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Date Posted: 14:18:21 08/12/07 Sun
Author: Meri
Author Host/IP: adsl-218-222-177.jax.bellsouth.net /
Subject: Lisa, I can't speak for anyone else
In reply to: Lisa 's message, "thanks Jacke." on 11:23:04 08/12/07 Sun

But I have responded to your posts. I'm really bogged down at work and don't get here as much as I'd like anymore. Common work week is 14-16 hour days and normally all day saturday (not kidding!). When I do get away from work, the last thing I want to do is turn on the computer. Fortunately the majority of it is working at home so Gin doesn't get much of a chance to miss me. And that's the perk of it all.

We've posted together since Boxerworld and I consider you family. Whether we agree or disagree, you've been able to take in the good and express your own opinion as well. I've never been a fan of passive sheep whether I agree with them or not. You're not that. I consider you and your posts important. :)

I think it's just summer and everyone is outside playing and not checking the boards. If there are issues anywhere on this board or with any of its members, I sure haven't heard them.

Now belly bands. Not a huge fan, but it beats giving up the pooch. They are not a behavior modification tool alone. The key is always to catch the dog in the act. In fact, this is probably one where I'd tie the dog to me in the early stages. Once caught, I find distraction most effective here with a reward whenever the dog marks in the right places (outside). But it is a long, hard haul on this this behavior and the belly band protects your house and belongings when you can't pay attention.

Hope that helped...

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