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Date Posted: 19:33:52 10/09/07 Tue
Author: Jacke
Author Host/IP: /
Subject: Re: The cats
In reply to: Kristen 's message, "Jacke" on 09:04:25 10/05/07 Fri

Three of the cutest little furballs you've ever seen, and no takers. They are what I guess you call a tabby? Long fur, grey and black striped kittens. Haven't figured out gender yet as there is too much fur :-/

We adopted cat #1 the first "dumpee" his name is Catfael (after Cadfael a monk in a series of fictional books that solves crimes...I know, I know...)

CatFael was stepped on by Phebes last night and I thought the cat had used up all nine lives in one episode. Rushed him to the vet. He has a very swollen leg, but no apparent fractures. Keep in mind that Doodle spends a large percentage of his time trying to get an opportunity to eat the cat and I'm about driven to distraction trying to keep the cat in one piece as Doug is CRAZY over the feline.

WHY?????? *LOL*

The cat was in a bad way when he was dumped here and now is a luxurious version of Morris the Cat with a little fluffier coat, and the most beautiful golden eyes. He's a people cat and has a motor that won't quit. He purrs on eye contact and would rather be with people than his own kind.

Cat #2 is Grady. He was dumped about three or four weeks after Cat #1, he is black with white socks all around, and moves like a crinky old man. He was so dehydrated when he was dumped off I didn't know if he'd make it. He also had wet rattling in his chest. After a good worming and some food, he's shiny and growing, and still a little odd. He has the eyes of a feral cat, that wild look to them.

Two more weeks go by and a very skinny female cat # 3 shows up. I'm thinking well crap! I couldn't not let her eat, but definitely do not WANT a female cat on the place.

Next day, she brings in a kitten, then another, and another, and finally she brings in an older kitten from a previous litter.

I can't kill them, I can't dump them, can't KEEP THEM OR AFFORD TO NEUTER, SPAY, and Vaccinate seven cats at about $200 each to the tune of $1400.00

Anybody want to come to Green Acres (also known as the poor house for a fine little furball?)

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