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Subject: [to war] -MALUSSINN AND NO ONE ELSE.

Frozen Dreams
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Date Posted: 15:05:24 02/05/03 Wed

Frozen Dreams

it was in a deadly calm that the pallid individual imposed himself within the valley. not a breath of winter's chill breezes could be heard, or felt within the land. the icy fingers of the season reached up from the snow itself to caress the stallion as he passed over the cusp that marked the edge of this territory. sunlight emblazoned the sky, past noon it was, and nigh on evening, but the sun had yet to begin its decline into the western horizon, and marked its presence with a heatless fire. a flameless passion.
perhaps it was that the lone equid who trapesed in Ra's presence surpassed the god in might, that the sun was daunted by the abrasive one's confidence and utter composition as he stepped toward his destiny it was a fickle wind that would dare interrupt the solemnty entangled by the conceited persona of the mascu. and yet; even that was diminished now, even the arrogance that was the beige monster seemed belittled by the stronger explosions of malice, and the hatred that crwled over his dermis much the way a snake entwined itself upon it's resting place, with languid shiftings of its bulk to cover the space offered it.
and what clicked behind the noncomittal mask of his visage? ebony occulis proved the sole gateway to the inner workings of the deceitful one's scheming cranium. and they were hectic at best. a chaotic order slounged within the blackened pools and marred the door, twisting and turning his thoughts as they passed from the lamps, disturbing them, tainting the messages they transcended. triping past the guard of trolls and gremlins, certain mental attitudes emoted themselves emphatically upon every livin and non-living device that was inflicted with his poisoned glance. hate, kill, purge. the unorthodox elegy pronounced themselves boldly in face of everything he encountered.
eloquently contrasted he came, pitched lock hanging with effortful carelessness from the crown of his neck, creating a nigrescent veil that blocked the spectres, a looming cloud upon the horizon, his aigrette matched in darkness, but renegged the inertia observed in the mane, idly sweeping back and forth, curling about the beiged hocks.
enmity festered within his frame and caused his sinews to tremble with the pent emotion.
his steady four beat gait caried him deep into the territory, upon a small knoll denoted only by it's ancient, gnarled excuse for a tree, the late blooming fruit lay dead at it's feet, the textured bark creating a haunting epitaph to mark their passing. an uprooting of the ivory coverlet marked his passing into their world, only blood would mark his exit now.
slowing artfully ot a halt atop the petty hill he exchanged his news with the stale air, allowing his engrossed persona to buffet lazily about him, with nothing to support it, it nevertheless flourished, heedless of the lack of insentive, and the reluctance with which it was to be accepted. in a grandiose gesture the equid swung his arched boa, encompassing all before him into his attentions. the obviousness of his arrival called for no words, and yet they would be delivered. all in due time
impatiently the young brute cast about for the charcoal form of the monarch, but not waiting upon the visual to stake his claim. lobes swivelled slwoly atop his pate, portraying his alertness, if the quiver of his muscle had not adequately done so.
blood bath was upon them. all their planning, and apparantly fruitless endeavoring, led to this moment. to this hour, this day. judgement day, everyone. have you said your prayers yet? ah, that's alrght, god forgives, no? the rebellion had ben unleashed, strike the drums of war. this will be the end. and where is my oposition?
heis over-confidence allowed for him to ignore the possibilities of engagements that might delay his inevitable battle, and he kept no eye upon his back, no ear open for possible premature attacks. there was a formality to the system, there was a deliberately chosen course of action, that, though unspoken was deeply engraved within the psyches of each and every creature dwelling within the Mountains and beyond, such was the impotance. finally, his voice tempted the dead airs and he spoke resoundingly unto those silhouetted nearby, and further off. the timbre of his voice abandoned the usual sarcasm, put to bed any chiding skepticism that may have lurked at the fringes of his consciousness. it is time.

