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Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 07:17:37 01/25/03 Sat

*He picks his way across the barren, rocky land. His muscular feautures show with every step he makes. His long black forelock covers his dark eyes, adding a sense of mystery to the young stallion. He is relieved to be able to be away from his master for the time while Euripedes discusses battle tactics with the King. This new home seems to provide many opportunities to get away from him. The fear once seen in his face and nature when with his master are gone now that he is on his own. His time to shine is here he knows. This is where he can be himself, all he needs is a partner in crime.*

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[> Subject: a tall arab walks up to him

Example of Death
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Date Posted: 07:57:15 01/25/03 Sat

He looks at the new stallion sizing him up then he speaks Hello I am Example of Death. you are? he waits for a reply

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[> Subject: -: angels for everyone

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Date Posted: 08:12:12 01/25/03 Sat

it was with a languid stride that aerial made her way towards the duo, coming to an abrupt halt between them. her pate tipped towards the earth in a learned fashion, for that had been the way strangers greeted each other in her old lands, the thirtenth dimension. it seemed that here, in the domicile of cascade mountains, strangers did not extend those same courtesies. her gaze fell upon first the mysterious ebony male who stood to her right, then to the arab male, to her left. she did not speak at first, but simply took it all in.

she was a pretty girl. but, like most others on the edge of depression, she didn't see it that way. she was not a big creature. she was the second born and, as is normal with twins, she was given less space to grow within the womb. like most aspects of her life, her older sister got more then her share, leaving the piceous infidel to scrape up whatever was left over. her sire's swarthy canvas because hers, but her dam's silver emulation showed through in certain places. a faint steel tint was scrawled across her hindquarters and her withers, and platinum threads shone through the mass of atramentous tresses. her palette was predominantly arabian, as was her build, sleek and svelte. yes, she was a pretty creature, but, the reality was, it was her eyes that made her beautiful. the melanoid oracles were like miniature abyss, but always they shown with mischief and laughter and a certain 'je ne sais quois' that made you look twice. like a set of multi-faceted diamonds, they appeared as though they were alive, twinkling like stars against the somber sky.

at last, at last she summoned the words to greet the two stallions, and, with the stars shining brightly in her twin oracles, and a smile creeping its way over her pristine features, she greeted them in her cordial way, mug tipping once more, to accompany her words.

"salutations, friends. i am aerial. how are you on this rather imperfectly beautiful winter day?"

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[> Subject: the stallion shifted his weight towards the mare

example of death
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Date Posted: 08:34:42 01/25/03 Sat

tipping his head in respect just fine, and you he said with a smile as he looked at her glancing over every part of her body even the smallest details of her frame he smiles at her beauty

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[> Subject: -[Dreams never fade, but evolve in the frigidity of solitude.

Frozen Dreams
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Date Posted: 09:08:20 01/25/03 Sat

With a purposeful gait, the pallid stallion carried himself toward the gathering. he had intended to have words with aerial, not having seen her since her return from Infinite Valley. his stride held a swagger, as though he already owned the land, and his pallet was set with a smug sort of indifference. masking, as it did, a smirk that lurked near the corners of his labrums. Recognizing one of the two others standing with the venomous femme he was at first startled to see the male sans master, but, he supposed, apprentices don't get to play with the big boys.
The approaching gloom already basked his mane and tail in their somber darkness, leaving the dusty hue of his coat to fend for itself.
as his gaze wandered to the second mascu he narrowed his eyes with a scathing intention, sure enough he had noticed the other's attentions. and whether or not they meant anything at all mattered little to him, notion ricoched around his grey matter, with the exuberance leant to it by his inflated ego. mine. stalking closer he imposed himself between the brute's gaze and aerial's nigrescent form. casting a sharp glance to the stallion as he did so, before circling his firey occulis ot alight upon the ebon form of Perseus.
he spared barely a glance for the mare, and renegged to stand too near, resting about a half-foot from her at all times. he made no motion to greet her, or to nip her shoulder in affection; which, after his jealous appearance, would have been expected. instead he cocked one of his lobes in direction of the stranger, with he obvious warning imprinted on the gesture. he spoke clearly, and for a moment his thoughts returned to the reason he had come home in the first place, sending his occulars on a short mission about the terra. but finding a single equid, no matter how noble, amid the turmoil of creatures that lounged in the valley would be like finding a needle in a haystack. soon though, soon he would lend his efforts to it.
returning to the immediate gathering he allowed a brief nod to the company, belying his superior attitude for the common courtesies, and spoke a greeting. his voice was like a monotonous drawl that had been skewerd and irked. for his tone held some of the temper he neglected to unleash, as well as some of the curiosity he had toward the presence of perseus.

greetings, may i assume introductions have already been made and cast my own into the mix? i am called Frozen Dreams.

he smirked momentarily at the implications his name and presence held over the land. and waited in amused silence for reaction; especially from the darker stallion who was no doubt more informed as to the present situation.

