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Date Posted: 14:32:13 11/20/03 Thu
Author: Behemoth
Subject: The Humans
In reply to: Ragnorak 's message, "Minions: The Weedorions View" on 10:40:15 09/22/03 Mon

Many years ago there was a normal but widowed woman, with a normal life that gave birth to a normal child, that woman’s name was Caroline Behemoth. She had witnessed the power the seagulls unleashed on the human race and some how lived. Surprised with her second escape from the carnage that Shadowbanes bus drivers caused to the Earth’s crust she met up with a band of men and woman who spoke of a safe place in the mountains. They travelled for months picking up more and more survivors, some were injured and had to be left to rot while others lingered on travelling through ruins of the collapsed human empire. On Caroline’s’ journey she met a warm, bashful man who had a liking for danger and adventure. The two became very intimate as they got to know each other. Near the end of their escape to hospitality at the suposive mountains that would save them all Caroline’s boyfriend, the bashful man called James, had died while on a scout for food as he was trying to reach out for some berries on a shrub that lay at the other side of a large gap in a water fall. James fell, to his death to Caroline’s’ misfortune. Once in the small village of the humans at the mountains Caroline found herself pregnant, obviously from James and was over-joyed providing this baby would be her first. She gave birth to a boy on the 19th of April. Caroline named her son Frederick, and Frederick grew up to be a power mad, not so intelligent boy. By the time he was six something amazing happened, a crash was heard at the door and all that was standing the was a baby and a gaping hole in the door. The baby wasn’t the best looking, well can’t say boy or girl, but thing, it had a normal but very overbuilt body, and well, a ginger cat head. Despite the terrible looks of the baby, or cat, Caroline and Frederick accepted it into their family and simply named it, The Cat. Behemoth never really understood why his mum took a liking to this monstrous beast providing it had damaged her house but accepted the cat looking human as family since he was brought up to like the cat. Caroline could have possibly pitied this poor, baby creature that with its looks would not get very far in life. Or something that Behemoth sees true, that the cat was the soul, or a message from his father James, who he new very little about apart from that he was a great food forager. His mum must of sensed the warmth and love she shared with James when this cat broke into their house, therefore she instantly took a liking to it, hoping it had some piece of her precious James in the feline.

The Cat never learned to speak in English or any other language we humans speak but it did seam to get along with other cats and develop their language.

As Frederick grew up and got into high school all his friends named him Behemoth, because that’s all he would say his name was, The Cat was nicknamed The Cat Warrior, because he still had his over built chest, and of coarse the cat head.

Behemoth had 6 GCSE’s when he came out of high school, which consisted of: Maths, History, Geography, Graphics, PE and Magic (magic was instead of IT because of the seagull attack which wiped out all technology an therefore the human decided to transfer to magic). The Cat Warrior had no GCSE’s considering he never went to school, for obvious reasons, and instead stayed at home and trained with a specialist to become a master warrior with, a Mace, his bare hands, a Great Axe, a Broadsword, and any random object he could find around were he was stood, but this was only when his teacher said he was doing something wrong. The Cat Warrior became very loyal to Behemoth and his mother Caroline and would often help Caroline lift something heavy or even clean up on occasion. Also Behemoth would help the Cat Warrior train him with certain combat and sometimes got the cat to ‘show some bullies’ who’s boss in his youth.

After going to magic college, and failing, Behemoth found himself with an opportunity, he was asked to be the king’s jester slash magician. He took the offer to bring in money for his own house that he wanted, and one fateful day his dull powers came in great use. One day he was doing a magic act for the whole royalty family and some of their friends, he was trying to light a candle (which is quite hard to learn, but only like a B grade) and kind of sent the whole south side of the rooms ceiling crashing down on the royal family. Fortunately for Behemoth the local police are thick and could not work out what had happened, they just gathered that the building has a weak support beam.

