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Subject: enters

Satan's Outcast
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Date Posted: 17:28:23 02/03/03 Mon

Evil mare, experenced fighter, 18.3 and 1,700 pounds of solid body.

~Forces her head down to the most Evil of all Evil- Malussinn, Cirrus, Ziraga, Apathan, Euripedes, and Persues.~

*I wish to join this herd. General of Armies, to be exact. I have fought much and am, obdiviously, pure body. I wish to beat the lights to peat and turn the neutrals to us. If anyone can, it is I. I am also searching for a mate. May I join?*

~Retreats allowing the leaders to decide.~

*My friends, may I?*

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[> Subject: heed the call

Frozen Dreams
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Date Posted: 18:33:12 02/03/03 Mon

he strides up, pallid form creating a pleasant blend with the background scenery. tossing his ebony hued locks the arrogant one looked condescendingy upon the mare. previously the lithe stallion had held the position of gamma stallion within the lands of evil valley... now, well as you can tell his name no longer touches the board. and there are good reasons for that. the beige equid still governed the academy with his..companion, aerial, and the two of them combined posed a suber threat on the battlefield. this one came demanding a position, it was not open for grabs. even malussinn would have that opinion, fighting kills needed to be proved. but our conceited friend here, he saw promise in the stranger, and once she'd been tested he would gladly accept her within the ranks of his following.
the arabian creature stood within the bounds of the terra and not a hint of fear or a twitch of angst could be seen within his entire frame.
confident without limitation that he was good enough to fend off any that would challenge his presence he strode around as if he owned the place. which he planned on, in a very short time. grinning surreptitiously, more for the effect such an expression too upn his malleable pallet than for the friendliness, for his entire aura left no room for you to feel welcomed. it was bloated with the self-righteous appeals and abrasive attitudes.
the brute allowed himself a tour of the strange mare's form, being forced to tilt his crania upward to take in her features, for she stood a good three hands higher than himself. drawing out the moment he would, if possible, have raised an eyebrow to peer at her with his displeased expression. but ofcourse, one of the equid race cannot perform such mastery of their countenances. instead he gave an equivelent, a iercing glare from beneath stygian fore-lock, his ebony pools brimming with discontentment and a deepset amusement. when he spoke his words flowed like honey and were slick with oil, his timbre soft but the words edged in ice.

welcome to Evil Valley. i believe, my dear, that with those words you would be better suited at my side than at malussinn's

he flicked his gaze over her shoulder and a cold smile spread thickly over his pallet. malussinn had gone soft. he no longer knew what the evils were, he no longer retained the drive they should have in a leader. defeating the lights was not on the coal hued monarchs agenda. but Frozen Dreams? yes, Frozen Dreams would definitely swing that way, after, ofcourse, the present order had been overthrown. and the question here was; would you choose to follow? or would she opt to pledge loyalty to a pacifist evil king?

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[> Subject: \/ .insidious. .shade. \/

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Date Posted: 18:57:51 02/03/03 Mon

The proclaimed pacifist stood to one side for the appearance of Frozen Dreams, his gaze held not so lightly upon the arrogant stallion. His eyes narrowed, sharpened, pinned themselves upon the flesh he dearly wished to take a chunk of in his fangs... His thoughts carried him forward to stand on the other side of the tall female, an enigmatic smile gracing his expression as he continued to watch Frozen Dreams.

"I doubt that it would hardly come as a surprise to you when I say that you have now officially forfeited all rights to be here. You are not exiled," his optics flashed grimly, "no, you are merely requested to remove yourself at once." His silken banner whipped idly against his hocks as his lobes proceeded to flick threateningly back as he remains calmly staring forwards. "Your choice, Frozen Dreams. We can start this now, or we can finish this later."

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[> Subject: .\. stand, fool, and lose ./.

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Date Posted: 19:12:53 02/03/03 Mon

He glanced from his idle movements nearby to observe the situation intently. All this over a stranger? Silently he released a disdainful snort as he raised his dial gradually so as to have a better view. What a load of codswallop, he concluded quickly as his gaze took the liberty of moving from the beige stallion's muzzle to tail. His own tail twitched, as if impatient for the action he had been long awaiting. Then he stepped from his shallow abode to join the black King in only seconds, his attention not upon either of the other stallions, but upon the interesting female. A momentary smile lit his veiled gaze as he bowed his head slightly in greetings.

"Amazing the attention one so quickly gets with so simple a request. Greetings, what is your name?"

Unlike Frozen Dreams, he expressed a genuine interest for the mare and seemed warm enough. His past had darkened him, and had turned him from general socializing, but he knew how important it was to be careful.

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[> Subject: Mild Curiosity

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Date Posted: 12:34:02 02/04/03 Tue

*With new title, he makes sure to make himself as invloved in all affairs of the territory he possibly can. He looks the are up and down, absorbing her history and thoughts, but keeping them to himself.*

What makes you think you are more worthy of the position then someone who has been in these lands all of their life, someone who knows the ropes. I know for a fact a few territory leaders have quite strong military resumes like the lead of Infinite Valley, for example. What makes you more qualified then someone like him?

