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Date Posted: 19:12:53 02/03/03 Mon
He glanced from his idle movements nearby to observe the situation intently. All this over a stranger? Silently he released a disdainful snort as he raised his dial gradually so as to have a better view. What a load of codswallop, he concluded quickly as his gaze took the liberty of moving from the beige stallion's muzzle to tail. His own tail twitched, as if impatient for the action he had been long awaiting. Then he stepped from his shallow abode to join the black King in only seconds, his attention not upon either of the other stallions, but upon the interesting female. A momentary smile lit his veiled gaze as he bowed his head slightly in greetings.
"Amazing the attention one so quickly gets with so simple a request. Greetings, what is your name?"
Unlike Frozen Dreams, he expressed a genuine interest for the mare and seemed warm enough. His past had darkened him, and had turned him from general socializing, but he knew how important it was to be careful.
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