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Date Posted: 18:44:02 10/24/04 Sun
Author: Doyle
Author Host/IP: wopr-p-144-134-173-104.prem.tmns.net.au /
Subject: Damn
In reply to: Doyle 's message, "Aw" on 03:54:09 02/12/04 Thu

(or when you put it together: 'Amy had porn')

MiszMuu: I'm leaving at 2
shiny silver grl: mmmmyeah
shiny silver grl: me too. 'cept it'll be 5 for me, here.
shiny silver grl: five frigging o'clock, doyle!
Heather21881: wimp!
shiny silver grl: do you realize that means we'll have been on IM for five and a half HOURS?
MiszMuu: Holy.
MiszMuu: [gives you guys a gold medal]
Heather21881: that was to you miss two oclock
shiny silver grl: *polishes medal and hangs it in a case on my wall*
MiszMuu: Uh. Just one. You have to split it.
shiny silver grl: hm. well. it's already in my case, so tough luck, doyley.
MiszMuu: I just finished downloading Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. [crosses fingers] I hope. Uh. I mean I hope it's that and not porn.
MiszMuu: Hahaha
shiny silver grl: heh
Doylificus: bracken bracken bracken...
Doylificus: d/ling porn again
Doylificus: tsk tsk
MiszMuu: Heee
Doylificus: *shakes ehad*
MiszMuu: All the time.
Heather21881: I have that
shiny silver grl: are you unflining yourself while you shake your ehad?
shiny silver grl: ;-)
Heather21881: eternal sunshine
Doylificus: shake your ehad shake your ehad shake it like this *demonstrates*
Heather21881: not porn
MiszMuu: Hahaha.
MiszMuu: *ahem*
shiny silver grl: *unflinging, rather
Doylificus: totally, sulver
shiny silver grl: har har
Doylificus: *hugz the three of yous* it's not very often we're in AIM together
MiszMuu: Shaking your head and unfling sounds like headbanging and diddling at the same time.... Yeah. I dunno either. Sounds like there's a headache involved there somewhere.
Doylificus: *savours this moment*
MiszMuu: And Heather. You so have PORN
Doylificus: okies, it's savoured *shoves you three aways*
MiszMuu: [GROUP HUG]
Doylificus: j/k;-)
MiszMuu: Hahaha
shiny silver grl: heh
Heather21881: do not
Doylificus: *shakes ehad again*
Doylificus: just cause it's funny
MiszMuu: hahaha....
shiny silver grl: lol
Doylificus: I'm not even sure wtf a ehad is
MiszMuu: It's near your ankle.
shiny silver grl: lmfao
Doylificus: or should that be "*an* ehad"?
shiny silver grl: yes
Doylificus: oh yeah...
Doylificus: it's totally near my ankle
Doylificus: it's that long
shiny silver grl: *coughs*
MiszMuu: Hahahaha.
MiszMuu: *ahem*
Doylificus: ooooookies, pretend I didn't say that
MiszMuu: You made my stomach hurt.
shiny silver grl: *still giggling a little, herself*
Doylificus: sorries
Doylificus: sorrys even
shiny silver grl: lol....you pluralized sorry.
shiny silver grl: that's funny.
MiszMuu: [breathes]
MiszMuu: Oh, dude.
Doylificus: I always pluralize sorry!
Doylificus: where have you been
shiny silver grl: yeah, but you really made it plural this time.
Doylificus: the last 4 years?!
shiny silver grl: and not that...other plural, that's not really plural.
shiny silver grl: just with an s on the end.
shiny silver grl: a sorries that could actually be used in a sentence.
shiny silver grl: sort of.
Doylificus: I always add 's's to the ends of words that aren't meant to have 's's
Doylificus: ah
shiny silver grl: i am aware of this.
Doylificus: I getcha
Doylificus: see, the "sorries" was a mistake
MiszMuu: You're all odd.
Doylificus: usually, I say "sorrys"
shiny silver grl: hello kettle? this is pot. you're black.
Doylificus: *points at barck* you're Aud
MiszMuu: Wait. Wait. You didnt' let me pick up the phone.
shiny silver grl: *laughs again at barck*
MiszMuu: Haha.
Doylificus: who's barck?
shiny silver grl: 'cause it just looks so damn funny.
Doylificus: *kicks sil in the shin* cause it just looks so damn funny
Doylificus: ;-)
Doylificus: *eg*
shiny silver grl: *hops on one foot*
shiny silver grl: *uses it to kick Doyle in the ehad*
MiszMuu: [snorts]
shiny silver grl: *which is located down by his ankle*
MiszMuu: Hahahaha.
Doylificus: oh god! oh mother of mercy holy merciful crap shit damn yyyyyyyyow!
shiny silver grl: *shakes head*
Doylificus: don't do that again
Doylificus: what are you shaking your head at?
Doylificus: is brack d/ling more porn?
MiszMuu: Yes.
shiny silver grl: and on that note, mon frer, mi hermano, me frater....I must go to bed

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