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[> Subject: the stallion smiled at the presents of the other

Example of Death
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Date Posted: 09:23:03 01/25/03 Sat

Hello Frozen Dreams he said with a slight smirk pon his face. he looked back at the mare and smiled good day M' lady he said and slowly he walked away from them and towards the younger stallion becking him to follow so they could talk

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[> Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 09:31:10 01/25/03 Sat

*the black stallion eyes the group surrounding him with a small smirk on his face. In most cases, he is a very confident young man, and his ego is apparent at times, but he reigns himself in to watch the horses before him. He stops himself from eyeing the mare, for he is young and of hot blood, always looking for a lady for the night. He knows she is off limits, especially when Frozen Dreams approaches. He can't help but laugh quietly about how the mare approached the two stallions. She obviously was looking for something too. As the third stallion approached, a bell went off in his head. Euripedes had told him to watch this stallion, he was trouble. His facial expression showed little of his thoughts or emotions, just his egotistical, confident smirk.*

I am Perseus, the wizard's apprentice. It is a pleasure to meet you all.

*His eyes stop at the couple at the completion of his greeting. The mare he knew wouldn't be so difficult, but the stallion was someone he would need to watch out for.*

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[> Subject: -: stupid girl

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Date Posted: 09:36:31 01/25/03 Sat

What drives you on
Can drive you mad
A million lies to sell yourself
Is all you ever had

Her gaze flickerd towads Frozen Dreams, and fell to rest on his figure with what could be inteurpreted as nothing but cold and caluclated disdain. Who was he to act overprotective of her? Rage played within her eyes, but it was quickly replaced with a smirk. You think you're worthy of me, Frozen Dreams? Dream on. With a slight hiss, she moved to follow the departing figure of Examples of Death, but Frozen Dreams stood in her way. Not a problem thogh. As she brushed past the arrogant and jealous creature who considered himself more like a God then a mortal, her pate lashed out, ivories snapping harshly against his neck. Keep dreaming, FD. You'll never get me. Of course, her body betrayed her immediately, as her slightly rounded midriff pushed past him. It was starting to show, and soon she wouldn't be able to hide it. Oh well, it didn't mean anything. So what if she was pregnant? He had no hold over her, and she would prove it. Four bounding steps brought her even with Example's frame, and her shoulder brushed his gently, a coy grin crossing her features. Mind if I tag along?

You stupid girl
You stupid girl
Can't believe you fake it
Can't believe you fake it

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[> Subject: -[childish behavior

Frozen Dreams
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Date Posted: 10:05:10 01/25/03 Sat

admittedly he had expected no more than what she showed him. his jealousy had come back to haunt him. yet anger burned white hot within his veins and he gnashed his teeth in her general direction, occulis burned with greater brightness in his rage and he stamped his foot once, onyx dagger burrying itself into the snow blanketed terra, neglecting to nurse the sting of her bite. querries forgotten he glared at her retreating form a few seconds, snorting in exasperated rage he managed to still his limbs as they demanded to be allowed to chase after her. he had learned much of her since that first skirmish oh so long ago. and he could prove it too. pressing thoughts of violence from his mind he allowed his gaze to drift to her swollen stomach and a haughty smirk played across his features. she could pretend all she wanted. but now he did have something to hold over her in her disdainful manner, and she could no longer deny it to others. he toned down the volume on his fury and snapped his carania back, to stare into the watching eyes of the ebony stallion. his glare held the demand, and the reserve. his ego had been brutally damaged once again at her hand and he retreated to the safety of his temper. as his occulars bore into the palet of the apprentice they invited any comments this one could make with narrowed eyes and the power of his brawn backing him as he did.
well? go ahead, say it, i dare you.he was beyond restraint, and any other insulting action could put him over the edge. his tail curled impatiently about his hocks and his entire frame quivered with the attempt to reign in his violent disposition.

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[> Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 10:30:09 01/25/03 Sat

*His cocks his eyebrow and smiles slightly at the infuriated stallion before him. He smiles because he had done nothing wrong, he had not looked at the mare, he had not said anything to either of them besides an introduction. Frozen Dreams could not beat his mate, but he could beat a stallion, so why not? He speaks calmly with little emotion in his voice as he turns to walk away.*

I don't think I need to say anything. Good day sir.