*His questioning was merely to learn more about the mare, her strong and weak points. His voice is calm and inquisitive, not quite reaching the point to friendly, but surely not hostile.*

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[> Subject: -is that a threat?

Frozen Dreams
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Date Posted: 14:26:53 02/04/03 Tue

a quiet smirk built upon his features and froze to his pallet. as the second and third stallions stepped into the conversation he allowed only the swivel of his attentive lobes to recognise their appearance. his ebony occulis trained on the coal hued king, a malevolent laughter in their depth. as he stared, his nigrecent aigrette curled itself idly about his hocks, making his comfort in the situation all too clear. with a bored flick of his gaze he accepted that there were more than two of them in the entire world before he tempted the wind once more with his words, which, pronounced with an insulting lack of enthusiasm baited his hook. the pallid brute's grey matter perceived much more sharply than his exaggeratedly conceited persona would indicate. and the conversation to the point had given him more than enugh to work from, and several footnotes to add to the novel he'd created around his opposition.

i'm not exiled, and yet requested to remove myself? well, your highness perhap i would interject that such a handicap would create many inconveniences for me. i've been busy. i came home to rest up a bit, and i would so love to stay. if anything can be said about you, malussinn, it is that you took great care with this valley.

he tipped his pate into the breeze, his actions deliberately languid. his relaxed tone had been more than sarcastic, and for a few seconds he sat in silence, midnight locks cruling about his visage as the winds coursed their way through the terra. a light tap of an onyx rock upon the frosted earth served to characterise the raising of his chiseled dial to a slightly raised plane. deep pools ircled the gathering as he pondered upon his next action. should he stay, a violent action on the part of their pacifist ruler could bring upon his death a little ahead of schedule.. but there was the uncounted con of his brother, were that the case. thunderwave undoubtedly held much promise as a fighter, no matter how unskilled he could be, and even an inept second was better than none. completely discounting the wizard though, Frozen Dreams set his decision into action, choosing, for now, to remain the diplomat.

but, i believe i shall take my leave of you all, entertaining hosts though you all are. the next we meet, malussinn will undoubtedly be sooner than will be comfortable. stay on your toes.

the last of his statements was tossed without the kind timbre that haunted the formal challenges of many. the mustang mutt spun agilely upon his hing, taking athree or four quick steps before he hesitated and turned back, the honor of his glance landing this time upon the mare. the movement caused ebon forelocks to shade his eyes from the setting lights of the sun, somewhere to his left. and silhouetted him in picturesque fashion against the horizon, he spoke without the taunting that had previously instilled impression and his words were to the point,and, though overly dramatisized, much more polite than those he had directed at the king.

here is where you make your choice. you might stay with the losing side, or you can follow me. either way, you will soon be under my wing, but come, share the glory.

without the smallest of glances to any of the three males he bobbed his crania and continued on his way, the neige of his coat fading into the darkness that had begun to envelopp the borders of the territory.

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[> Subject: watches

Satan's Outcast
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Date Posted: 17:03:49 02/04/03 Tue

to Frozen Dreams: *I wish to stay here if M'lord Malussinn will let me.*

to Malussinn: *May I stay, M'lord? I wish only to serve you faithfully, doing what your desire is and it only.*

to Euripedes: Turns quickly upon him. *I have been a fighter for my life. I was an outcast, I was forced to endure alone, no one to watch over me, no one to watch over.
When I was little more than three, a stallion challenged me to my grazing spot. I fought him, and won. I have been a fighter ever sence and am good. I wish to be wanted, loved, and for once not an outcast. Fighting is the thing I am best at, and want to defend Evil and my lord faithfully. And for the leader of Infinite Valley, it's not my fault he has not wished to be General.*

to Thunderwave: *Greetings, my friend. I am Satan's Outcast. And you?* Walks forward to see him better. She looks again to the Dark Lord. *May I, M'lord?* ~as you can easily tell, this spot is the world to her.~ *I would rather die in service to you, to Evil, and to Satan himself than to die being a wanderer for the rest of my days...*

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[> Subject: \/ .insidious. .shade. \/

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Date Posted: 15:17:33 02/05/03 Wed

Anger indeed rose in the challenged King, his hoof wounding the earth as he forced himself to watch in silence as Frozen Dreams at last departed. His pride, he had found over the years, could be easily swallowed for practicality; but it had become hard these past few weeks.

His gaze turned upon Satan's Outcast, but he merely observed without the formalities of nods or even smiles. "Yes, your help would be appreciated. With your permission, I will begin you first on Brigadier General so that I might see your skills first. I mean not to offend you, but I want to see what you can do before I put you in front of my, at the moment, nonexistant army."

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