livejournal thing so we don't have to do this
>>crappy forum.
>YEAH RUSH! Might I suggest HostMatters? I use them for
>two different sites. Dirt cheap. Great support.
>http://hostmatters.com I think. No, I don't work for
>them. Got turned on to them by another blogger. She
>didn't lie. Oh, and try MovableType as your blogging
>software. I've used a couple tools and found it to be
>the most user friendly.

Thanks for the information. The thing is, that right now I'm doing this all without *actually owning a computer*, and I am DEFINITELY on the "broke" side of the monetary equation, so things that are free are really important right now.

That being said, I am fairly certain that in the next few months I am going to get fed up, save up a few bucks, and move this whole shebang into something a lot sexier and user-friendly. I've had more than a few people get on my case for having such an archaic and crufty blog, and while my basic attitude is "Hey, I'm broke, short on time, and if you don't like it, well, don't read it", I also know how frustrating it can be to WANT to interact with something and not be able to because it's a royal pain in the arse. So I'm fairly sure that one of my long-term projects is going to be making this blog enter the 21st century kicking and screaming. I want to just get my own URL/domain and host it to the server at work (one of the benefits of having a webmaster who is married to my business partner....) and then try to find a machine that I can buy. Thing is, I DON'T want to just get a crappy computer; that's always been what I've done and I hate it, because I'm used to using the sleek and beautiful machines that my friends own, so going home and using a Pentium with a 33 mHz processor is just painful. So I'm going to have to wait until I can afford something, which may be a while, especially since I have other major purchases higher on the priority list at this moment--like paying off debts and repairing my cello.

But thanks for the information. I am currently in the "collecting" phase and when I get to the "doing" phase all the shtuff I've been hearing from bloggers with shiny, workable, pretty blogs will come in handy.

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