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Date Posted: 13:02:29 07/06/03 Sun
Author: First aired Sunday 6th July 2003
Subject: Episode 8.21 - "CLARITY" by Linda Delurked (Part II)
Scene: Outdoors.
Note: ‘Interlude’ by Siouxie Sioux is playing in the background
Xander is still trying to free the trapped girl. She's free down to her waist.
Girl: "Why haven't they come back yet?"
Xander: "Huh?"
Girl: "Your friends. They're not back yet."
Xander: "The town's one big mess. They're probably delayed. (smiles at her) Don't worry, they always come back to rescue me."
Girl: "You get rescued a lot?"
Xander: "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."
The girl gasps and shifts a little. Xander stops digging.
Xander: "You okay?"
Girl: (voice breathy) "Yeah. It just hurts sometimes."
Pause. Xander looks worried. He starts digging again. The girl leans back and closes her eyes. She sighs.
Girl: "Why do you need rescuing so much?"
Xander: (cheerfully) "Well, my friends are kinda special. They're superheroes!"
Girl: (smiles) "Superheroes?"
Xander: "Yep!"
Girl: "Then why didn't they fly away to get help?"
Xander: "How do you know they didn't?"
The girl laughs.
Girl: "Didn't they have super strength? Couldn't they get me free?"
Xander: "Not Anya and Kennedy. Buffy does though!"
Girl: "Did they go to get her?"
Xander: "Well they kinda went to help her stop the end of the world, but as soon as they're done I'm sure we're top of their list"
The girl assumes Xander is kidding. She smiles at him.
Slight pause.
Girl: "It felt like that you know."
Xander: (grunting as he moves a large piece of concrete) "What did?"
Girl: "The quake. It felt like the end of the world."
Xander hauls the concrete to one side. He looks at the girl and squeezes her hand. She smiles at him. The camera pans down slightly and we see what the girl can’t see, that Xander’s hands are bleeding badly.
Scene: Outdoors. Night.
Faith is running through the ruined streets of Sunnydale, still going in the opposite direction to everyone else. Someone yells something at her, a shouted warning. She ignores him and keeps running. There’s a sound of a woman screaming. Faith looks upset, but doesn’t stop. Something growls and Faith stops running. She looks at the sky and notices the stars and moon for the first time.
Faith: (softly, to herself) “Vampire!”
Faith reaches a hand behind her shoulder and pulls her sword loose.
Scene: Outdoors. Night.
A large demon is growling and moving for a woman, who is slowly backing away. The demon looks quite like a Fyaarl demon, except that instead of horns he has a row of Spines on his head.
Kennedy’s voice: (yelling) “Get away from her!”
The demon and the woman turn to Kennedy, who has her axe in her hand and is running towards the demon. Anya is behind her.
Anya: “Kennedy!”
Kennedy swings the axe but the demon dodges the blow. Kennedy uses the momentum of her swing to aim a kick, which hits the demon square in the chest, hard enough to knock him down. She slams one foot on to his chest and gets ready to swing the axe again.
Demon: (outraged) “What are you rescuing her for? She’s about to eat your friend for pity’s sake!”
Shocked, Kennedy turns to look at the woman. She’s a vampire, and she has Anya. One hand is clamped over Anya’s mouth, while the other is pulling her hair, exposing her neck. The vampire is clearly about to bite, but looks up when she hears the demon.
Vampire: (pouts at the demon) “Tattletale!”
The vampire throws Anya to one side and rushes Kennedy. Kennedy doesn’t have enough time to prepare for the assault and is knocked to the ground. The vampire lands on top of her, grinning, and reaches for Kennedy’s neck. She’s suddenly torn from Kennedy by the demon, who rips her head off with a growl. The dust falls on Kennedy, who coughs. She flinches involuntarily as the demon leans down toward her, but he holds out his hand and helps her to stand.
Demon: “She was eating the survivors! Can you believe that? There’s hundreds of them out here sucking away on people trapped in the rubble or wandering around the streets! (shakes his head) Vampires! Just when you think they’ve reached rock bottom, they start to dig! (turns to Anya) Anyanka! Come to join the rescue party!”
