Frozen Dreams
it was in a deadly calm that the pallid individual imposed himself within the valley. not a breath of winter's chill breezes could be heard, or felt within the land. the icy fingers of the season reached up from the snow itself to caress the stallion as he passed over the cusp that marked the edge of this territory. sunlight emblazoned the sky, past noon it was, and nigh on evening, but the sun had yet to begin its decline into the western horizon, and marked its presence with a heatless fire. a flameless passion.
perhaps it was that the lone equid who trapesed in Ra's presence surpassed the god in might, that the sun was daunted by the abrasive one's confidence and utter composition as he stepped toward his destiny it was a fickle wind that would dare interrupt the solemnty entangled by the conceited persona of the mascu. and yet; even that was diminished now, even the arrogance that was the beige monster seemed belittled by the stronger explosions of malice, and the hatred that crwled over his dermis much the way a snake entwined itself upon it's resting place, with languid shiftings of its bulk to cover the space offered it.
and what clicked behind the noncomittal mask of his visage? ebony occulis proved the sole gateway to the inner workings of the deceitful one's scheming cranium. and they were hectic at best. a chaotic order slounged within the blackened pools and marred the door, twisting and turning his thoughts as they passed from the lamps, disturbing them, tainting the messages they transcended. triping past the guard of trolls and gremlins, certain mental attitudes emoted themselves emphatically upon every livin and non-living device that was inflicted with his poisoned glance. hate, kill, purge. the unorthodox elegy pronounced themselves boldly in face of everything he encountered.
eloquently contrasted he came, pitched lock hanging with effortful carelessness from the crown of his neck, creating a nigrescent veil that blocked the spectres, a looming cloud upon the horizon, his aigrette matched in darkness, but renegged the inertia observed in the mane, idly sweeping back and forth, curling about the beiged hocks.
enmity festered within his frame and caused his sinews to tremble with the pent emotion.
his steady four beat gait caried him deep into the territory, upon a small knoll denoted only by it's ancient, gnarled excuse for a tree, the late blooming fruit lay dead at it's feet, the textured bark creating a haunting epitaph to mark their passing. an uprooting of the ivory coverlet marked his passing into their world, only blood would mark his exit now.
slowing artfully ot a halt atop the petty hill he exchanged his news with the stale air, allowing his engrossed persona to buffet lazily about him, with nothing to support it, it nevertheless flourished, heedless of the lack of insentive, and the reluctance with which it was to be accepted. in a grandiose gesture the equid swung his arched boa, encompassing all before him into his attentions. the obviousness of his arrival called for no words, and yet they would be delivered. all in due time
impatiently the young brute cast about for the charcoal form of the monarch, but not waiting upon the visual to stake his claim. lobes swivelled slwoly atop his pate, portraying his alertness, if the quiver of his muscle had not adequately done so.
blood bath was upon them. all their planning, and apparantly fruitless endeavoring, led to this moment. to this hour, this day. judgement day, everyone. have you said your prayers yet? ah, that's alrght, god forgives, no? the rebellion had ben unleashed, strike the drums of war. this will be the end. and where is my oposition?
heis over-confidence allowed for him to ignore the possibilities of engagements that might delay his inevitable battle, and he kept no eye upon his back, no ear open for possible premature attacks. there was a formality to the system, there was a deliberately chosen course of action, that, though unspoken was deeply engraved within the psyches of each and every creature dwelling within the Mountains and beyond, such was the impotance. finally, his voice tempted the dead airs and he spoke resoundingly unto those silhouetted nearby, and further off. the timbre of his voice abandoned the usual sarcasm, put to bed any chiding skepticism that may have lurked at the fringes of his consciousness. it is time.
Malussinn, King of the Evils! I, Frozen Dreams, do challenge your rule over this land, and your competency to perform the duties alloted to you. I challenge the hatred within your soul and the purity of your nature. It is my strongest belief that a new order must be established, an order without you at it's head. i ask that you step down from your position, pass the title to myself, and that of queen to Aerial. if you will not.. the challenge has been set, and i will not unset it. this is your last chance.
as silence emparted it's pressured cloak the mustang mutt cast his ooids to the side, extending the sombreity of their starless darkness to combat the light of the sun. i'm waiting. let's rumble.