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Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 09:31:10 01/25/03 Sat
In reply to: Perseus 's message, "*As dark as the shadows...*" on 07:17:37 01/25/03 Sat

*the black stallion eyes the group surrounding him with a small smirk on his face. In most cases, he is a very confident young man, and his ego is apparent at times, but he reigns himself in to watch the horses before him. He stops himself from eyeing the mare, for he is young and of hot blood, always looking for a lady for the night. He knows she is off limits, especially when Frozen Dreams approaches. He can't help but laugh quietly about how the mare approached the two stallions. She obviously was looking for something too. As the third stallion approached, a bell went off in his head. Euripedes had told him to watch this stallion, he was trouble. His facial expression showed little of his thoughts or emotions, just his egotistical, confident smirk.*

I am Perseus, the wizard's apprentice. It is a pleasure to meet you all.

*His eyes stop at the couple at the completion of his greeting. The mare he knew wouldn't be so difficult, but the stallion was someone he would need to watch out for.*

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[> Subject: -: stupid girl

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Date Posted: 09:36:31 01/25/03 Sat

What drives you on
Can drive you mad
A million lies to sell yourself
Is all you ever had

Her gaze flickerd towads Frozen Dreams, and fell to rest on his figure with what could be inteurpreted as nothing but cold and caluclated disdain. Who was he to act overprotective of her? Rage played within her eyes, but it was quickly replaced with a smirk. You think you're worthy of me, Frozen Dreams? Dream on. With a slight hiss, she moved to follow the departing figure of Examples of Death, but Frozen Dreams stood in her way. Not a problem thogh. As she brushed past the arrogant and jealous creature who considered himself more like a God then a mortal, her pate lashed out, ivories snapping harshly against his neck. Keep dreaming, FD. You'll never get me. Of course, her body betrayed her immediately, as her slightly rounded midriff pushed past him. It was starting to show, and soon she wouldn't be able to hide it. Oh well, it didn't mean anything. So what if she was pregnant? He had no hold over her, and she would prove it. Four bounding steps brought her even with Example's frame, and her shoulder brushed his gently, a coy grin crossing her features. Mind if I tag along?

You stupid girl
You stupid girl
Can't believe you fake it
Can't believe you fake it

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