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Date Posted: 20:36:52 10/25/07 Thu
Author: Tim, Potter, Radar & Miss Cleo
Author Host/IP: c-67-161-188-21.hsd1.ca.comcast.net /
Subject: Da Queen of Everything

Hi everyone. I know it's been a long time since I've been here, but life has held a lot for me these past couple of years. I won't moan about it all, but I did want you to know that yesterday I did find out that my girl's recent bumping into things is the result of a brain tumor. There are all kinds of fancy names for it I guess, but in the end I know it will take her away from me and the boys soon.

As most of you know, from the beginning of her life with us, she has had a loving home, lots of attention, luv, fun, companionship and the best healthcare I could give her. Boxer heaven , actually. She has always been in charge...human and her brothers a like, and I don't know what we'll do without her. Actually, I know I'll make it...as I always have when I've lost one of my kids...but it will be hard as it is for all of us when this time draws near.

I have many wonderful pics of my girl...some of the best I shared here with you. Her silly wig, her crown...always a show off in her reverse brindle robe.

Right now I'm just terribly sad about it all..and am not up to going into detail...but basically I'm not sure I want to put her through all the standard treatments available or a new one I was told about ..just so she can stay a bit longer with me..

When the time is here, I'll do best by my Queen and send her off peacefully where I'm sure she'll hold court and bully the rest of our kids.

I'll try and get back and I can.

Holding many warm memories of you and your babies...

Thanks to all I've heard from and to my Marleenee for helping me get out the word to you.
Luvs ya,

Uncle Tim, Potter, Radar and Cleo

ps. the boys are doing great....potter just showing a tinge of gray ..but still the cutie pahtootie....Radar, well..he pretty grey for his 7 1/2 years. You'd think that would make him smarter......NOPE....luv my boys.

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