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Date Posted: 12:24:04 08/13/07 Mon
Author: Kat - EBBie/Munsen Mommy
Author Host/IP: usaslwilp01-ext.pub-us.asml.com /
Subject: Lisa, I have responded to several of your posts
In reply to: Meri 's message, "Lisa, I can't speak for anyone else" on 14:18:21 08/12/07 Sun

But I simply have not had time to check the board very much lately and did not see your message. It has nothing to do with ignoring you, but life simply getting in the way.

If you have a very time sensitive questions like the ones for belly bands please e-mail it. I occasionally have the chance to check my home e-mail from work at lunch but only get to check the boards 1-2 times a week at most.

But I have never had to use a belly band. The closest I have had was Mr. Munsen when he first came home. His first home kept him in a crate except for eating and a quick potty break, so there were numerous accidents. From everything I had read re-training a dog who had been forced to live in his own filth could be hard to train. To make matters worse, Munsen came to me with bad diarrhea.

I was lucky, Munsen wants very much to please, and wants to be glued to my side. So that is what I did. I made sure he had ample exercise and potty times, and then when he was in the house he was tied to my side. I use very simple verbal commands as well as the bell on the door [sometimes he rings it just to hear it ring but better that than diarrhea in carpet]. With Ellie's help he quickly caught on that outside was the bathroom and inside was not. When he went outside as desired, he got praised so loudly and lavishly I am surprised that my neighbors haven't called the funny farm and told them to come pick me up!!!

Munsen only had two accidents in the house, and they were my fault [I deviated from the training program I had implememted and he was in the house too long after eating - big nononono!!!].

Also, after any booboo's I use a scent neuteralizer to make sure he doesn't go back to the same spot. After about 2 months Monkey Man is about 80% reliable.

The biggest training help was bonding him to me. Once he realized he was home, [and he realized he liked the sofa, bed, doggie pods, huge crate (big enough for a mastiff) when he had to be crated, Mama's spoiling, home cooking, etc] he became verrrrrrrrrry trainable.

Hope this helps, and hope you don't leave the board. Please don't let busy lives keep you from AAB.


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