Frozen Dreams
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Date Posted: 13:03:35 02/08/03 Sat
Frozen Dreams as the elder monarch crested the knoll a cold smile began to inch its way across the chiselled arabian signature of his dial. it had begun. the younger arogant creature broke his charismatic conceit only momentarily, to absorb the symbolism of their arrivals, to indulge himself in the fruits of coincidence and conform to the everpopular oensivity he found in most of those he encountered. the king transcended from a deep and somber pitch, stepping into the twilight that was their meeting ground from the staleness brought on by the anti-color. bight and shadows were ancient in their rights and monstorous in their apperancesm predictable and almost drab. while at the opposite end of the spectre the pallid hued equine brought behind him the sun, a refreshing newness that no matter how many times was repeated and foretold, took on a life of its own at each occurence. it rose in the eastern sky and flashed brilliantly when on its deathbed, stunning onlookers into sience with its appeal.
how many present could claim to hold boundless enthusiasm and fruitful passions of life left to live? how many could claim that the passage of time could deform their aires, could yet streamline their personas and preach to them their faults?
quickly losing intrest in the metaphorical study the black stained brute was bound to perform some other flare of greeting by his connivinbg impetuity. staying his racing thoughts, he, in the next few seconds, was made gladfor his unfounded patience when a blade of blue light forked from a cleared sky and struck aggressively the frozen soil at his feet. his cranium sent perfunctory messages to the extremities of his vigorous frame, and calmed the bolt of shock that struck as if in echo to the phenomenon. gathering his wits once more the seasoned beast assessed the battle ground in reflection to the soft spoken words of a monarchy long overdue for radical change.
through the length of the time the magnanimous visage rested as coldly inexpressive as it had been when the smirk had set itself upon them, a suprisingly flattering addition to his sculpted pallet. it was with a clear concious that frozen dreams evaluated the situation at hand and sent the information to be processed and matched with and of the precharted flow of events that lay stored in ordered boxes behind an open door within the labyrinth of his memory. more then glib to witness that his apperance provoked an amount of distate and undeniable agitation he had desired, he was never the less put off that malussinn would requistie aid, in so simple even a form, from the wtaching fates. heedless of the supernatural attention, he masked his mildly indignant suprise beneath layers of adrenaline, bloodlust and conniving intelligence. posing forth a few simple phrases of retort, wrapped in the same ostentiously imperious pitch which he had previously exuded.
i have finished speakign, yes. but i've heard that actions speak louder then words. in which case, i'm neither finished, nor am i yet at a loss to string togeather appropriate sentances to fill your ears and yet be so neglected as my last.
his tone had lightended as his brainwaves darkened, lending the latter half of his speech a infinitesimally altered sarcasm. preening his words in preparation for what must obviously follow. good luck my friend, i promise not to dirty your throne.
streaked beige dermis contrasted him gently against the backdrop of white and heavy green further off. his trademark mustang colouring provided a perfectly natural apperance. an attentive aud rested forever fixed upon the form of the black king, his other drifting lazily about after its fashion, choosing to land upon the unimportant that occured outside this present world, beyond the boundaries of this engagement.
disgruntling though it was to be unable to inhale the cologne of the other as his frame underwent, or so he presumed, the same advanced percautionary procedures that his challenger undertook. neck curved into a molded arch, ebony mane cascading thickly downward, into his counternance, without impeding his attentions. midnight pools stared fixatedly within those of the opposition, without a shred of doubt to be gathered therein. tauntingly open in the directness, with malice only one of his kind could portray.
with a barely perceptible but oh so obvious twist of his boa he invited action, the fomalities had been attended to, and now it was time for more direct discussions. let's dance, you and i...
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