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Date Posted: 00:07:22 11/05/07 Mon
Author: Tim, Potter, Radar & Miss Cleo
Author Host/IP: c-67-161-188-21.hsd1.ca.comcast.net /
Subject: Update on my girl

I wanted to let you know that after talking with the team at the University of California, and finding that Cleo would most likely quality for the new treatment trial .... very successful so far ... I had pretty much planned on taking her down on Nov 14 to have the procedure done (basically infusing the tumor directly with the drug so as not to let it go thru the rest of her system.

Unfortunately I don't think she will make that date. About 2am this morning she woke the boys and I up with a gran mal seizure ;(. I had never witnessed one ...I felt so helpless and Potter and Radar just looked on not knowing what was going on with their sister. After talking with the neurologist this morning...I took her to the emergency Vet clinic where they sent us home with the phenybaritol (?). Tonight about 7pm she had her second. Tho less violent, the after effects lasted longer.

I've finally been able to get her lie down . She's sleeping quietly now. I just can't let this go on with my girl. When she wags that stump or acts excited about her food........I think I'll wait.........but then I see the confused, sad look in her eyes after one of these episodes and can't see it going on..for either of us. A little more of her goes with each seizure ;(. Now that Monday is coming up...I'll take her to the vet and have a long talk with him. I'll try and remember to come back and post what we've decided. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers....

hugs to you and your boxser kids..

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