Malussinn, King of the Evils! I, Frozen Dreams, do challenge your rule over this land, and your competency to perform the duties alloted to you. I challenge the hatred within your soul and the purity of your nature. It is my strongest belief that a new order must be established, an order without you at it's head. i ask that you step down from your position, pass the title to myself, and that of queen to Aerial. if you will not.. the challenge has been set, and i will not unset it. this is your last chance.

as silence emparted it's pressured cloak the mustang mutt cast his ooids to the side, extending the sombreity of their starless darkness to combat the light of the sun. i'm waiting. let's rumble.

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[> Subject: nickers

Satan's Outcast
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Date Posted: 15:27:58 02/05/03 Wed

Stands faithfully behind Mallussinn. 18+ hand mare gives out a whicker to him.

*I will always stand behind you M'lord. The best of luck to you. I will be here for you when you return.*

Turns and walks slowly off not to interferre again.

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[> Subject: \/ .and. .let. .the. .best. .win. \/

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Date Posted: 18:15:38 02/05/03 Wed

Anger... arrogance... emotions that could possess and control, that could carry the mind from all reach. So it was neither with strength nor confidence that the black King appeared with, it was with the wisdom and certainty of age and knowledge- and his decision. The eyes, glittering as if they were bloodstained rubies set in an inert mask, perceived the beige stallion passively as he stood by the hill so tainted by the unwanted presence. Passive because he had last come to know his role. Immobile because there was no need to be in haste... Frozen Dreams wasn't worth such an effort. Frozen Dreams wasn't worth the anger he strove to incite in the aged King, and that was why he allowed his challenger to wait. His hawk-eyed glance softened only somewhat as it moved from the despised to study the terrain he had cherished all these fleeting years. Nothing passed farther than the musings that halted behind his eyes, but eventually a slight smile made its appearance in the form of relaxing lobes - that twitched only idly as the carefree breeze greeted him in its incessant journey onward - and loosening muscles. Unlike the challenger, Malussinn did not expect nature to bow before him. Why should nature concern itself with the lives of horses except to weep with rapture at their birth and with grief at their death? In his youth he might have paused at this point to sample the air and the ground beneath his hooves so as to receive the ovation he would have thought to be there. But in present times he hesitated simply to treasure the moment and to pay homage to nature, whom he so sorely neglected while otherwise occupied. The corridors of his mind meandered in an intricate maze of past and present revelations, thoughts, hopes, and fears... Rare now were the nightmares that would disturb him from reality in a cold sweat to jeer and laugh. And yet, was a fresh nightmare awakening?

His attention lifted to again regard the other, the daunting words sinking to his level with the obliging current. Laughter choked his throat; his will to speak lost in the sudden mirth that had accompanied the passing of the message. He had forgotten in his unease how single-minded these modern day youths were. Was being evil all they thought of now? A frosty smile entwined his mild gaze as he began the ascent to where the young brute poised, and with each step it was as if his old strength returned to him, as if he drew from the very earth he crossed. When he reached the zenith and could go no higher he found himself a mere three feet distant from the other. While Frozen Dreams had come with the sun, Malussinn had emerged from the shadows that seemed to still linger upon his corresponding pelt. The last step taken, he silently beseeched the skies for aid.

A second, no more, passed. Then, the skies released a slim bolt of lightning that struck the ground between the two stallions with a resounding crack. The pearly shawl that had veiled the barren soil sizzled and melted away, leaving the ground naked and burnt. Malussinn, having asked for this phenomenon himself, betrayed nary a blink as he continued to bore into the shifting depths of Frozen Dream's eyes with his stern oculi.

"Is that all you have to say?"

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[> Subject: ||stealth is that of a ninja||

Bey Ninja/Arielle
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Date Posted: 17:42:29 02/06/03 Thu

||a teenage girl bareback on a blue-black arabian stallion comes over to the edge of the small gathering. The young stallion looks to the unwise Frozen Dreams he had invited to this terra, it was his fault in a way that this happened.|| I'm sorry M'lord.||the stallion lets out. The girl then decides to include herself in the convorsation|| Mally, show him what the word evil means!!||she says, then tucks her blonde self into an isolated ball.((hehe, had 2 add that Kate.))