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[> Subject: doesen't bother me

Example of death
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Date Posted: 16:46:54 01/25/03 Sat

her looked at the mare and smiled something was different about him he usually wasnt that kind to others but he couldnt help himself she seemed to do something to him she made him tremble inside she made him feel helpless don't mind me saying but you look gourgous(sp)against the the horizen(sp i no i no)

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[> Subject: -: angels in everyone

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Date Posted: 17:57:10 01/25/03 Sat

aerial was not one who was very used to compliments, and barely managed to keep from blushing at the male's kind words. she shot a glance over her shoulder, to look at frozen dreams, and forced herself not to regret pushing him aside as she had. instead, she forces her attention back to example, and allows a coy grin to creep over her beautiful features.

"thank you... you're too kind to me. i am nothing but a mare, doing her best to succede in life."

her shoulder brushed his once again, and her neck stretched slightly, mug brushing his nape gently. a content sigh rested upon her labrums as she gazed out over the lands. her slender limbs ceased movement, and she simply stood, silhouetted by the falling sun, and perfectly happy. everything was going just as she wanted...

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[> Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 18:39:01 01/25/03 Sat

*He is much larger then all who surround him, but the different emotions and personalities could crush him. Frozen Dreams' fury due to his crushed ego is something to be wary of, because he appears to want to take it out on him. From the start he could see through Aerials's motivation, though he is not sure whether he admires it, or if it makes him sick. He is slightly disgusted at the third stallion's actions, to flirt with another stallion's mate is one thing, to come on to her is something completely different. Well, the guy has balls. He now waits for which emotion is going to hit him first *

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[> Subject: faithy made it on!

Frozen Dreams
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Date Posted: 19:11:49 01/25/03 Sat

it was with obvious displeasure that the pallid stallion observed the strange stallion and aerial as they smallened on the horizon. it would not have been unexpected of him to run after her and sound the alarm on this other, maybe allow some useful outlet for his energy. he saw the obvious thoughts that scrawled across the others' features when they put the names 'aerial' and 'frozen dreams' together in their minds. it was amusing at some points, infuriating at others. sometimes it brought with it the realisation to him that the temptress wasn't, and never would be, his. sure, he had sired her child. but that meant very little in the grand scheme of things. and, as he pushed himself further into thought, he realised he really didn't care. beneath his arrogance ther was.. well, arrogance. he was just as shallow as he appeared to be. he supposed, with ofhand disdain, that his jealousy was bound to something more deeply embeded, but when it was all drawn out who was to say that he hadn't just chased the one he couldn't have, because he knew he couldn't have her?
snorting again he reigned his gaze from the departing duo and looked again to the departed perseus. in his already unsettled state the stygian one's departure had rattled his narrow bridle of restraint. however; he must remember the task at hand. and the memory was enough to drive the thoght of the others from his mind, if only for a second. then, tossing his mane, he remembered the reason for his early return to the valley. he turned after the silver tinted female but hesitated, onyx dagger poised above the frozen earth, snow dropping from it, as if to disrupt the stillness of the scene.
with a grudging expression he gritted his teeth and set forward at a brisk pace, dancing toward the pair with unsubtle grace, the only fault in his allure being the unkempt hatred in his eyes. as he drew level with the vixen he eyed her warily, carefully keeping distance between them. he cast a second-rate cautionary glance to the mascu; he wouldn't be a problem. he attempted to block this one from the corridors of his thought for the moment, as he was attempting to remain diplomatic and knew with the utmost surety that if he allowed his thoughts to dwell with the other male there would be conflict.
when he spoke his voice held a quiet urgency and the remnants of his fury, echoing the quiet pitch through the air with clear intention, though he skirted the real reason for his words.

aerial. what have you learned yet? we must confer on..

he'd been about to say 'on our strategies' but had thought better of it, nigrescent pools wandering once again to the brujo, standing near. but then, with a mirthlessly dry chuckle and a small smirk of haughty pride he continued. news of their plans had spread much more quickly than he had dared hope, and it would be a given that the creatures of the valley would have heard already, so he dropped his guard when next he spoke

you have been to infinite valley? and where else? what do they say there? who do they favour?

he fell into silence, to allow her time to answer his querries before he pressed on, still picking his way around strategy for the moment, heedful of listening ears. word would travel fast to the king of anything constructive on their paths. instead he levelled his gaze with hers, asking without words. he half expected the mare to give him the cold shoulder and say absolutely nothing; but after all she wanted this as much as he did. she cared for the people of the land as much as he, and was striving just as hard for their betterment. why should she ignore him now? it was her choice to hold company with other males, to seek them out as they had sought each other. but in this thing he was certain he would have her attention.