Anya: “We can’t. I mean, we’re helping people as much as we can, but we’re supposed to get to Kingman’s Bluff and help Buffy.”
Demon: “Ah! So that’s what the lights show is all about! (looks up at the bluff and shudders) I’ve gotta tell ya, I’d prefer to be dusting vamps down here. That new demon, she’s trouble!”
Anya: “Tell me about it! You wouldn’t believe what she did to me only last…”
Kennedy: (interrupting) “You know this guy?”
Anya: “Of course! Eddie’s a regular at Willie’s. We hang…occasionally…”
Eddie: “Don’t let her fool you, Anyanka is a riot at parties! She has the funniest stories from her vengeance days. (to Anya) Oh! Tell her about the one with the guy with the exploding head!”
Anya: (rolling her eyes) “She’s heard it. Never see the funny side of that one.”
Kennedy: (looking suspiciously at Eddie) “You mentioned a rescue?”
Eddie: (nods) “The bar was trashed, but we all got out okay. (turns to Anya) Clem heard about the vamps and got a few of us to round up whatever survivors we found and get them over to his place. It’s still standing, so we figured we could hold the vamps off ‘till dawn. I wanted to stay with him and help him out with the injured, but he figured I’d be more help out here.”
Kennedy: (still suspicious) “Why?”
Eddie: (looks at Kennedy, spreads his arms) “Do I look like a people person to you?”
Kennedy: “So you’re rescuing people instead.”
Eddie: (caustically) “No need to thank me. The bruises on my ribs are reward enough! I’m sure Clem won’t mind another injury to go with the collection at his place.”
Kennedy: “Anya, is this guy telling the truth or is he going to start feeding on people once we go?”
Eddie: (glares at Kennedy, eyes narrowed) “I violently dislike you!”
Anya: (makes an exasperated sound) “Don’t worry about it Eddie, she’s like this with everyone. (To Kennedy, who looks outraged at Anya’s comment) Eddie is fine. He wouldn’t hurt a fly. Well, except for the fact that flies are what he eats.”
Eddie smiles smugly and gives Kennedy a “So there!” look. Kennedy rolls her eyes.
Kennedy: “Alright! Okay! Let’s just get going again!”
Anya: (as she starts to follow Kennedy) “Tell Clem we haven’t head from Giles, Spike or Andrew yet but that everyone else is okay.”
Eddie: “Will do. Take care up there, okay?”
Anya: (smiles) “We will.”
Kennedy: (calling from offscreen) “Anya!”
Anya: “I’m coming!”
Eddie: (quietly) “…and if you ever need anybody to kill someone and make it look like an accident…”
Scene: Indoors.
Spike and Andrew are digging their way out of the rubble. Spike suddenly loses his temper. He lets out a roar, vamps out and hits the ground. He stays there panting for a second. Andrew, terrified, stands with his back against the rubble.
Andrew: (worriedly) "Are you hungry?"
Spike: "No. (shudders) I need to get out of here."
Andrew: "Oh. (pause) Are you getting that thing where the walls seem to be closing in and you can't breathe and your chest gets tighter and tighter and all you want to do is...(of Spike's look) ...not helping. I get it."
Spike stands up. He walks over to the wall of rubble and puts both his hands on it.
Spike: (almost tearful) "She needs me. She's out there facing that bitch right now and I'm stuck in here!"
Spike slams his fists against the wall of rubble. The ceiling shakes again. Spike doesn't seem to notice. Andrew looks up fearfully.
Spike: (softly) "I need to get to her."
Andrew hesitates for a second, then puts his hand on Spike's shoulder. Spike sighs and bows his head, braced against the wall of rubble. They both stay that way for a moment, then Spike takes a breath and starts to dig through the rubble again. Andrew starts to dig too. His watch beeps. He goes to the unconscious Giles and checks his pulse, and listens to his breathing. Spike doesn't look back.
Scene: Outdoors.
Kennedy and Anya are walking through the streets.