Afterwards Behemoth hid himself in a dark purple robe and pretended to be the only survivor of the royal family but could not show his face so hide the scares and cuts. The police being the police couldn’t care less and wanted to keep the spirits of the people alive so accepted the thought of Behemoth being the only survivor and he was made king but kept his name, saying it was his nickname. The one catch at taking up this role as the king was that he had to leave his mother behind, he didn’t want to risk being seen going to his home, telling his parent who he was. Instead he left her there, believing she had lost her soul mate and only child. Eventually he made some guards send for the Cat Warrior claiming he was a chosen guard by the king and must serve under his command which left Caroline an empty handed widow. The Cat Warrior realised who ‘the king’ was and struggled to leave its loyalty for Behemoths mother behind but eventually succeeded and remained as a true guard to Behemoth.

Eight years passed and Behemoth just sat on his throne just making thing up in his head and telling people to do them for him. His latest idea was to build a great keep in case of any attacks on his city, he stole it from a film he saw called ‘The Lord Of The Rings’. The keep was called helms deep and was built on the bottom of a mountain, so Behemoth decided to build it at the bottom of the Alps, so it was lucky that all the humans moved to Austria after the seagulls mainly destroyed them.

The Cat Warrior was always by Behemoths side, being his brother, and became Behemoths personal bodyguard, he was a fully grown cat slash man now with the broadest chest you would ever see, plated in blurite (a strong metal coloured purple) from head to toe. He had great whiskers about 20cms long and shaggy, ginger fur and stood proud and strong at a height of 6 foot 8 inches. Behemoth still wore his great purple robe, which only showed his hands and the gleaming bright lights from his eyes, he held his great black staff with a red ruby in the centre of an unusual symbol in his left hand and his silver sword that shone white in the mornings sun, and a great black in the moonlight, it had a hook on the end and on release spit the blade into two half’s, and unveiled a great black symbol like the one on the end of his staff. He knew of his mother’s whereabouts still and she was a wreck, she was in a shabby house selling poorly made clothing such as dresses, hats and belts just to buy some bread. Behemoth often made a guard break in at night and carefully place some extra money by the side of Caroline’s’ bed, making sure she wouldn’t starve to death.

The human race is separated into three main types of people, the rich, poor and the in-between. The rich normally ware suits or dresses and are clean, usually ware a hat or if it’s a woman have their hair up. The poor ware brown wrecked clothes normally torn, are dirty and have uncombed hair, for their whole life, just left like it is after they wake up. The in between were just casually, and normally dressed with combed hair but not the type to spend the whole morning doing, and they were fairly clean. The cities however were not separated into rich and poor. There were five cities and one of them stood out because of Behemoths, cough cough mansion.

All of the four smaller cities looked the same, a few wooden houses here, and some brick over there, and a couple of stone one’s over there. The wooden houses were for the poor, looked ok from the outside but once you were inside you could tell why it was for the poor. The brick and stone were for the rich depending on what the rich wanted, the brick houses were normally the same size as the wooden houses, one floor but a fairly big sort of square, these were more stable and had better interior then the poor wooden houses, these were normally for the not quite so rich but for the normal people, but then again some rich liked the brick houses better so lived in what the desired. The stone building were twice sometimes even three times the size of the brick and wooden houses, very stable and had fancy interior, clearly for the richest of the rich.

The main city had the great Helms Deep about two miles behind the city and Behemoths mansion in the centre surrounded by mainly wooden and brick houses, the stone houses were on the outskirts of the city, Behemoth had this because he wanted to make his, as he called house look even bigger. The main stores, industries, factories, security department, armoury and weapon stalls are in this city, as again Behemoth requested to make him safe.

The cities names are Crystal Glacia, Celestia, Rinobi, Hollin and Faragor, Crystal Glacia being the main city and the others being the smaller ones. Hollin being the smallest more like a small town or a large village, and also a way to a passage to flee if the great fortress falls, it leads into the mountains but is a dangerous road to the other side, into Italy. Rinobi and Faragor are located in the Alps to which Austria is next to, this is cleverly done to give the humans more watch over their land to see if any invaders such as the Weedorions attack, they could send the call to the main city Crystal Glacia to flee to Helms Deep and if the other cites can evacuate quick enough they can also head towards the great keep.

