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Subject: Everyone... this is actually vastly important for all.

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Date Posted: 19:47:50 02/09/03 Sun

I'm quitting. It's nothing to do with Cascade Mountains, and I'll probably regret it immediately send this post, but I don't think I'll be able to regret it in the long term. I've almost reached the goal of being an A student, but it means that I'm not able to post as often as I should...

I can't believe it- my mom, the one person who should be happiest after these two long years of arguing about the Internet and Cascade Mountains in particular, is actually sad that I'm quitting. Boy, this is messed up.

Anyway, I just want to say that I feel like I'm slowing down the evil horse section especially, and myself. I've always wanted to write a story of some sort, [Mom says that everyone has to read my first novel... heh] but I haven't been able to do any satisfying writing because I've, in the past and in the present, devoted my time to trying to remain active. I won't explain myself anymore, but I just want to conclude with that I learned a lot by participating in this small community, and I hope to remain in constant contact over AIM with you all.

Also, instructions. *Grins* No one actually thought I'd quit and leave all your lovely characters scrambling to fill the voids my own characters will leave in their absences, hm? Anyway, I've thought about this and when I reached a solution I was rather amazed that I hadn't come to it before, and relieved that I had. True Evil, Maggie's character, will be taking over as King. Ballyhara is back-up lead stallion and the rest of the positions given [such as Ziraga's and Apathan's] remain the same unless Maggie decides differently.

Maggie, about Nyssia and Zamnor... I would prefer if no one takes over Nyssia, but I'll understand completely if you want to find a new player for Zamnor.

Megan, same for Leila.

One thing... Maggie, if I come back sometime, or hear about it, only to find that you've LOST the throne to Faith and Cass... I SWEAR to yell at you PROFUSELY for two whole hours STRAIGHT. Got that?!

That goes for you too, Fran.

And so, without further adieu, I will leave [mainly so that I can study for a math test I will surely fail... geereat.] I love you all from the bottom of my vile heart - even you, Chase, though I don't know how I can possibly - and I really hope that you will still talk to me and even occasionally RP with me over AIM. Goodbye, my lovies!

Sincerely and with love,
Dances with Darkness
Dark Death/Daigal/Bambi
...and anyone else I've missed

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[> Subject: -nausea-

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Date Posted: 12:04:34 02/10/03 Mon

-bites her lip, huggles the Kate- I understand, sweetie. I've actually been thinking of doing the same, though I'll stick with it a little longer I think. -glances briefly at all the people, Kate most definetely included, who in the past have made her stay- Well... this is exceedingly depressing and my characters will essentially die now (heh... Poor Apathan. No mate, no best friend. Uh oh. And Kamani... -grimace-) but I really really honestly did not just say that to try and pull a guilt trip on you; I'm just saying whatever pops into my head at the moment... -sighs- Well, I wish you lots of luck. This game sure will be empty without you, but I do understand that at some point, life cuts in. -hug- Have fun... and keep Malussinn cryogenically frozen somewhere- can't lose that laddie! -grin-

-A rather emotional Fran

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[> Subject: -wowza-

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Date Posted: 13:52:13 02/10/03 Mon

-frazzled- and waht about Frozen Dreams hm? what happens to his little rebellion charade? -whimpers and clings- don't leave us katekate!

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[> Subject: Damn you.

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Date Posted: 14:12:51 02/10/03 Mon

Well, then I've got to do it too...I'm quitting as well. I was planning on backing out quietly in a few months, but I don't see the point in doing that any more.

My reason is pretty similar to Kate's: I've just got a whole lot to do and not enough time. I've got riding things going on during the week, and after spring break I'll have lax practice every afternoon. Then, by May, my inner thespian and my inner athlete will wrestle again for priority. I really don't see any other option than to quit.

Plus, you know, I can't for the life of me find any reason to keep Cirrus around anymore. I mean, if Malussinn's gone and all. She'd be too depressed to do anything remotely productive and would probably just lower the morale of the general Evil public.

I love you guys, except for the ones I don't -Wicked grin- And it's been amazing for the past three or so years. Even though I originally lied about my age, was a moron, blew up at everyone, etc. Personally, I think things kind of went down hill when Lauren left...which sparked Erika's leave...and so on and so forth. But that's just me. You guys rock, all right!

Love and kisses,

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[> Subject: *A quick return...*

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Date Posted: 14:20:23 02/10/03 Mon

*...for a little mock gloating.* Oh, Faithy, did you really think I forgot about you and Frozen Dreams?? Believe me when I say that I know Fran and her charas will satisfy you well enough! Well then... everyone MUST IM me once and awhile to complain about life in general and such! Tra la!

