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Date Posted: 01:00:31 02/16/04 Mon
Author: Doyle
Author Host/IP: wopr-p-144-134-177-253.prem.tmns.net.au /
Subject: Okay, I know that not many ppl here are fans of ATS...
In reply to: Bracken 's message, "I guess maybe technically UPN or someone *could* pick it up" on 23:35:36 02/15/04 Sun

but I am. Once BTVS S3 finished, Angel took it's place as my fav show. And unlike some other ppl, I thought Angel was just getting better (especially with the new direction it was heading in S5). But that bloody WB station decided to cancel it just when it was hitting it's stride - which isn't right. There is but one way of looking at this as a good thing: at least ATS will finish while it's still (imho) interesting. S7 of BTVS did bore me alot and I personally thought there were only a few episodes throughout the season which I could class as "above average". I count the days until a new episode of ATS screens here, and there's not really any other show (left on tv) that I can say that about anymore. I've appreciated it for the entertainment it's given me and will miss the show (and the entire cast - something I couldn't even say about BTVS) greatly. I hope they all find good jobs worthy of their talent and I will be looking out for new movies/tv shows starring them. I'm definitely more upset with this decision than the one about ending BTVS. But I realise I'm the only one who feels this way and I'm okay with that. All that matters to me is that *I* loved the show.

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