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[> Subject: -: angels in anyone

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Date Posted: 19:29:50 01/25/03 Sat

aerial allowed herself to gaze at the male perseus for a brief while. slowly, she meanders closer to him, until at last her movements ceased, and she was in front of him. her pate tipped towards the earth, and she spoke to him in tones that were as soft and soothing as the sea lapping gently against the shore.

"salutations stranger. though you know my name, i know not yours, for a slew of events drove us apart before proper introductions could be made."

she paused, her gaze moving over his large form, studying him. her eyes never rested in one place, constantly moving, shifting. she could see it in the male's eyes, she could see exactly what he was thinking. did he think he could hide his thoughts from her. she was shocked and unsure as to why this large creature would hold disdain towards examples of death. he'd done nothing wrong. and suddenly it made sense to her. perseus must have assumed, because of frozen dream's overprotective motions, that he and aerial were mates. the very thought sickened her.

"me and frozen dreams are not togeather. do not think badly of me for flirting with another when i have a mate that loves me. there is nothing between fd and i, nor will there ever be."

suddenly her attention flickered to an approaching figure and it was not long before she figured out who it was. frozen dreams. he'd come running back to her like a whimpering puppy. she refrained from laughing, but just barely. as she spoke a more serious look took hold of her features.

"i have been there, and spoke with vague, but she wants her and x to agree on their side before stating officially what they will do. so i will return soon to speak with them once more. as i will with the other lands i ventured to."

aerial allowed her gaze to venture between frozen dreams and perseus, wanting to converse with the latter, but finding herself forced to speak with the other.

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[> Subject: Intrigue and desire

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Date Posted: 10:02:15 01/26/03 Sun

*He listens to the mare's words with little interest, just enough to hear that she has no mate. He watches her eyes roam his body and takes a step closer.* I am Perseus, the wizard's apprentice. *His words are smooth as silk, for the seduction has begun. A young, lustful stallion such as he can easily read the emotions of the other sex and use them to his advantage*

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[> Subject: I existed from all eternity and, behold, I am here; and I shall exist till the end of time, for my being has no end

Seductress of the Storm
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Date Posted: 10:29:17 01/26/03 Sun

*the dark mare watched the small soap opera with partial interest. yet it was the only thing goin on for mal and euripedes had become silent in their matters. She walked down to the small gathering head held high. She recognized Aerial and Fd and the ebony stallion called perseus. She quietly examined Example running her eyes over his muscled body a few times then tossed her black mane out of her souless orbs. She watched aerial toy with FD and chuckled to herself finding that she liked the mare's disposition. Her muscles twitched with impatience as she silently observed the horses around her*

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[> Subject: don't play with fire.

Frozen Dreams
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Date Posted: 10:37:36 01/26/03 Sun

as she concluded her speech the pallid brute bobbed his head once, and stood in silent consideration. when he agains heard her speak he chuckled lowly and the action caused his larynx to beceised by bitterness. he was sickened to his very core at the way the veomous femme fatale so attracted stallions. ofcourse, he was shallow enough for jealousy to seep into his mind, to believe that she was his, if only for an instant. but he knew better. and now he listened to common sense and fell back to shaking his head, stygian pools glancing up to the dark mascu, the remainder of his jealousy still lurked within the embers of his occulars, but were tainted now with amusment and disgust. he had acted brashly, and at the time been well aware what the consequences would be, but now he watched this other, and the message lurked behind his gaze, fillinf his mind with a rolling laughter. careful now. don't get too close. this one bites
the ebony male was being more than a little presumptuous, to believe that his attempts at seduction would prove fruitful. aerial chose her suitors, and was hash and cold in her manner. but if he could manage it, well then he had Frozen Dreams' congratulations.
stepping back now, he gave aerial one last look, rolling his eyes as he did, before pivotting sharply on his heel, slinking back toward the shadows, leaving only the wind and a trail of deflowered snow in his wake.