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[> Subject: ugh

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Date Posted: 18:09:40 02/06/03 Thu

-hisses boredly about the words NO ONE ELSE before turning her attention back to the reason of the break in character.-
two reasons for not responding right now.
1) i leant my post to cass to read, and she forgot it in her locker at school. -growl-
2) faithy just got a needle and is completely zonked and on the verge of tears from the effort of typing even this much

besides that, a fight format will have to be established, correct? i'm sugesting we use the norm; 3 posts each, 3 attacks per post, 2 defense.

all for now.

-the nearly incapacitated

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[> [> Subject: It's okay

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Date Posted: 08:13:07 02/07/03 Fri

§the blonde uncurls herself and hugs everybody, feeling quite woozy§ HUGGLES!!!

((sorry, couldn't help M'self))

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[> Subject: Mm. Well... why don't you just post when you can and we'll decide about that later. All rightie?

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Date Posted: 08:16:08 02/07/03 Fri

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[> Subject: Silence [-ignores the no one else, grins-]

Apathan [Fran]
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Date Posted: 14:01:59 02/07/03 Fri

[-grin- Faithy, did you actually think people were going to just ignore the post that clearly contains the challenge for the kingship of the Evils? Oh dear oh dear.]

The oldest friend and quietest supporter of the black King watches with silent, dark eyes, his infinite gaze taking in the flames of youth and the embers of age, face to face up on the ridge above the Valley. But a blaze can so quickly be quenched or burn out of control, whereas embers may be stirred back into strong and steady life. The aging bay knows upon which side he stands, and he knows in whom he believes. Down within his strangest soul a twisted light shines brightly... a beacon of faith and hope in a forsaken world where belief has been forgotten in the sacrilegious name of something unattainable: pure evil. Perhaps the Arabian is farther from that evanscent goal than many- he has never killed, but many times he has healed. And yet... it goes rather deeper. In Apathan's mind, true darkness is darkness of the soul and of the thought, not wild bravado and arbitrary cruelty. Darkness is dissent, is discontent, is individuality. Most of all, individuality; something that can in no way be attained whilst persuing the same raging fires as every youth.

But of course, what the older stallion sees as wisdom he learned the hard and long way. When he first came to these utterly unique mountains, he too was alight with the madness of youth. That has now given away to the steady glow of age, an age which he is not ashamed to have acquired or to admit to.

Of course, the intense mahogany creature soon becomes aware that his thoughts have begun to stray from the matter at hand. Walking slowly up the hillside, he stands by a stunted, bare claw of a tree, gazing up at his oldest friend with complete faith, and a loyalty that runs deeper than love, friendship or time; a loyalty that is far from blind, that sees both faults and advantages. And so the Healer stands in silence, his heartbeat measuring the seconds and his mind aware that whatever happens here will never be forgotten.

Good luck, Malussinn, he wishes without a sound, gathering inner strength for the end of the battle, when broken bones and injured muscles shall need repair.

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[> Subject: ugh.. sorry again

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Date Posted: 20:11:46 02/07/03 Fri

-groans- i was hoping people would keep the thread clear, and less complicated for ME! -chuckles- i am feeling better.. but unfortunately. SOMEONE still has my post. and i've gone on a tirade of refusing to rewrite one. -hisses about five page posts being misplaced and forgotten and UNTYPED-

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[> Subject: [Also disincludes self from 'no one else' factor]

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Date Posted: 20:54:13 02/07/03 Fri

The moon-touched filly listens warily to the few words spoken by the buckskin brusque stallion, having the tiniest inkling trouble was abound. With a belligerent sigh, she resists the temptation to paw the cracked, dry earth with a single forenail, resisting the temptation to draw attention to herself. Her large, amethyst-tinted eyes spot the reddish ex-lead stallion, tiny nostrils flare at the prostpect of yet another player in this intricate game of royalty and intruige.