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[> Subject: -cries-

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Date Posted: 14:43:08 02/10/03 Mon

katiekittie no leave! we must finish our rebellion... -whimpers- but i'm sure fran and maggie will be up for a good fight, right? -demonic smirk-

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[> Subject: -murmles-

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Date Posted: 15:13:04 02/10/03 Mon

-cackles and pounces on cass- we're still gonna win. we'll just pick up where we left off i guess.. if that's ok with maggie? -purrs and glances over at kate- -pouts-we're a gonna miss you kate darling. it's too bad you had to go. it would have been fun to watch malussinn be dethroned. -evil grin- but i wish you the best of luck. and i hope that maybe one day you'll come back!

-insanely bored and protesting track

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[> [> Subject: +lip trembles+

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Date Posted: 15:47:46 02/10/03 Mon

please check your email, kate, when you get the chances. i shall miss you!

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[> Subject: Ah-hem

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Date Posted: 16:01:36 02/10/03 Mon

Malussinn would never have been dethroned... and his son won't be, not during Apathan's lifetime. ^_^ You will have to cut that short if you want True Evil off his daddy's seat. -bow- The Royal Healer is also helper and friend... and forever loyal.


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[> Subject: confused

Satan'a Outcast
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Date Posted: 16:26:12 02/10/03 Mon

OK, I'm all well and good, but who is taking Cirrus's spot? I read these all and don't know that. I will but won't set my heart on it. It nobody else wants it I will take it.

Good luck both of you!( I'm trying to keep up the grades too! It's tuff!) I hope to see you guys sometime here again though I never got to REALLY know you. See you all, Rachel

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[> Subject: wacha

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Date Posted: 18:16:48 02/10/03 Mon

-sly grin- you wanna know who's taking cirrus' post? aerial -nods- and Frozen Dreams is gonna be up there where True Evil is in a fewdays. you just watch.


but! i need to know. Maggie, should i just write a new challenge post? or what? or are you just gonna step in and take the challenge for mal. -dry laugh and mischevious smile-

we're gonna win! -nudges cass and grins-

but we're gonna miss kate! -sniffles- cass even gave you my nickname! she must like you. or she's suddenly stopped liking me. -ponders- well anyways.. i hope you come back to visit. -nods solemnly- soon!

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[> [> Subject: +blinks+ let the best win, as i'm sure the throne will remain with true evil.

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Date Posted: 09:15:16 02/11/03 Tue

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[> Subject: Well...

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Date Posted: 12:40:26 02/11/03 Tue

-mild look of disapproval at Faithy- We'll get along fine as long as you cool it ever so slightly. ^_~


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[> Subject: Wow....

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Date Posted: 10:19:45 02/12/03 Wed

All of Cascade Mountains will be a little less complete without you, Kate, but I understand. At least, I'm trying to. Real life has to have presidence, I suppose, over this fulfilling dream world of ours. We'll miss your delightful presence. Good luck with your writing. Even if Ballyhara wasn't too keen on Malussinn towards the end, Nyssia, Zamnor, and countless of your other creations were dear to him. It's with a dampened spirit that he'll continue to serve True Evil and the Darks.


•Courtney and Ballyhara•

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[> Subject: NOOOOOO

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Date Posted: 14:10:31 02/12/03 Wed

NOT KATIE!!!!!!!§runs and whimpers and hugs Kate§ If you stay, I'll even let you join the blondebuddyhood! Ur still playing Ryvla, right?? You better. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.lol.

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[> Subject: Oh yeah, I forgot to add...

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Date Posted: 15:22:15 02/12/03 Wed

Fran, can you kill anyone who tries to play Cirrus or something for me? I already got a few requests, and it's beginning to piss me off no end.

O.o; No touching Cirry. She dies with me, LOL. Anywho, bye!

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[> Subject: *bawls*

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Date Posted: 17:04:13 02/12/03 Wed

Oh b-b-b-but you can't leave. What of Maleah? [The filly gives her player a preturbed look and edges slightly away.] Oh fine, be that way.

I guess True Evil will be a semi-adopted father. Ah well. ANYWAY.

Kate, someday I know we'll all quit, and all good things must come to an end someday (unfortunatly, even such things as CM) though I'm infinitly sad that you have to go. Things just won't be the same without Malussinn around. All the time I've played at CM, you've been playing Malussinn, and most of the time, he was King. Jeez, I remember one time when my stally Redwood challenged Malussinn for one reason or another. I couldn't spell Malussinn, and it really pissed him off. *giggles*

Oh and Daigal and Sophie... Oh Kate I'm really gonna miss you. Come back and visit.

~Megan (and)
-Leila (I'll be playing her for the time being)
-Jesar even
and especially, Lavaterra (who hit on Mally boy once oh so long ago)

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