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Subject: Not forgottened

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Date Posted: 09:34:52 02/17/03 Mon

Chocolate eyes gazes, as visions of the past play within the borders of the mind...visions from memories forgotten, until now.

Traveling across lands, either green and wild rolling hills, brown and thick mud swamps, or blinding blizard wonderlands.

Her coat had grown heavy and shaggy, while her mane fell in unruly jet-black knots. Bruises and shallow cuts covered her form, hiding the faded pink scars remaining from the battle fought not far from here...in a place once called home.

Traveling she experinced all by what she left behind. Trust...friend or foe she knew the land and those who dwelled in its mountains and the valleys. Some she held close and protected, or rather vise versa, shielding from the true evil of the land inside and outside her soul.

"Malussinn," speaks the mare. Her king...more importantly, a dear friend.

Yet, the heart seeks another. One whose face she does not see. And with this realization, darkness seizes the hope...she collapses.

"Apathan...Pathy, my love," whispers she, as her eyes shut and breathing halts.

OOC: Wooa! Finally, I can bring her back! Yay! And don't worry...she's staying. Oh, and I'm stuck a tad in my home in Delaware. Twenty inches, I think. Its hard to tell with the snow drifts. But anyway...she's back. And if you need me I'll be on IM under either "raintease" or "faetouch" Ta! Kisses! Miss ya!

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[> Subject: -makes a big |closed| sign

faith, the helpful imp
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Date Posted: 18:02:05 02/19/03 Wed

-smiles quietly- you might wanna direct your inquiries to say, Death Valley. evil valley is actually officially closed now, as kate has quit. very sad. -waves- have fun

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