Anya: "Do you think we should have stayed with them for a bit longer?"
Kennedy: "We got her free. We don't have time for anything else."
Anya: "I know, it's just...(glances back) the girl did looked pretty beat up."
Kennedy: "It doesn't matter. If we don't get to Buffy soon they're all dead."
Woman's voice: (off screen) "Help! Help me!"
Anya and Kennedy stop walking. Anya looks at Kennedy. Kennedy looks frustrated.
Scene: The Bluff.
Proserpexa returns to the Bluff in a burst of flames.
Proserpexa: "Did you think you could keep me away forever? Time is meaningless to me now! And you're time is over!"
Proserpexa tries to walk up to the gang, but is held back by a barrier. She looks at Buffy, Willow and Dawn. They are holding hands, standing in a circle, surrounded by a glow of power. For the first time, Proserpexa looks worried. She closes her eyes, concentrates, and starts to glow.
Note: "Play Dead" by Bjork is playing over the following scenes.
Intro to "Play Dead" plays.
Proserpexa is thrown backwards by a burst of power.
Proserpexa lies on the ground. The camera shows her back. Then it pans upwards to reveal Buffy, Willow and Dawn standing in front of her. The three of them are glowing with power. Willow's eyes are glowing black, Dawn's green and Buffy's blue. They are all wearing exactly the same expression on their faces. They look angry. And very sure of themselves.
Proserpexa scowls back at them. She stands up and summons her power. A large snake appears in the air in front of her. Buffy, Willow and Dawn raise their right hands and exactly the same moment. A stream of light comes from the three of them. It combines into one bright, white stream. Proserpexa hisses at them and jerks her arm forward in a stabbing moment. At the same time, the snake hisses and lashes out, in the same motion as Proserpexa's arm. The power from Buffy, Willow and Dawn connects with the snake. There is an explosion of light.
The light fades. We see Kennedy face, with the moon shining behind her. She is peering into a dark opening. Something worries her. She reaches forward and pulls out a little boy. Anya is standing besides the boy's frantic mother, trying to comfort her. Kennedy places the boy on the ground and listens to his chest.
stop confusing me
With your wishful thinking
Hopeful embraces
Don't you understand
The scene cuts to a distant figure who is running across Sunnydale. There's a closer shot and we see that it's Faith. There's a shot of the lights from the battle on the bluff, then another of Faith, pushing herself even harder, running faster.
I have to go through this
I belong here
where no one cares
and no one loves
No light no air to live in
The scene cuts to a close up of Proserpexa's face. She looks extremely angry.
A place called hate
The city of death
Different camera angle. The snake falls to the ground and fades away. Proserpexa raises her hands, and fire springs up from the ground. Buffy, Willow, and Dawn make the same gesture in perfect unison. A cloud appears above them, sending rain. It falls on the flames, putting them out. Willow, Buffy and Dawn remain completely dry. Their eyes start to glow white. A large vine seeps out of the ground and wraps itself around Proserpexa. She struggles to get free.
Cut to Giles, still unconscious on the floor. Spike is checking his pulse this time. He looks up at Andrew, who is pulling frantically at the rubble.
I play dead.
It stops the hurting
Cut to the mother cradling the body of her dead son in her arms. She is sobbing. Anya has her arm around her and is crying too. The camera moves to the right to reveal Kennedy sitting near them. She looks upset.
I play dead
and the hurting stops
It's sometimes just like sleeping
Cut to Xander, still trying to free the girl. He looks tired.
Curling up inside my private tortures
The girl winces and moves slightly.
I nestle into pain
Xander looks concerned. He takes off his jacket and wipes her face. She smiles weakly.
Hurt, suffering, caress every ache
Cut to Proserpexa. She frees herself from the vines. She slams her fists down on the ground, which begins to quake.
Willow, Buffy and Dawn hover above the ground.
The girl screams in pain. Xander grabs her arms, trying to hold her still.
Anya and Kennedy are still beside the grieving woman. They look on in horror as the ground quakes again.
