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Subject: -[Dreams never fade, but evolve in the frigidity of solitude.

Frozen Dreams
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Date Posted: 09:08:20 01/25/03 Sat
In reply to: Perseus 's message, "*As dark as the shadows...*" on 07:17:37 01/25/03 Sat

With a purposeful gait, the pallid stallion carried himself toward the gathering. he had intended to have words with aerial, not having seen her since her return from Infinite Valley. his stride held a swagger, as though he already owned the land, and his pallet was set with a smug sort of indifference. masking, as it did, a smirk that lurked near the corners of his labrums. Recognizing one of the two others standing with the venomous femme he was at first startled to see the male sans master, but, he supposed, apprentices don't get to play with the big boys.
The approaching gloom already basked his mane and tail in their somber darkness, leaving the dusty hue of his coat to fend for itself.
as his gaze wandered to the second mascu he narrowed his eyes with a scathing intention, sure enough he had noticed the other's attentions. and whether or not they meant anything at all mattered little to him, notion ricoched around his grey matter, with the exuberance leant to it by his inflated ego. mine. stalking closer he imposed himself between the brute's gaze and aerial's nigrescent form. casting a sharp glance to the stallion as he did so, before circling his firey occulis ot alight upon the ebon form of Perseus.
he spared barely a glance for the mare, and renegged to stand too near, resting about a half-foot from her at all times. he made no motion to greet her, or to nip her shoulder in affection; which, after his jealous appearance, would have been expected. instead he cocked one of his lobes in direction of the stranger, with he obvious warning imprinted on the gesture. he spoke clearly, and for a moment his thoughts returned to the reason he had come home in the first place, sending his occulars on a short mission about the terra. but finding a single equid, no matter how noble, amid the turmoil of creatures that lounged in the valley would be like finding a needle in a haystack. soon though, soon he would lend his efforts to it.
returning to the immediate gathering he allowed a brief nod to the company, belying his superior attitude for the common courtesies, and spoke a greeting. his voice was like a monotonous drawl that had been skewerd and irked. for his tone held some of the temper he neglected to unleash, as well as some of the curiosity he had toward the presence of perseus.

greetings, may i assume introductions have already been made and cast my own into the mix? i am called Frozen Dreams.

he smirked momentarily at the implications his name and presence held over the land. and waited in amused silence for reaction; especially from the darker stallion who was no doubt more informed as to the present situation.

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[> Subject: the stallion smiled at the presents of the other

Example of Death
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Date Posted: 09:23:03 01/25/03 Sat

Hello Frozen Dreams he said with a slight smirk pon his face. he looked back at the mare and smiled good day M' lady he said and slowly he walked away from them and towards the younger stallion becking him to follow so they could talk

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