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Date Posted: 18:15:38 02/05/03 Wed
Anger... arrogance... emotions that could possess and control, that could carry the mind from all reach. So it was neither with strength nor confidence that the black King appeared with, it was with the wisdom and certainty of age and knowledge- and his decision. The eyes, glittering as if they were bloodstained rubies set in an inert mask, perceived the beige stallion passively as he stood by the hill so tainted by the unwanted presence. Passive because he had last come to know his role. Immobile because there was no need to be in haste... Frozen Dreams wasn't worth such an effort. Frozen Dreams wasn't worth the anger he strove to incite in the aged King, and that was why he allowed his challenger to wait. His hawk-eyed glance softened only somewhat as it moved from the despised to study the terrain he had cherished all these fleeting years. Nothing passed farther than the musings that halted behind his eyes, but eventually a slight smile made its appearance in the form of relaxing lobes - that twitched only idly as the carefree breeze greeted him in its incessant journey onward - and loosening muscles. Unlike the challenger, Malussinn did not expect nature to bow before him. Why should nature concern itself with the lives of horses except to weep with rapture at their birth and with grief at their death? In his youth he might have paused at this point to sample the air and the ground beneath his hooves so as to receive the ovation he would have thought to be there. But in present times he hesitated simply to treasure the moment and to pay homage to nature, whom he so sorely neglected while otherwise occupied. The corridors of his mind meandered in an intricate maze of past and present revelations, thoughts, hopes, and fears... Rare now were the nightmares that would disturb him from reality in a cold sweat to jeer and laugh. And yet, was a fresh nightmare awakening?
His attention lifted to again regard the other, the daunting words sinking to his level with the obliging current. Laughter choked his throat; his will to speak lost in the sudden mirth that had accompanied the passing of the message. He had forgotten in his unease how single-minded these modern day youths were. Was being evil all they thought of now? A frosty smile entwined his mild gaze as he began the ascent to where the young brute poised, and with each step it was as if his old strength returned to him, as if he drew from the very earth he crossed. When he reached the zenith and could go no higher he found himself a mere three feet distant from the other. While Frozen Dreams had come with the sun, Malussinn had emerged from the shadows that seemed to still linger upon his corresponding pelt. The last step taken, he silently beseeched the skies for aid.
A second, no more, passed. Then, the skies released a slim bolt of lightning that struck the ground between the two stallions with a resounding crack. The pearly shawl that had veiled the barren soil sizzled and melted away, leaving the ground naked and burnt. Malussinn, having asked for this phenomenon himself, betrayed nary a blink as he continued to bore into the shifting depths of Frozen Dream's eyes with his stern oculi.
"Is that all you have to say?"
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