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Subject: -: broken hearts and burning wings

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Date Posted: 14:21:05 02/05/03 Wed
In reply to: Perseus 's message, "*As dark as the shadows...*" on 07:17:37 01/25/03 Sat

the stygian mirage shifted her mass impatiently from limb to limb. there was nothing she could say to make this all better? what about her child, her little progeny to be? you could see from how her sides swelled that the foal would be born any day. aerial hated the way her bubbling mid section interrupted the flowing of her form, but she couldn't wait for her child to be born. hers. she hadn't realized until now that she'd never really thought of this child as frozen dream's before. in her mind, there was no problem with what her child's life would be like. they would be a prince, or princess [which she would prefer], and they'd be perfect. in nature, stallions had nothing to do with the upbringing of a child. sure, they provided their stuff in the creation of the foal, but as soon as that was done with, they saw themselves as being finished. she could, once again, offering him no reassurance. their was no simplistic way for them to transgress the barriers that hindered their budding relationship. all the rose could summon was a meek 'i don't know...' and nothing more.

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[> Subject: *As dark as the shadows...*

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Date Posted: 19:26:21 02/05/03 Wed

*Not quite knowing where to go from there he looks out upon the territory and his eyes fall upon a scene developing. He holds back curses as he realizes what it is. Frozen Dreams was confronting Malussinn to begin the revolt. No! No, now is not the time, once something serious developes he knows that Euripedes will summon him and Aerial must go to the side of Frozen Dreams. He wasn't ready, their conversation was not over, nothing was settled, surely once she saw the part he played at the wizard's side she would not want to be with him. Not to mention they would be fighting on opposite sides. What if Malussinn won? She surely could not stay in his home after a mutiny, but Perseus could not leave. He stops his mind from racing, playing games with him, something had to be done that instant. He blurts out the first thing that comes to mind before she notices the events.*

I want to be with you too...I...I've never felt this serious about anyone so I know its real.

*He forces himself to stop to save his masculinity. He only hopes that she would not bring up where he stands on the mutiny.*

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