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Date Posted: 00:21:30 01/27/04 Tue
Author: ATC
Subject: Re: The 5 questions
In reply to: Holy Win 's message, "The 5 questions" on 10:33:38 08/08/03 Fri

>Dont have ago at me if you think or know differently.
>but feel free to let me know.
>1) To be named the successor of the Rood Inverse, do
>you have to die to recieve it?
>A) No. Ashley didnt die and neither did Guildenstern.
>You only need to recieve the blood sin.

Sorry, thats wrong. It is stated several times in the story that you need a soul to "feed" to the dark in order to receive the rood inverse. When Sydney died, his soul was used, just as Romeo killed Samantha to get it.

>2) What is the relevance of the words "Phantom Pain"
>in the end of the game? Is that refering to Ashley's
>wife and son? Or maybe it is Sydney's hands and arms.
>A) Dunno. But they were not Ashley's wife and son.
>That was a lie implanted by the VKP. It could mean the
>pain Ashley feels for killing them, or for the power
>he now holds.

You are right about this one, I just wanted to add something, a personal musing, I believe that Ashley received the rood inverse after killing that family. At least that was the impression that I got, and how I knew that Ashley had killed them.

>4) Before Romeo screwed up Sydney's plans, did Sydney
>mean for Ashley to take the Rood Inverse from him the
>way he eventually does to Romeo?
>A) Dunno. I think personally that Sydney was doing
>this because he intended for Ashley to have control of
>the dark. Maybe this was some strange Mullenkamp thing.

What was meant in the question was did Sydney intend Ashley to cut the blood-sin from his back as Romeo did. I don't know if he knew that Ashley aready had a blood sin or not, but it would seem that if he did not, he would have had Ashley cut his off.

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  • Re: The 5 questions...spoiler -- Adam, 11:22:46 09/27/04 Mon
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