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Date Posted: 11:48:59 02/05/03 Wed
*He stands motionless for a moment, trying to process everything. That was the answer that he had hoped for and also dreaded. Of course he wanted Aerial, who didn't, she was the trophy girl with brains to go with it. The two were actually very alike.*
What kind of life are you planning on for your child? You claim that yourself and Frozen Dreams have no connection anymore except for your work, but this foal is going to be a huge connection. Is he going to be daddy, or am I going to be daddy? There is obviously going to be hostility between himself and I and probably even you and he, so where does that leave the kid? Caught in the middle. Thats just not right. I'm not ready to be daddy yet, I'm still young and free wheeling, I am just not responsible enough to care for a young foal.
But then there is you, just you by yourself. *He smiles softly and runs his muzzle through her sweet smelling mane, nuzzling her neck seductively and soothingly.* You are not even describable to me. We are so alike, perfect partners in crime. *He chuckles* Though you would be the brains of the operation. I wanna have fun and I know you are fun.
I have no idea which way to go.
*He chooses not to mention that being connected to the mutiny leaders would not bide well with Euripedes, who supported the King. It would be a dangerous relationship, because he truly was owned by another, the wizard had him on a leash.*
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