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Subject: don't play with fire.

Frozen Dreams
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Date Posted: 10:37:36 01/26/03 Sun
In reply to: Perseus 's message, "*As dark as the shadows...*" on 07:17:37 01/25/03 Sat

as she concluded her speech the pallid brute bobbed his head once, and stood in silent consideration. when he agains heard her speak he chuckled lowly and the action caused his larynx to beceised by bitterness. he was sickened to his very core at the way the veomous femme fatale so attracted stallions. ofcourse, he was shallow enough for jealousy to seep into his mind, to believe that she was his, if only for an instant. but he knew better. and now he listened to common sense and fell back to shaking his head, stygian pools glancing up to the dark mascu, the remainder of his jealousy still lurked within the embers of his occulars, but were tainted now with amusment and disgust. he had acted brashly, and at the time been well aware what the consequences would be, but now he watched this other, and the message lurked behind his gaze, fillinf his mind with a rolling laughter. careful now. don't get too close. this one bites
the ebony male was being more than a little presumptuous, to believe that his attempts at seduction would prove fruitful. aerial chose her suitors, and was hash and cold in her manner. but if he could manage it, well then he had Frozen Dreams' congratulations.
stepping back now, he gave aerial one last look, rolling his eyes as he did, before pivotting sharply on his heel, slinking back toward the shadows, leaving only the wind and a trail of deflowered snow in his wake.

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[> Subject: -: my soul brings tears to angelic eyes

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Date Posted: 11:07:59 01/26/03 Sun

the sublime femme fatale shot one last glance towards the departing figure of frozen dreams, reminding herself that she had buissness to attend to later on. she owed visits to two or three of the lands, to receive the final verdict on their stance in the mutiny. her attention wandered back to the male perseus, and she found her eyes once more trekking over his handsome body. her gaze lingered for a while, before shifting back to example of death, curious about where he had wandered off to. a tiny mental shrug was given, and her gaze was diverted to the wizard's apprentice. she took a half step closer to him, which would allow her intoxicating scent to wrap around them coyly. her lazily oscillating aigrette twisted about her hocks in a seductive manner, and her finely dished pate was allowed to tip, accenting her pulchritudonous nature. no one deserved to be as beautiful as aerial was, and the rose most certainly did not deserve to look as she did. she'd been called the epitome of perfection by several. constantly did males fall victim to her feminine charms. it wasn't that she had some sick desire to coerce men, it just...happened. in her old home she'd found herself with the love of a highly ranked and respected male, and she bore to him a daughter as lovely as the stars. but now both forsaken and cry were lost to her, and though she mourned them, that had been so long ago, and she now found herself hungering to be affiliated with another. the divine celestial creature summoned a reply of sort, and allowed her soft and seductive words to be pulled away on the wind.

"a wizards apprentice, you say. sounds impressive... you must be very powerful..."

the rose

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