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Date Posted: 10:16:04 03/31/04 Wed
Author: Asguard
Subject: The First of the Rebels
In reply to: Ragnorak 's message, "Minions: The Weedorions View" on 10:40:15 09/22/03 Mon

In one of the cities of the humans a small, pale, ginger haired man darted through the busy streets of Hillin. Dust from the sandy floor sprung into the air as the youth skidded round a corner ignoring the insults cast at him from near by people who he had pushed out of his way. He came into a square were he was surrounded by four buildings each with an azure coloured roof. Three of the buildings were bustling with people inside them, merchants, thieves, warriors, magicians; anyone you could think of would be buying or selling some item of value. The lonely, separated, medieval house was were the young man headed to. He slowed down trying to catch his breathe but kept with a brisk walk. Colour returned to his face once again as he entered the building and his head darted around the room scanning for any sign of life. His hair rushed with his fast moving head and sweat poured down the side of the mans face.
“Sir, sir I have urgent news!” Panted the tired man who remained standing at the door but with his eyes transfixed on a particular person who was sat on a chair reading a large, A4 sized book.
The man spun round on the four termite bitten legs of the wooden chair and questioned about the ‘urgent news’. The man known as ‘sir’ was called Christopher Barney Williams who was a minor general in a quadrant of Hillin. He was six foot, seven inches tall who had crystal white hair and a goatee with solid black, piercing eyes which broke even the strongest mans courage to fight. He wore long, blue trousers with a fairly smart, black, long-sleeve top. The ginger haired man who had green eyes and wore a poorly made white robe was a messenger and told Christopher about the urgent news. It was that there were rebels in a square about quarter a mile away. They had taken position behind all the fruit stalls and had killed any who had dare stop them from rebelling. The worst thing was, they some how had coungered some ‘Modern Age’ weapons which were basically guns. Since the humans had started a new world guns were a thing of the past, but they were still in peoples minds, somehow these rebels had created masterful weaponry and it would take a lot of men to kill them. Once hearing this Chris instantly sped off and ordered the messenger to show him were the rebellion was taking place! As they approached the area loud, cannon-like sounds could be heard. Screams came and a flag, rose high in the sky, it was the rebels own clan flag. It was rippling making Chris squint to make out the picture. It was a black ravens head with a unbelievably large talon below it. The rest of the flag was gray apart from the menacing purple eye that glistened brightly from the raven. Christopher got worried, he had no knowledge of this clan and therefore prosecuting them, or even finding a weakness to capture them would be superiorly hard. The ginger haired man who had lost all colour in his face again stood to a halt and told Sir Williams that the enemy where in the square beyond the street that lay ahead of them. Christopher acknowledged this and proceeded to the end of the street. Blood was stained against the shop wall to his right, he dared himself to look to the left were the rebels were and popped his head round the corner. Corpses were on the floor and destroyed stalls were just managing to stay up, crooked. As he gazed about he noticed a head bobbing up behind a stall, his face lightened up thinking that there was survivors! The face that he saw turned to him, and a long, sticklike weapon rested upon the stall table and that’s when Chris re-acted, he hurled himself back round the corner to safety and a large crackling sound engulfed the air as a bullet hit the wall, were Christopher was, a second or two ago. His heart quickened and he realised how close he was to death and most of all, that the Modern Age was returning to the backwards human world. He slid down the side of the wall as if he had been shot and sat on the ground.

He wasn’t sure how to tactically eliminate these traitors, they were in an enclosed area with all entrances covered by long range weaponry and were all huddled as near to the center as possible. They were behind defensive objects that could inpete the process of arrows and bolts. Furthermore if the warriors that were in the area at the time couldn’t destroy them that means ground attacks aren’t efficient. He brooded over his options for a minuet or so while the messenger watched him, not daring to disturb his thoughts. Eventually he ordered the messenger to fetch a few dozen archers and ten ground soldiers, equipped with pole arm weapons. He was going to flush out the traitors of their strong-hold. He had worked out that if the archers go on top of the shops roofs that surrounded the square they would have a clear shot at the enemy because of their angle. Hopefully if the enemy does not die from the wave of arrows they will run and retreat, this is when the ten foot soldiers will come into action with their spears to stake any enemy that retreats round the corners. At least that was the plan. A few minutes later, after more brave humans had died attempting to kill the rebels the messenger returned with a platoon of archers and spearmen. Chris told them of their plan and what to do. The archers scaled the buildings from being and cowered behind the pitched roofs while the spearmen hid themselves round the corners of the square waiting for any retreating enemy. To complete this task successfully total surprise was essential so instead of shouting orders to Chris’ archers he decided to throw up a scimitar as high as possible. In the glistening sun this would shine and hopefully the enemy would be wondering what the flying blade meant. The messenger returned to Chris and told him that all of the men were in position and ready to fire. The archers had already placed their quiver in their well designed bows. Christopher firmly grabbed the decoy scimitar by its hilt and rose it to the air. With a great heave he pulled back his arm as low as possible and threw up it in the air! The reflection was blinding but it soon passed. Chris moved out of the way, further back down the street to avoid the scimitar. He heard the sudden movement of his men and the sound of the arrows whipping through the air connecting with the rebels. Screams were let off and several odd gun shots broke the smoothness of the arrows. There was more than expected and the enemy reacted quickly to the archer attack but unfortunately for them they retreated else were. They were met with the tips of spears and even more were slaughtered in the streets. Alougth some did escape, they backed off into the buildings surrounding them and crouched in a corner with their rifle pointing at the doorway. The ground forces charged at the shop that had been taken over and the first one that went through met a bloody end. As the bullet ripped through his chain mail, organs and back blood sprayed everywhere drenching the door in a deep red. The second received a bullet, as did the third and forth soldiers. The enemy then had to reload their guns and with this the first rebel died to a blood covered woman. Her spear pinned the armourless man before her against the wall. A second spearmen behind her charged in screaming out in anger! A gun user pulled up his rifle to shoot. The spearmen closed his eyes but carried on charging. He heard a trigger get pulled but he felt no pain. He re-opened his eyes to see a man desperately forcing the trigger of a gun down. It seemed not to work. Without thinking at all the spearmen slayed the man. The last two gun users died in a corner of the building, they destroyed three more men before their death. Chris thanked and praised his soldiers and he knew that the King, Behemoth needed to know about the traitors. He needed to know about these Modern Age users and their terrible power.

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  • The search begins -- Ragnorak, 10:32:40 03/31/04 Wed
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