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Date Posted: 02:34:08 07/23/04 Fri
Author: Doyle
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Oh shit, my post sent before I was finished. Here's the rest of it...
In reply to: Doyle 's message, "*hides and whimpers*" on 02:16:58 07/23/04 Fri

(note: in my above post, I meant to say I "wanted" a better death for Hamilton).

But now, back to where I was up to before: But how boring a death was Hamilton's? I mean, a broken neck? Phfft, like we haven't seen *that* before. The other thing which I was a little disappointed with was the fact we never got to see the Senior Partners. I figured *for sure* we would see them in the series final. Alas no. But I quickly got over that fact so it's not a big gripe. If I had one other *proper* gripe it would be that Harmony survived. She should have died (permanently) in 'Graduation Day part 2' and *never* should have come back. She was annoying when human but became TEN TIMES more annoying as a vampire. How I wish Spike had staked her good and proper the first time he met her. *sigh* It's just WRONG that Angel let her live/get away.

Everything else tho, I was happy with. Fav parts of the series final (for me) were Lorne shooting Lindsey (and the fact Lindsey was disappointed about it being Lorne who killed him;) as well as the final scene (which I *know* alot of ppl complained about - and I'm guessing you weren't too happy with it either, Brack, but *I* thought it was about the best way they coulda ended it). I *loved* the fact that they left it open and we were to come to our own conclusions about whether they survived or not. I just really thought this series final was SO much better than Buffy's. Of course, there were lots of little bits in the episode I liked also. As for example: Angel signing away his Shanshu (now I was awaiting for the prophecy to be fulfilled and for Angel to become human just like the next person but Joss never gives the characters happy endings and, well, it was a way to wrap up the whole Shanshu thing and address the fact that it could have been Angel *or* Spike. I'm still wondering if it *is* Spike. Again, I'm glad we were allowed to draw our own conclusions). Like I said, there were lots of little bits I liked but I won't get into 'em. I'm sorry to say, Brack, but I was pretty damn satisfied with the ATS series final:)

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