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Subject: Humanity's Team Philippines: Power of Touch

Humanity's Team Philippines
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Date Posted: 08:20:55 06/24/06 Sat

Humanity's Team Philippines: Power of Touch
A heart full of touch

And in more ways than one.

Humanity's Team Philippines, including nearly a dozen certified Reiki practitioners led by Nouel Resella, gather together and welcome you to attend this one-day workshop where we get to explore emotion or "energy in motion" in the Heart Circle for an authentic approach to life and others. Combined with Reiki, a no-risk and widely accepted form of touch therapy for the treatment of physical, emotional, spiritual or mental imbalances, we re-connect with an aspect of our selves based on love, peace, harmony and happiness that has the power to heal you, your loved ones, your community and the whole world. Reiki means "soul/spirit" (rei) and "life force/energy" (ki) in Japanese. As you find, move and expand this energy, you may be happily surprised that your power is nowhere else but in your hands.

Use your touch power. Re-discover the unsung joy within. Join us on July 1, 2006, Saturday, 2:00 p.m. ~ 7:00 p.m. at the Penthouse of #194 Wilson's Place, Wilson Street corner P. Guevarra, Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila. 50 slots are available. This service is free. RSVP.

Humanity's Team is a non-profit, global spiritual movement whose purpose is to communicate and implement the belief that we are all one, one with God and one with life, in a shared global state of being, so that the behavior of humanity may shift to reflect this understanding. Our volunteer stewards in the Philippines and around the world handle thousands of contacts with teammates and other individuals every month, as well as provide a growing number of outreach programs and services.

For inquiries, reservations and referrals:


Sandra (+632) 910.283.6123

Noel (+632) 927.349.2998

telefax (+632) 438.0338

Or register by signing our guestbook, replete with your mailing address and landline number/s, and we will get back to you for confirmation:


Please get in touch with us.

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