The human’s army was quite large, but warn down a lot, mainly because of the seagull attack and the battle between the monkeys with inflated bananas and bus drivers. But considering the other army’s on this planet it was the largest, 80,000 was the total and consisted of many ranks:
1. Infantry
2. Spies
3. Privates
4. Sergeants
5. Lieutenants
6. Commissars
7. Captains and
8. Special Forces (the king’s bodyguards, which the Cat Warrior was the leader)

The infantry were lead by either a private or a sergeant, and these groups were lead by either a commissar or captain, and the lieutenants were the leader of various groups that were left (note, there weren’t many lieutenants). The commissars were the cheated group, and were only in the army in such a high level because of their money. They paid themselves into the army, and are just mainly psychotic maniacs that want to see some scum die beneath their feet, for this they had some skill when it comes to attacking but are basically defenseless. Sergeants and privates are semi-trained in the ways of strategic knowledge and fully trained in combat, the captains and lieutenants are also fully training in combat but are fully trained in strategic knowledge as well. The Special Forces are semi-trained strategic knowledge but have extensive training in combat, the Cat Warrior has both strategic knowledge and combats training in full, and even better the extensive training.

There are two other departments in the human army, one being the bowmen and the other being the newly formed mage group. The bowmen are highly trained in the arts of all bows, and nearly anyone in the human army (except mages) can use one, seen as how they have their special wood, which you will find out more about in the next paragraph. The actual bowmen have been training for many years, some even from when they were strong enough to hold a bow. The training was just a simple stage setup, basically, their fist test is a archery board only a few foot away, and if you pass to the next stage, you keep working through these stages until you get to the last stage, a moving target going at 10 miles per hour and about 50 foot away. This incredibly hard and only a handful of people have beaten this challenge, the Cat Warrior obviously being one, and a woman named Louise Jackass, a spotty, freaky and has hair that’s just, wrong. She may become a keen character to watch in the future of this story.

Mages Were only introduced 6 years after the seagull attack, so there are only about 1,500 mages in the human army. The key figures in the mage part are, Behemoth (even though he’s not any good, they had to pass him off as the best mage that ever lived, it’s just his thing to make people respect him more, or if not respect, fear), and a man called Jardel Montero, he was the actual best mage, and also maybe a keen person to consider watching. There training was a sort of boot camp, but a mage one. Very harsh trainers, maybe because Behemoth had made it that way to make sure no one overtook him in the mage ranking, and in hope of them giving up because it’s too tough, and people get badly treated. Training to keep fit, washing the building, painting and studying in any spare time they can conjure up. Mainly woke up a 5 a.m. and went to sleep at 8, unless you wanted to do more studying, then people tended to stay up until 9 or 10. It was tough training your accuracy and spells, to make you an unbelievable mage warrior, which consisted of only 5 people, (Jardel) Montero, Shnell, van Strom, Peaux and Harrison. These together are strong, defensive, quick, and intelligent, and of course there’s Jardel who’s just beasty.

After the seagull attack there grew a special tree in the center of the school that was attacked and off it grew simple apples, but since the seagulls had mutated it, it had some kind of super wood, a strong but yet flexible wood, smooth yet stayed firm in your hand. After the war the former king ‘King Graham’ had seen these trees and tried one of these apples that grew upon it, he almost died that very moment, inside these apples laid ingredients such as mud, bird shit, and even moldy fungus, and that’s somehow possible in this case. So they decided just to get the seeds out of the apples and plant them all around a park, amazingly they were fully grown to a 17 foot tree within 2 weeks, so the people of the city just kept planting them around, and after a while they had filled the park, so then they stripped the park bare of all the trees making sure the seeds were out of the apples and planted, and made the bows that weren’t meant to be this good without magical enchantment. Glistening in the sun all types of bows were laid out for the bowmen of the army to go pick up.

Though Behemoth still sits on his throne with the Cat Warrior by his side waiting for any news.

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