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[> Subject: -: my soul brings tears to angelic eyes

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Date Posted: 11:07:59 01/26/03 Sun

the sublime femme fatale shot one last glance towards the departing figure of frozen dreams, reminding herself that she had buissness to attend to later on. she owed visits to two or three of the lands, to receive the final verdict on their stance in the mutiny. her attention wandered back to the male perseus, and she found her eyes once more trekking over his handsome body. her gaze lingered for a while, before shifting back to example of death, curious about where he had wandered off to. a tiny mental shrug was given, and her gaze was diverted to the wizard's apprentice. she took a half step closer to him, which would allow her intoxicating scent to wrap around them coyly. her lazily oscillating aigrette twisted about her hocks in a seductive manner, and her finely dished pate was allowed to tip, accenting her pulchritudonous nature. no one deserved to be as beautiful as aerial was, and the rose most certainly did not deserve to look as she did. she'd been called the epitome of perfection by several. constantly did males fall victim to her feminine charms. it wasn't that she had some sick desire to coerce men, it just...happened. in her old home she'd found herself with the love of a highly ranked and respected male, and she bore to him a daughter as lovely as the stars. but now both forsaken and cry were lost to her, and though she mourned them, that had been so long ago, and she now found herself hungering to be affiliated with another. the divine celestial creature summoned a reply of sort, and allowed her soft and seductive words to be pulled away on the wind.

"a wizards apprentice, you say. sounds impressive... you must be very powerful..."

the rose

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[> Subject: Powerful?

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Date Posted: 19:58:09 01/26/03 Sun

*He smiles thoughtfully at the mention of power. Yes, he was well on his way to becoming a wizard himself, but while he was an apprentice, no power shall be given to him.* I don't really like to talk about my work. Its not really what I am about.
*He can't take his eyes off of her seductive form. This is not like him, he is a ladies man. He isn't one to be taken over by emotions, but he is completely drawn to this mare. Emotional attachment is not something he generally needs to spend the night with a young mare, but he is attracted to her evil nature. He knows the game she is playing. She is going to play him, but for some reason he doesn't care in the least bit.

But he is also attracted to the fact that this appears to be a situation that would crush Frozen Dreams' ego even more. And he is not one to pass up the opportunity to raise himself up a few notches.

He breathes in slowly, taking in her scent. His eyes wander across her form again, but settle on her stomach. Is she...no, she can't be...he shakes the thought from his mind, he is probably just imagining things.*

(OOC yeah, its a pretty crappy post, but I'm tired, so forgive me this once, haha)

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[> Subject: -: the rose

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Date Posted: 07:40:05 01/27/03 Mon

the fatale nodden her acknowledgment of his first words, a silent agreement to speak no more of his apprenticeship or powers. she smiled coyly once more, well aware of how perfect she was, and rather content to use it to her advantage. besides, if she'd drawing in a pretty boy like this perseus, is there really anything wrong with it? she gave a gentle mewl of contentment, something that could count as equivalent to a cat's purr. the blowing winds grew stronger, and she felt a chill run up her side. she was now beginning to realize she couldn't withstand extreme temperatures. her form scooted, without thinking about it, closer to the male's, and she founder herself curled against his side, her pate resting slightly below his. once more did she chatter from the brisk lack of heat, but his form beside her offered her warmth, and she smiled up at him, the thought that he might not want her so close to him never even crossing her mind.

[[ ugh, that post was so bad... -dies- ]]

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[> Subject: *He smiles thoughtfully*

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Date Posted: 12:20:22 01/27/03 Mon

*As the mare scoots closer, he tenses a bit from surprise, but he quickly takes advantage of the situation. He lowers his head next to hers, cold breath appearing in front of their faces as he chants quietly. A warm aura surrounds the mare, taking the chill from her bones, and the shiver from her muscles. The frozen breath still emits from Perseus, but Aerial is warm and sheltered. He smiles softly, enjoying showing off his powers.*

I hope that helps some

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[> Subject: -: the rose

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Date Posted: 15:38:02 01/27/03 Mon

she was shocked at first, as warmth flooded over her svelte form, and her confusion showed, briefly tainting her finely chisled arabian features. her frame fit perfectly in to the contours of the wizard's apprentice musceled body, and a content sigh was expelled as the warm feeling enveloped her, both on the inside and on the outside. she could tell he had an ulterior motive for this, that it was not done solely to comfort her. he was showing off. not that the venomous one had any problem with that. no, in comparison to frozen dreams' constant arrogance, she enjoyed perseus' silent ostentatious show.

much better...thank you.

she whispered, until at last she submitted to her body's desire for rest, and her paper thin lids slid shut, sleep washing over her. the last she she saw, felt, smelt was perseus' warm and comforting body pressed tightly against her, and for that one second in eternity, she was perfectly happy.

the rose

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[> Subject: subject schmubject

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Date Posted: 19:08:51 01/27/03 Mon

*While watching the mare fall asleep, he slowly lowers her delicate form to the ground, folding her legs under her. His hulking form providing as a wind barrier he shelters her and watches her breath.

Perseus had been looking for a partner in crime, he indeed believes he has found a partner in crime, though the obstacle would be her other partner.

