| it was with a languid stride that aerial made her way towards the duo, coming to an abrupt halt between them. her pate tipped towards the earth in a learned fashion, for that had been the way strangers greeted each other in her old lands, the thirtenth dimension. it seemed that here, in the domicile of cascade mountains, strangers did not extend those same courtesies. her gaze fell upon first the mysterious ebony male who stood to her right, then to the arab male, to her left. she did not speak at first, but simply took it all in.
she was a pretty girl. but, like most others on the edge of depression, she didn't see it that way. she was not a big creature. she was the second born and, as is normal with twins, she was given less space to grow within the womb. like most aspects of her life, her older sister got more then her share, leaving the piceous infidel to scrape up whatever was left over. her sire's swarthy canvas because hers, but her dam's silver emulation showed through in certain places. a faint steel tint was scrawled across her hindquarters and her withers, and platinum threads shone through the mass of atramentous tresses. her palette was predominantly arabian, as was her build, sleek and svelte. yes, she was a pretty creature, but, the reality was, it was her eyes that made her beautiful. the melanoid oracles were like miniature abyss, but always they shown with mischief and laughter and a certain 'je ne sais quois' that made you look twice. like a set of multi-faceted diamonds, they appeared as though they were alive, twinkling like stars against the somber sky.
at last, at last she summoned the words to greet the two stallions, and, with the stars shining brightly in her twin oracles, and a smile creeping its way over her pristine features, she greeted them in her cordial way, mug tipping once more, to accompany her words.
"salutations, friends. i am aerial. how are you on this rather imperfectly beautiful winter day?"
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