The ceiling above Spike and Andrew begins to cave. Andrew runs over to Giles, covering him as best he can. Spike braces himself against the ceiling, holding it up. The camera pans upwards, and we see that they are buried under a massive amount of rubble. Not just the shop, but rubble from several other adjacent buildings have fallen on top of them, more than they could possibly dig through in time.
I play dead
It stops the hurting
I play dead
It stops the hurting
I play dead
It stops the hurting
Scene: Outdoors.
Xander pulls a large slab off the girl. He looks down and is obviously shaken by what he sees. He turns to look at the girl. She's lying very still, eyes closed.
Xander: (gently) "Hey! (takes her hand) "You still with me?"
Girl: (opens her eyes and smiles weakly) "Still here."
Xander: (glancing back at her legs) "Look, uh, I don't think I should pull anything else off you. We'd better wait here 'till help comes."
Girl: "I know. (slight pause) My legs are crushed aren't they?"
Xander: "Yeah, I think they are."
Xander moves up closer to the girl. He smoothes her hair away from her face. Again, the girl doesn't notice that he's bleeding, as she can't see his hand.
Xander: "Look. If I move anything else, you could bleed to death. As long as we stay here you'll be fine. We'll just wait for the experts, okay?"
Girl: "Okay."
Pause. Xander looks around for a second, then back at the girl.
Xander: "You need anything? Some water maybe?"
Girl: "I'm fine. (sighs and closes her eyes) It doesn't even hurt any more."
Xander looks deeply worried.
Scene: Outdoors.
Note: ‘Precious Things’ by Tori Amos is playing in the background
Cut to Faith, fighting three vampires at once. As she decapitates one we see that she’s standing in front of a cowering family (Father, mother and little girl).
Faith dusts the other two and turns to the family. They look up at her with a mixture of horror and wonder.
Faith: “You guys okay?”
They all keep staring. The father finally manages to nod.
Faith: “There’s a building over there that looks pretty sound. Barricade yourselves inside. Don’t let anyone in until daylight. Do you understand me?”
The Father nods. The mother looks upset.
Mother: “Please don’t leave us!”
Faith: (replacing her sword in its spine sheath) “I’m sorry. I can’t stay.”
Faith turns away and begins to run.
Mother: “No! Please! Don’t leave us alone like this!”
The Father holds the mother, who is almost frantic. The little girl starts to cry. Faith keeps running. She doesn’t look back.
‘Precious Things’ plays more loudly as the scene ends
Scene: Bluff. Night.
Proserpexa is wounded but still fighting. She lashes out again. Willow, Dawn and Buffy's skin starts to change colour. Bruises appear on their arms and faces. Their skin is discoloured, as though poison is seeping underneath it.
Willow, Buffy and Dawn raise their arms in perfect unison.
Willow, Buffy and Dawn: "Expellente Mallem!"
Their skin clears. A dark liquid seeps out of their fingers and hovers above them. Willow, Buffy and Dawn lower their hands and point at Proserpexa.
Willow, Buffy and Dawn: "Returned Threefold!"
The liquid starts to fly to Proserpexa. It becomes a raven, which slashes her left cheek with it's beak. She angrily tries to swat it away. It circles and slashes her other cheek. The wounds become discoloured. Proserpexa snarls.
‘Precious Things’ fades out
Scene: Sunnydale Street. Night.
Kennedy and Anya are moving again. They both look visibly upset.
Female Voice: “Help! Someone help us! Please!”
Kennedy rushes off in the direction of the voice. Anya follows.
Scene: Sunnydale Street. Night.
Faith is fighting two vampires, one male and one female. There’s a dead woman lying on the ground near her. She decapitates the male and then shoves the female against the ground.
Faith: “Tell the others to stop feeding.”
Vampire: (laughs) “You’re insane! You think I could tell them to starve in the middle of an all you can eat buffet?”
Faith grabs the vampire roughly by the hair and turns her to face the bluff. The lights are still flaring.
Faith: “You see that?”
Vampire: (angrily) “I see it! So what?”
Faith: “That is the end of the world. Unless I get there, that is going to destroy everything. Including you and all your vamp buddies!”
