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Subject: Re: new image

Enik Rudisill
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Date Posted: 13:52:49 07/25/03 Fri
In reply to: carolyn 's message, "Re: new image" on 08:01:20 07/25/03 Fri

>>so what do ya'll think of the new forum image?
>Sigh...boys. Are nudity and blood all you think
>about? Don't even answer, knowing you (at least one
>of you...) I'll probably get a response like, "No food
>and explosions also cross our minds sometimes).
>Chia, maybe the new image could use some food or
>explosions. Or boogers. Or fart jokes.
>I like the new image. She's a little blond for my
>taste though. :)
>What does GBOTW stand for? My own computer has
>completely crapped out on me, so I can't get online at
>home any more. I have a feeling the website you
>suggested isn't something I should go check out while
>I'm at work...with small children.
>I shouldn't even really be here, as a matter of fact.
>The good news is, Chia's page looks pretty benign from
>a distance. Even more so now that there's not a peep
>with a cigarette jammed in its beak. :) I'm not
>knocking the peep though, that was good stuff. Hell,
>so are nudity and blood, for that matter, I just have
>to play nice at work.

I am at work also and so have to play nice too. Gothic Babe Of The Week (GBOTW), 99% of the time it is perfectly work safe. The other 1% when they actually show the wrong skin is still art and not porn so can be work safe.


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: new image

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Date Posted: 16:44:51 07/25/03 Fri

>>>so what do ya'll think of the new forum image?
>>Sigh...boys. Are nudity and blood all you think
>>about? Don't even answer, knowing you (at least one
>>of you...) I'll probably get a response like, "No food
>>and explosions also cross our minds sometimes).

>I am at work also and so have to play nice too. Gothic
>Babe Of The Week (GBOTW), 99% of the time it is
>perfectly work safe. The other 1% when they actually
>show the wrong skin is still art and not porn so can
>be work safe.

Carolyn, you forgot blowjobs. It's nudity, blood, explosions, food, and blowjobs. And I think that pretty much covers it.

But y'know? This is MY forum, and last time I checked, I was a straight female, so maybe I'll just put up a really good cheesecake picture of some buff surfer dude. That would keep Carolyn and me happy.

The chances of me posting the 'goth babe of the week' as my forum image are pretty nonexistent, unless she's one of my close personal friends or something. Or unless I make it, which, considering that I fall MUCH closer to the "hippie babe of the week" or "earth mamma of the week" is fairly unlikely. Unless I suddenly decide to dye my hair black, get multiple piercings, and pour myself into a red velvet bustier. That's not gonna happen--not this week, anyway.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: new image

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Date Posted: 05:58:49 07/29/03 Tue

>>perfectly work safe. The other 1% when they actually
>>show the wrong skin is still art and not porn so can
>>be work safe.

I don't want to give the wrong impression, I'm very porn-friendly, just not at Zoo Camp. :)

>Carolyn, you forgot blowjobs. It's nudity, blood,
>explosions, food, and blowjobs. And I think
>that pretty much covers it.

How on earth did I forget blowjobs??? Okay, rather easily, considering the prude I date...

>closer to the "hippie babe of the week" or "earth
>mamma of the week" is fairly unlikely. Unless I

Sigh, I need style. I'm like the "khaki-on-khaki" babe of the week these days. My clothes/hair/etc are not goth or hippie or even preppy or sporty. Just beige. In a few months when I make some money, I can buy some cool clothes, color my hair... I need What Not to Wear to come take me away (BTW, Chia, I am still sitting on a couple of tapes of that show for you).

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