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Subject: doesen't bother me

Example of death
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Date Posted: 16:46:54 01/25/03 Sat
In reply to: Perseus 's message, "*As dark as the shadows...*" on 07:17:37 01/25/03 Sat

her looked at the mare and smiled something was different about him he usually wasnt that kind to others but he couldnt help himself she seemed to do something to him she made him tremble inside she made him feel helpless don't mind me saying but you look gourgous(sp)against the the horizen(sp i no i no)

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[> Subject: -: angels in everyone

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Date Posted: 17:57:10 01/25/03 Sat

aerial was not one who was very used to compliments, and barely managed to keep from blushing at the male's kind words. she shot a glance over her shoulder, to look at frozen dreams, and forced herself not to regret pushing him aside as she had. instead, she forces her attention back to example, and allows a coy grin to creep over her beautiful features.

"thank you... you're too kind to me. i am nothing but a mare, doing her best to succede in life."

her shoulder brushed his once again, and her neck stretched slightly, mug brushing his nape gently. a content sigh rested upon her labrums as she gazed out over the lands. her slender limbs ceased movement, and she simply stood, silhouetted by the falling sun, and perfectly happy. everything was going just as she wanted...

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