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Date Posted: 15:10:34 07/21/04 Wed
Author: Tin
Subject: Damascus Items

---tips: never throw away wood items, certain wood items when combine w/ damascus turn to damascus. such as a oval shield(w)+heater shield(damascus) = damascus knight shield.

---hint: 1.)time attack ogre zombie have bastard sword(D), more likely to drop when kill 1 hit or beat time in just 63 sec.
2.) attack dummie to increase weapon stats
3.) use spells on you to increase armor stats.
2 bastard combine give u a Nodachi(D). 2 Nodachi(d) combine = Runeblade(D) wow it is so beautiful lol all that hard work..

---cheat: use agility power-ups to be invincible later in the game. physical attack miss 100% if ur agility is high. (bad or gud? let u decide).

---Secret Boss?: Dark Crusader- he is in iron maiden B3, enter room hp below 150 and prepare to fight.

---Re-Beat the game and get Damascus treasure rather than fighting enemies repeatly for drops. Such Casserole Shield. Each time it should take about 2hr 30min,about 3 casserole given per game. 6 in 6hrs rather than fighting and combining for ages for a casserole shield(D).

---tip: when facing dragon in first game, jump right close to the dragon to avoid serious breath dmg, hit the tails to the point it say "dying" in stats to disable tail attack, now the dragon is a piece of cake waiting for you to kill.

---getting easy armor(D), kill lv3 Lich (in White tunic/coat whatever it calls lol). they are in the room next to the last workshop "Godhands". i believe that the name......

anyways have fun, my game scratch up so i have to order online lol.

---heal human/lizard/ogre(try them all i cant remember all) enemy 3 times to recruit them, you can form a gang, but they wont follow you next room. When you get back they still love you lol.

---I havent found out how to get Damascus "Hand of Light", man so cool if it is damascus, probably in Vagrant Story 2, i wish they have a sequel to it, because i will spend 10$100 US dollar if i have to. lol.

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