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Date Posted: 12:18:04 07/08/07 Sun
Author: Meri
Author Host/IP: adsl-153-253-114.jax.bellsouth.net /
Subject: AB 1634
In reply to: Lisa 's message, "Re: Calif. pet-sterilization bill !!! Pls sign." on 07:10:02 07/08/07 Sun

Text of the bill...

AB 1634


All pets will be speutered before 6 months of age

$500 fine for each animal over 6 months that has not been speutered and possible criminal action depending on the jurisdiction


Medical with documentation from a licensed veterinarian for an extended period (9 months), then till 12 months and so on.

If the government has provided documentation that permits this (animal control or jurisdiction)

Intact Permit:

Business license under tax code as a breeder with an animal control agency (usually puppy mills or large scale breeders)

Dog or cat belongs to a recognized registry and is titled


Dog and cat is used for service organization, seeing eye, assisted living, search and rescue, police, etc. as well as livestock working animals


Letter from a licensed vet that speutering would impact the animal adversely and the date that the animal can be safely speutered.


Not a resident of California

Specifics on Intact Permit

Fees determined by jurisdiction to support the cost of this bill.

One male and one female intact per household to produce a single litter

Enforcement: Animal Control

Lisa, I am highly opposed. Such bills have a tendency to penalize those who do care and do nothing to deter those who don't.

Some objections I see...

If you want to put show and working breeders out of business, this is a great way to do it. Unfortunately both are crap shoots. We already know one quarter of a litter is possibly potential and out of that, if lucky only one dog will rise to the top and meet health testing, conformation and temperament goals. Now you have to make that determination before 6 months. No health testing...it is normally done after the first year and better determined after a few years. But you don't have the option to hold more than two intact dogs in your household, so the puppies are placed outside of California, shifting most of the quality breeding animals out of the state. For those who remain, it reduces genetic diversity which can result in more sickly or temperamentally poor animals. This assumes that the show/working breeder will even try to continue. Seems like a useless exercise to me under those laws.

The best are gone, that leaves the law breakers. There are leash laws in California. How often are they obeyed or enforced? So those who follow all the rules are out. The lawbreakers will probably continue. Welcome your new breeding stock. People who will do what they want anyway and don't care much for the rules.

Puppy buyers like puppies (for one) and convenience. They will go to the lawbreakers or if on the border, out of state and buy, continuing the cycle. In a perfect world, they would go to a shelter or rescue. But for many, there are too many rules imposed...fenced yard for example, no apartments, age, on and on and the dogs come with a history. Many don't want to tackle that. More dogs will end in the shelter from people that can't pay the intact fines. If you don't pay the fine, the dog is impounded. Creates more of a burden. And since animal control is not enforcing the leash laws, do you really think they are going to spend their time peeking a Fifi's tummy or between Fido's legs? Not unless law enforcement is called out for another issue. This will bring a great quality of dogs and cats to the shelters that would make them the last place someone would consider getting an animal that they want housed with their child. Logically, it's self defeating.

The majority of shelter dogs (per studies) in California are from dumping. People come from other states or countries and things don't work out. They leave and either dump the dog or cat or turn it in to a shelter. An educational program that addresses that would be far more beneficial.

I see nothing positive in this bill. JMHO.

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