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Date Posted: 11:22:48 08/22/04 Sun
Author: venom86

golly i have wrote thousands of message for this game. to tell u the truth there're no ther game that would even come close to this masterpiece.

MY first impression: the game is like paper-mario and i tho it would suck like some tomb raiders+ metal gear solid+parasite eve.

2nd impression after the cut-scene from the minotaur boss: the game get's kinda cool the way it introduce the bull

last impression: crap the game is awesome when i realized how much it offers for weapons/armors/items/skills/magics/goodies/secrets/etc. man i cant take my eyes or fingers off the game dude.

any game that would come close? well all the final fantasy series but all of em cant match vagrant story u know why? bcuz ff6 have best sound but graphic suck (u know it's old). ff8 have best summons (duh 9th suck and 10 really suck with summons especially magus sister and anima. i am not saying they are suck but their appearance do, i am a big fan of ff series too so no offense ok? i love it just cant outmatch vagrant).

i have to say that vagrant story doesnt have any songs (with voice duh songs have to have voice or else it would be called midi or sound or rhythm but most peep mix them up) but it has the best SOUND/MOVEMENT/ANIMATION/EFFECTS/REPLAY VALUE.

play it and beat it 3 time knowing all the easter eggs i bet u 90% u will not play any other games thinking that it will beat vagrant.

squaresoft did a good job on this game. but why the heck cant they have a sequence? i dont know.......i am really mad seeing ff1-12 when none of it can outmatch only VAGRANT STORY itself. i am not the only one that loves the game so much right? all yall hardcore vagrant players know what i mean. well give me ur opinion on this. tell me if i am wrong bcuz i can prove it to u.
*i said all this knowing that most people like different style of rpg and how it introduce, i am not a person that only stand on one point i see from all point, hope u know that.

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