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Date Posted: 15:34:07 10/29/07 Mon
Author: Cheryl
Author Host/IP: 170.sub-70-223-233.myvzw.com /
Subject: I swear - Butler is going to be the death of me yet.....

....you guys know how paranoid I am about MCT's, right? Right. Well, we just removed an epidermal cyst(infected hair folicle) a few weeks ago. I've been watching another one, and it finally took care of itself. Then I notice this red "bump" with an ozzy center on his chest. MCT, I think. Scott keeps telling me it's a fire ant bite, we have hills of them everywhere, and they won't go away. And, it's allergy season so Butler is licking his feet raw, and having sinus drainage which is making him sick. Scott left for GA last night, and Butler woke up this norning with the "bump" looking worse to me, and he got sick after breakfast, I think. At least he appeared to have been sick when he came back inside. So......I pleaded with the vet to work him in before lunch; mind you it's more than a 30 minute drive. We did the needle aspirate; whole nine yards. It's a fire ant bite. Thank God!!

Now, I can go back to nursing the migraine I've had since 4am Friday morning in which I had to get a shot for Saturday night to knock me out, I can study for my exam Thursday, finish my research paper that has to be turned in Thursday, and put the final touches on my parent's 50th wedding anniversary party in which my mom has invited more than 200 people. Oh, and I've got to get my Avon order submitted by noon on Tuesday. Makes you wonder why I ended up with a migraine, doesn't it? LOL

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