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Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 18:39:01 01/25/03 Sat
In reply to: Perseus 's message, "*As dark as the shadows...*" on 07:17:37 01/25/03 Sat

*He is much larger then all who surround him, but the different emotions and personalities could crush him. Frozen Dreams' fury due to his crushed ego is something to be wary of, because he appears to want to take it out on him. From the start he could see through Aerials's motivation, though he is not sure whether he admires it, or if it makes him sick. He is slightly disgusted at the third stallion's actions, to flirt with another stallion's mate is one thing, to come on to her is something completely different. Well, the guy has balls. He now waits for which emotion is going to hit him first *

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[> Subject: faithy made it on!

Frozen Dreams
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Date Posted: 19:11:49 01/25/03 Sat

it was with obvious displeasure that the pallid stallion observed the strange stallion and aerial as they smallened on the horizon. it would not have been unexpected of him to run after her and sound the alarm on this other, maybe allow some useful outlet for his energy. he saw the obvious thoughts that scrawled across the others' features when they put the names 'aerial' and 'frozen dreams' together in their minds. it was amusing at some points, infuriating at others. sometimes it brought with it the realisation to him that the temptress wasn't, and never would be, his. sure, he had sired her child. but that meant very little in the grand scheme of things. and, as he pushed himself further into thought, he realised he really didn't care. beneath his arrogance ther was.. well, arrogance. he was just as shallow as he appeared to be. he supposed, with ofhand disdain, that his jealousy was bound to something more deeply embeded, but when it was all drawn out who was to say that he hadn't just chased the one he couldn't have, because he knew he couldn't have her?
snorting again he reigned his gaze from the departing duo and looked again to the departed perseus. in his already unsettled state the stygian one's departure had rattled his narrow bridle of restraint. however; he must remember the task at hand. and the memory was enough to drive the thoght of the others from his mind, if only for a second. then, tossing his mane, he remembered the reason for his early return to the valley. he turned after the silver tinted female but hesitated, onyx dagger poised above the frozen earth, snow dropping from it, as if to disrupt the stillness of the scene.
with a grudging expression he gritted his teeth and set forward at a brisk pace, dancing toward the pair with unsubtle grace, the only fault in his allure being the unkempt hatred in his eyes. as he drew level with the vixen he eyed her warily, carefully keeping distance between them. he cast a second-rate cautionary glance to the mascu; he wouldn't be a problem. he attempted to block this one from the corridors of his thought for the moment, as he was attempting to remain diplomatic and knew with the utmost surety that if he allowed his thoughts to dwell with the other male there would be conflict.
when he spoke his voice held a quiet urgency and the remnants of his fury, echoing the quiet pitch through the air with clear intention, though he skirted the real reason for his words.

aerial. what have you learned yet? we must confer on..

he'd been about to say 'on our strategies' but had thought better of it, nigrescent pools wandering once again to the brujo, standing near. but then, with a mirthlessly dry chuckle and a small smirk of haughty pride he continued. news of their plans had spread much more quickly than he had dared hope, and it would be a given that the creatures of the valley would have heard already, so he dropped his guard when next he spoke

you have been to infinite valley? and where else? what do they say there? who do they favour?

he fell into silence, to allow her time to answer his querries before he pressed on, still picking his way around strategy for the moment, heedful of listening ears. word would travel fast to the king of anything constructive on their paths. instead he levelled his gaze with hers, asking without words. he half expected the mare to give him the cold shoulder and say absolutely nothing; but after all she wanted this as much as he did. she cared for the people of the land as much as he, and was striving just as hard for their betterment. why should she ignore him now? it was her choice to hold company with other males, to seek them out as they had sought each other. but in this thing he was certain he would have her attention.

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