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Subject: -: the divine feline

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Date Posted: 18:53:38 01/30/03 Thu
In reply to: Perseus 's message, "*As dark as the shadows...*" on 07:17:37 01/25/03 Sat

To the Wounded:
......I have seen the self image they've forced you to reduce to shattered glass, with the only remaining value lying in it's jagged edges. But the few who warrant waking for await their recognition. No fear of death but with fear of life, your weakness kills everyone. So live. Angels for everyone. For no lack of searching I can't seem to find one. Angels in everyone. What of all their promises? Can't seem to find much more than lies. Angels in anyone. A permanent solution to a temporary problem. Before I'd lay me down to rest, I'd throw away everything to live.

the sublime ebony and steel creature stirred from her reveries, haunting aubergine flowers dilating to full blossom as they were revealed to the fading sunlight. another gentle mewl of contentment was released, as she realized she'd somehow become nestled against the wizard's apprentice's handsome form. her slender forelimbs were stretched before her, and she yawned slightly, gathering her limbs and propelling herself towards the heavens. her pate tipped, maw dropping to play at her male companion's ebony dermis, ivory enamels preening perseus' absent mindedly. her mind toiled mischeviously, and she knew he was thinking the same thoughts. they were both playing off each other, and they were both enjoying every second of it. aerial allowed a coy smile to remain fixated upon her perfect features, and she couldn't wait to see what the future would hold for this odd relationship that had formed so quickly between herself and perseus. and even more, what would happen when the rebellion stirred again, and the mutiny occured? aerial led the opposition, while euripides had already pledged his apprentice to supporting malussinn. the rose allowed her gaze to meet the male's with the uttermost sincerity, and she voiced the many thoughts that trampised through the rivers of her twisted mind.

"perseus, i'm well aware that euripides had declared you to be a supporter of malussinn, and you must know that i lead the mutiny... i worry about what this will do to... us."

she allowed her emphasis to fall upon the final word, and her gaze did not falter. she could not, would not hide that she liked him. he was handsome, and she knew her body craved to once more feel the warmth of his strength beside her. their personalities clicked in the oddest, but strangely enjoyable way, and beyond that, their was a world of uncertainty...

a e r i a l
mouthful of poison

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[> Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 20:05:48 01/30/03 Thu

*He watches the mare rise from her rest, remaining on the ground, looking up at her angelic features. He rises slowly, shaking the dirt off his shiny pelt and stretching his bones. He listened to her speak and her emphasis on her final word caused him to start. US? A relationship between the obviously two loners. He masks his surprise to answer her question.*

I could care less what Euripedes has done. He doesn't own me, I am free to do as I please.

*He knows his last statement was a blatant lie. Defying his master could lead to awful things as he had experienced at the snowball. The wizard was all powerful and actually did own him. He is ashamed of his position and ashamed of his fear. But this is all hidden to the untrained eye until he is in the prescense of the wizard. For now, he speaks with confidence. He approached Aerial and nips at her ear teasingly, for he is still the young steed who is looking for a little fun and action. It also serves as a change of subject. He whispers softly into her ear.*

I sure do hope that Frozen Dreams is out of the picture...because I want you all to myself.

*He smiles with intent.*

I am afraid a fight between himself and I would be a little...one-sided.

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