| the fatale nodden her acknowledgment of his first words, a silent agreement to speak no more of his apprenticeship or powers. she smiled coyly once more, well aware of how perfect she was, and rather content to use it to her advantage. besides, if she'd drawing in a pretty boy like this perseus, is there really anything wrong with it? she gave a gentle mewl of contentment, something that could count as equivalent to a cat's purr. the blowing winds grew stronger, and she felt a chill run up her side. she was now beginning to realize she couldn't withstand extreme temperatures. her form scooted, without thinking about it, closer to the male's, and she founder herself curled against his side, her pate resting slightly below his. once more did she chatter from the brisk lack of heat, but his form beside her offered her warmth, and she smiled up at him, the thought that he might not want her so close to him never even crossing her mind.
[[ ugh, that post was so bad... -dies- ]]
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