He is not one to settle down, a traveling man, not one to get attached, but a relationship not necessarily based on love, but on physical attraction and personality is something he could handle. if love comes later, he will deal with it then, but why not have some fun while he can.

She is a beautiful schemer, much like himself. Deceitful and sexy, he just can't help but eat it up. It will be fun to try and read her mind, delve into her thoughts, uncover her schemes. She was a challenge and he couldn't help but love it.*

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[> Subject: he watches them carefully

example of death
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Date Posted: 13:32:31 01/28/03 Tue

looking at the mare he decides to just continue to leave

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[> Subject: looking up

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Date Posted: 16:48:11 01/28/03 Tue

*Trying not to disturb the mare he mouths to the stallion*
I'll talk to you later.

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[> Subject: Beware The Raging Storm

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Date Posted: 19:20:47 01/28/03 Tue

*watches the two with interest the looks at example as he leaves. Deciding she needed to be social she loped after him tail flagged. As she reached him she looked at the stallion with her haunting eyes. Her black mane whipped at her moon kissed neck as she slowed to a walk.* Hello, I am Seductress Of The Storm but you can call me storm since it's a moutful and you are? *she looks at him awaiting an answer*

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[> Subject: -: the divine feline

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Date Posted: 18:53:38 01/30/03 Thu

To the Wounded:
......I have seen the self image they've forced you to reduce to shattered glass, with the only remaining value lying in it's jagged edges. But the few who warrant waking for await their recognition. No fear of death but with fear of life, your weakness kills everyone. So live. Angels for everyone. For no lack of searching I can't seem to find one. Angels in everyone. What of all their promises? Can't seem to find much more than lies. Angels in anyone. A permanent solution to a temporary problem. Before I'd lay me down to rest, I'd throw away everything to live.

the sublime ebony and steel creature stirred from her reveries, haunting aubergine flowers dilating to full blossom as they were revealed to the fading sunlight. another gentle mewl of contentment was released, as she realized she'd somehow become nestled against the wizard's apprentice's handsome form. her slender forelimbs were stretched before her, and she yawned slightly, gathering her limbs and propelling herself towards the heavens. her pate tipped, maw dropping to play at her male companion's ebony dermis, ivory enamels preening perseus' absent mindedly. her mind toiled mischeviously, and she knew he was thinking the same thoughts. they were both playing off each other, and they were both enjoying every second of it. aerial allowed a coy smile to remain fixated upon her perfect features, and she couldn't wait to see what the future would hold for this odd relationship that had formed so quickly between herself and perseus. and even more, what would happen when the rebellion stirred again, and the mutiny occured? aerial led the opposition, while euripides had already pledged his apprentice to supporting malussinn. the rose allowed her gaze to meet the male's with the uttermost sincerity, and she voiced the many thoughts that trampised through the rivers of her twisted mind.

"perseus, i'm well aware that euripides had declared you to be a supporter of malussinn, and you must know that i lead the mutiny... i worry about what this will do to... us."

she allowed her emphasis to fall upon the final word, and her gaze did not falter. she could not, would not hide that she liked him. he was handsome, and she knew her body craved to once more feel the warmth of his strength beside her. their personalities clicked in the oddest, but strangely enjoyable way, and beyond that, their was a world of uncertainty...

a e r i a l
mouthful of poison

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[> Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 20:05:48 01/30/03 Thu

*He watches the mare rise from her rest, remaining on the ground, looking up at her angelic features. He rises slowly, shaking the dirt off his shiny pelt and stretching his bones. He listened to her speak and her emphasis on her final word caused him to start. US? A relationship between the obviously two loners. He masks his surprise to answer her question.*

I could care less what Euripedes has done. He doesn't own me, I am free to do as I please.

*He knows his last statement was a blatant lie. Defying his master could lead to awful things as he had experienced at the snowball. The wizard was all powerful and actually did own him. He is ashamed of his position and ashamed of his fear. But this is all hidden to the untrained eye until he is in the prescense of the wizard. For now, he speaks with confidence. He approached Aerial and nips at her ear teasingly, for he is still the young steed who is looking for a little fun and action. It also serves as a change of subject. He whispers softly into her ear.*

I sure do hope that Frozen Dreams is out of the picture...because I want you all to myself.

*He smiles with intent.*

I am afraid a fight between himself and I would be a little...one-sided.

