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Date Posted: 22:32:58 11/06/07 Tue
Author: Marlene
Author Host/IP: 1Cust7527.an3.sac8.da.uu.net /
Subject: This bothered me

Anyone else see this recently? It was in our morning newspaper and I found a lot of links on the internet.........
It had to do with disposing of leftover/unused presciption meds.....a couple of the methods were to crush them, dissolve them and mix them with kitty litter or dog poop.
Since I happen to have a garbage hound that will eat anything nasty, stinky, poopy or even 'good for him' - it caught my attention.
I doubt my boyfriend will be roaming around a dump anytime soon....but it just worries me that wild animals (feral dogs even) would be scrounging for yummies and eat kittie "tootsie rolls" or fragrant dog poo mixed with toxic (to them) medications.
I must not have enough going on in my life to take a second look at that newspaper article - but I did.
< href="http://www.nwcn.com/health/stories/NW_110507HEB_leftover_med_SW.1df3941f6.html /">AAB

I'll put the article in a reply

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