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[> Subject: -flops in-

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Date Posted: 12:24:23 02/08/03 Sat

ugh. i was out all last night and until now, so i'm just getting the opportunity to type up faithy's post now [which is THREE pages, not FIVE!] but my mother is going to force feed me if i don't eat, so the post will be up in fifteen minutes or so, depending on how long it takes me to type it. -waves-

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[> Subject: [ ready to rumble]

Frozen Dreams
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Date Posted: 13:03:35 02/08/03 Sat

Frozen Dreams

as the elder monarch crested the knoll a cold smile began to inch its way across the chiselled arabian signature of his dial. it had begun. the younger arogant creature broke his charismatic conceit only momentarily, to absorb the symbolism of their arrivals, to indulge himself in the fruits of coincidence and conform to the everpopular oensivity he found in most of those he encountered. the king transcended from a deep and somber pitch, stepping into the twilight that was their meeting ground from the staleness brought on by the anti-color. bight and shadows were ancient in their rights and monstorous in their apperancesm predictable and almost drab. while at the opposite end of the spectre the pallid hued equine brought behind him the sun, a refreshing newness that no matter how many times was repeated and foretold, took on a life of its own at each occurence. it rose in the eastern sky and flashed brilliantly when on its deathbed, stunning onlookers into sience with its appeal.
how many present could claim to hold boundless enthusiasm and fruitful passions of life left to live? how many could claim that the passage of time could deform their aires, could yet streamline their personas and preach to them their faults?
quickly losing intrest in the metaphorical study the black stained brute was bound to perform some other flare of greeting by his connivinbg impetuity. staying his racing thoughts, he, in the next few seconds, was made gladfor his unfounded patience when a blade of blue light forked from a cleared sky and struck aggressively the frozen soil at his feet. his cranium sent perfunctory messages to the extremities of his vigorous frame, and calmed the bolt of shock that struck as if in echo to the phenomenon. gathering his wits once more the seasoned beast assessed the battle ground in reflection to the soft spoken words of a monarchy long overdue for radical change.
through the length of the time the magnanimous visage rested as coldly inexpressive as it had been when the smirk had set itself upon them, a suprisingly flattering addition to his sculpted pallet. it was with a clear concious that frozen dreams evaluated the situation at hand and sent the information to be processed and matched with and of the precharted flow of events that lay stored in ordered boxes behind an open door within the labyrinth of his memory. more then glib to witness that his apperance provoked an amount of distate and undeniable agitation he had desired, he was never the less put off that malussinn would requistie aid, in so simple even a form, from the wtaching fates. heedless of the supernatural attention, he masked his mildly indignant suprise beneath layers of adrenaline, bloodlust and conniving intelligence. posing forth a few simple phrases of retort, wrapped in the same ostentiously imperious pitch which he had previously exuded.

i have finished speakign, yes. but i've heard that actions speak louder then words. in which case, i'm neither finished, nor am i yet at a loss to string togeather appropriate sentances to fill your ears and yet be so neglected as my last.

his tone had lightended as his brainwaves darkened, lending the latter half of his speech a infinitesimally altered sarcasm. preening his words in preparation for what must obviously follow. good luck my friend, i promise not to dirty your throne.
streaked beige dermis contrasted him gently against the backdrop of white and heavy green further off. his trademark mustang colouring provided a perfectly natural apperance. an attentive aud rested forever fixed upon the form of the black king, his other drifting lazily about after its fashion, choosing to land upon the unimportant that occured outside this present world, beyond the boundaries of this engagement.
disgruntling though it was to be unable to inhale the cologne of the other as his frame underwent, or so he presumed, the same advanced percautionary procedures that his challenger undertook. neck curved into a molded arch, ebony mane cascading thickly downward, into his counternance, without impeding his attentions. midnight pools stared fixatedly within those of the opposition, without a shred of doubt to be gathered therein. tauntingly open in the directness, with malice only one of his kind could portray.
with a barely perceptible but oh so obvious twist of his boa he invited action, the fomalities had been attended to, and now it was time for more direct discussions. let's dance, you and i...

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[> Subject: -raises hand-

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Date Posted: 15:26:56 02/11/03 Tue

ooo.. maggie. i have a question. besides the one i already asked. and am waiting impatiently for an answer to.

who did you play at 13d?

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