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[> Subject: -: angels in everyone

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Date Posted: 13:44:37 01/31/03 Fri

i can't stand my laughter as they cry
my soul brings tears to angelic eyes

the piceous infidel deemed it to be in both of their best intrests when she offered no response to his first reply. instead she diverted her attention to his last statements, and while a seductive grin crept over her features at his teasing words, the thoughts tht swirled through her mind were much less jovial.

frozen dreams was never in the picture.

it was true as much as it was a lie. except for their mutiny, nothing tied the two of them togeather, except one, small detail... aerial's unborn child. if the rebellion went as planned, the progeny of frozen dreams and aerial would become their heir, and would live on, forever a reminder of what once was. aerial hissed at the thought, and shoved it forcefully from her mind. how she detested frozen dreams. she snapped back to reality just to catch his second sentence, and though she heard it clearly, it confused her slightly. one-sided? for who? frozen dreams was likely the more skilled warrior, but perseus' powers would play a large part in the fight...

a e r i a l
mouthful of poison

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[> Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 19:04:38 01/31/03 Fri

*He takes a small step back from the mare, a little confused that she didn't return his affections. What kind of game was she playing with him? Had his mention of Frozen Dreams hardened her? He tried to read her thoughts through her eyes, for the power of mind reading was something Euripedes would never teach him. For once he couldn't read a mare, he had no idea what this complex creature was thinking. Now he was coming to the realization that winning this mare to his bed for the night wasn't going to be as black and white as with the others. Not to mention that he was growing quite attached to her complexity. He just couldn't figure out what was happening. Perhaps another attempt would work. He jumps towards her, nipping her mane and lingering in its sweet scent.*

Did I do something wrong?

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[> Subject: -: the rose

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Date Posted: 11:45:43 02/02/03 Sun

aerial lingered in limbo, in a state of semi-awareness to all that went on around her. she made no move in response to the male's teasing affection. she liked him, she would not hide it but... her gaze snapped to his, her glare intense, as if it could devour his very soul and esscence.

surely you know i carry his child...

it was blatantly, almost painfully obvious, who 'he' was. aside from her menacing miniature abysses, the divine feline's features remained impassive, completely unreadable. why did life choose to suddenly become so complicated?

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[> Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 12:03:49 02/02/03 Sun

*He jumps back with surprise, his brow furrowing, his eyes darting. He did know, but he didn't believe it.*

Oh... oh, ummm, i didn't know that. * He is obviously uncomfortable which is apparent through his stammering.*

I'm sorry, I should go I guess, I didn't realize...you said you weren't his...but you are his...I'm sorry to impose.

*He backs away slowly, he can't be with a mare that is bound to another. He has more honor then that. He is a tad bothered that she would lead him on like that, not to mention frustrated.*

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[> Subject: -: the rose

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Date Posted: 14:26:44 02/02/03 Sun

the ebony and steel creature gave a silent sigh of exasperation. she liked perseus, but his mind was twisting things all up! she jumped to his side with nothing that even vaguely resembled grace, but she didn't care. she just didn't want him to leave her.

no perseus, that's not how it is...

she struggled to find the words that could explain the situation, and was disappointed to discover that their were no word for this.

me and frozen dreams decided that we needed to have an heir, so if the mutiny goes over as planned, and if something ever happened to us, we would have someone to take over. my child had nothing to do with love, affecion, or even mutual respect. it's all about politics.

she stopped then, her gaze falling to rest loosely with his. did what she had said make things different? did it makes things better?

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[> Subject: Shock

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Date Posted: 17:01:22 02/02/03 Sun

*His face remains shellshocked, his mouth aghast. He did not have the maturity to handle something quite this big. A foal? He would be with a mare who had someone else's foal, what would that do to his masculinity, his pride? He shakes his head slowly, looking down at the ground. He looks up into the mare's face, his expression quite serious for once. For he did like the mare, he wanted to be with her. It was a major event for him to be emotionally attached to someone.*

What would you do if you were me?

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[> Subject: he looks at the mare beside him and smiles

Example of death
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Date Posted: 13:11:26 02/03/03 Mon

my name is Example of Death he stops and looks deeper at the mare his eyes seemed amost as if they had been glazed over, like glass, they showed none of the tremendous emotion he held inside. he just stood there thoughts racing inside his head, thinking about his sister leaving him, he thought about seeing his mother die before him nice to meet you

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[> Subject: -: angels in anyone

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Date Posted: 13:42:56 02/03/03 Mon

the stygian fatale allowed her pate to drop to the ground, another indecisive sigh given. she couldn't begin to understand what perseus was thinking, but she knew her own heart was going insane. oh, this whole situation made her just hate politics.

i can't answer that for you...i'm not you.

but maybe those words were just a pathetic excuse so she wouldn't have to say what she thought...maybe maybe...

