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Date Posted: 20:44:06 07/05/07 Thu
Author: Lynne
Author Host/IP: cpe-071-076-149-044.triad.res.rr.com /
Subject: Re: Lynne, Mack has had 2 of those surgeries
In reply to: Marlene 's message, "Lynne, Mack has had 2 of those surgeries" on 22:54:30 07/04/07 Wed

Marlene, how old was Mack when he had his first knee operation? Scarlett is 7 years old and a really big boned girl. Most people think she is a male because she is so BIG. I feel that some of it is from her bloodline. Her Dad was also huge and she inherited her size and personality from him. Do you think she may have less arthritis post surgery but she may have some either way?

I have restricted her from playing/running with other dogs. When I let her out to go potty while I get the mail, she likes to run a bit, I don't know how to keep her from it other than putting her on a lease every time she leaves the house. I am not encouraging her to run, she does it because she feels so good. Right now, I don't have her on pain meds because I am concerned about her reinjuring it if the meds mask the discomfort that I am only seeing after she runs.

I still am "pondering" if I have to keep her on a leash for outside, would I be ahead of the game to have the surgery and she would be healing from surgery instead of adding six months additional leash restriction??????

Why are there two choices re: surgery???

Thoughts please.

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