[[ -kills crappy post- i am so brain dead... ]]

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[> Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 15:53:46 02/03/03 Mon

*He lets forth a long, slow sigh, shaking his head as if it was going to shake his thoughts into place. He wonders if he was going to regret what he was going to say next.*

You obviously know that I want you. As a lover and maybe something more. For once I am interested in someone for more then their looks and what I can get out of them at the time. But there is something different about you Aerial, I don't really know what it is yet, but I want to find out. I don't care about politics, I'm not into structure like that. But I am into you. So I don't really know what to do, I can't say that I have ever had a real relationship, and I don't even know if thats what you are looking for.....

*He pauses from his senseless blathering, as if something in his mind shut his mouth. He slowly makes eye contact with the mare.*

What are you looking for?

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[> Subject: -: we hurt ourselves

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Date Posted: 18:05:06 02/04/03 Tue

we hurt ourselves
and i feel the sting
of broken hearts
and burning wings...

aerial had no clue as to how she was suppose to answer the question he posed. she didn't even know the answer! what was she looking for? what was she looking for? she hadn't the slightest clue. love? no, she would never be lucky enough to find true love. a mischevious partner in crime? while, in some ways, frozen dream fufilled that requirement, but he was much less amusing, much less handsome, and much less enjoyable then perseus is. what was she looking for? before the question had even traced through her mind, the response appeared to her. but no, it was too cliche. it was too... true. and when at last she spoke, her voice quivered with emotion, and she couldn't bring herself to meet his questioning gaze.

i'm looking to be with you...

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[> Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 11:48:59 02/05/03 Wed

*He stands motionless for a moment, trying to process everything. That was the answer that he had hoped for and also dreaded. Of course he wanted Aerial, who didn't, she was the trophy girl with brains to go with it. The two were actually very alike.*

What kind of life are you planning on for your child? You claim that yourself and Frozen Dreams have no connection anymore except for your work, but this foal is going to be a huge connection. Is he going to be daddy, or am I going to be daddy? There is obviously going to be hostility between himself and I and probably even you and he, so where does that leave the kid? Caught in the middle. Thats just not right. I'm not ready to be daddy yet, I'm still young and free wheeling, I am just not responsible enough to care for a young foal.

But then there is you, just you by yourself. *He smiles softly and runs his muzzle through her sweet smelling mane, nuzzling her neck seductively and soothingly.* You are not even describable to me. We are so alike, perfect partners in crime. *He chuckles* Though you would be the brains of the operation. I wanna have fun and I know you are fun.

I have no idea which way to go.

*He chooses not to mention that being connected to the mutiny leaders would not bide well with Euripedes, who supported the King. It would be a dangerous relationship, because he truly was owned by another, the wizard had him on a leash.*

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[> Subject: -: broken hearts and burning wings

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Date Posted: 14:21:05 02/05/03 Wed

the stygian mirage shifted her mass impatiently from limb to limb. there was nothing she could say to make this all better? what about her child, her little progeny to be? you could see from how her sides swelled that the foal would be born any day. aerial hated the way her bubbling mid section interrupted the flowing of her form, but she couldn't wait for her child to be born. hers. she hadn't realized until now that she'd never really thought of this child as frozen dream's before. in her mind, there was no problem with what her child's life would be like. they would be a prince, or princess [which she would prefer], and they'd be perfect. in nature, stallions had nothing to do with the upbringing of a child. sure, they provided their stuff in the creation of the foal, but as soon as that was done with, they saw themselves as being finished. she could, once again, offering him no reassurance. their was no simplistic way for them to transgress the barriers that hindered their budding relationship. all the rose could summon was a meek 'i don't know...' and nothing more.

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[> Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 19:26:21 02/05/03 Wed

*Not quite knowing where to go from there he looks out upon the territory and his eyes fall upon a scene developing. He holds back curses as he realizes what it is. Frozen Dreams was confronting Malussinn to begin the revolt. No! No, now is not the time, once something serious developes he knows that Euripedes will summon him and Aerial must go to the side of Frozen Dreams. He wasn't ready, their conversation was not over, nothing was settled, surely once she saw the part he played at the wizard's side she would not want to be with him. Not to mention they would be fighting on opposite sides. What if Malussinn won? She surely could not stay in his home after a mutiny, but Perseus could not leave. He stops his mind from racing, playing games with him, something had to be done that instant. He blurts out the first thing that comes to mind before she notices the events.*

I want to be with you too...I...I've never felt this serious about anyone so I know its real.

*He forces himself to stop to save his masculinity. He only hopes that she would not bring up where he stands on the mutiny.*

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