Vampire: (eyes widening) “You’re lying.”
Faith: (yelling) “Look at it! Look at what they’re fighting! Hell, you can feel the power from here! And that power is gonna wipe out this whole town and everything else unless you back the hell off and let me do my job!”
The vampire stares at the scene on the bluff. It’s clear she believes her. Faith lets go of her. They both stand, the vampire backing away.
Faith: “Tell your friends.”
The vampire runs off. Faith sheaths her sword again and runs towards the bluff.
Scene: Indoors.
Spike and Andrew are still digging. Andrew is chatting away fairly cheerfully.
Andrew: "So Geordi LaForge ends up totally blind, since his visor isn't working any more, and he and the Romulan end up working together so they can survive. So they end up using his visor as a communication device, a beacon that can let the Enterprise know where they are. It's all very symbolic. That was the best one I think. Of course there were a lot of similar episodes in the original series, but they were all pretty boring.”
Spike can’t help smiling at the irony of that last statement. Andrew doesn’t notice.
Andrew: “There was that one where Picard and Wesley were stuck on this desert planet. That was Wesley’s final mission. Very emotional! Oh, and then there was this other one in 'Enterprise' where Trip was stuck on this really hot planet which would kill him when the sun rose, and there was this alien with him, who was..."
Spike: (interrupting) "Stop!"
Andrew Stops. Spike frowns, listening to something.
Andrew: "Can you hear somebody?"
Spike: (looks worried)"When did you last check on Giles?"
Andrew: (checks his watch) "Four minutes ago. Why?"
Spike: (eyes widening) "I can't hear his pulse."
They rush over to Giles. Andrew leans his head on his chest. Spike checks the pulse in his neck.
Andrew: (lifts his head) "He's stopped breathing!"
Spike moves aside slightly and places both hands on Giles' chest
Spike: "Do you know CPR?"
Andrew nods and gives Giles mouth to mouth. Spike starts pumping his chest.
Scene: The Bluff.
Snarling, Proserpexa smashes her way through the barrier that's been keeping her back. Dawn reaches out a hand and Tara’s Book of Shadows suddenly appears, suspended in the air.
Dawn: Creo!
The words fly from the pages, swirl around for a second, and then form a spear, which flies to Willow. Willow points at Proserpexa.
Willow: Pugno!
The spear flies towards her. She tries to bat it away, but eventually it pierces her shoulder. Screaming in rage, she pulls it loose and throws it aside. It immediately flies to Buffy, who holds it and stands firm, ready to fight Proserpexa one on one.
Buffy: (smiles) Vinco!
Proserpexa: “Not yet you don’t!”
Dawn and Willow stand just behind her, both surrounded by flaring energy. They stretch out their hands and the energy surrounds Buffy.
Proserpexa attacks Buffy, trying to reach the mirror. Willow and Dawn stand behind them, their energy flowing to Buffy, making her stronger.
Scene: The Bluff.
Faith reaches the top of the bluff. She starts to run to Proserpexa's temple.
Scene: Indoors.
Andrew and Spike are giving Giles CPR.
Spike: "Stop!"
Spike listens to Giles' chest.
Andrew: "Anything?"
Spike shakes his head. " Keep going."
Scene: Sunnydale Street.
Anya helps an exhausted Kennedy to sit down on a pile of rubble. She goes away for a second and then comes back with a bottle of water.
Anya: "The firemen had some. I'm glad they're here at last. I sent someone to help Xander and that girl who was trapped. You need to rest. You're exhausted!"
Kennedy: (shakes her head, whispers) "I'm fine."
Anya: (crossly, as she helps Kennedy drink the water) "No you're not! You'd better not die on me! Not after all that effort Buffy put into saving your ass last year. She'd kill me!"
Kennedy smiles weakly at this.
Anya: (more gently) "Just rest now. You've already helped so many people."
Kennedy: (whispers) "Wasn't enough."
Anya sits beside her and pats her arm.
Anya: "It was sad about that little boy. And that couple. But the emergency services are here now. You won't have to do it by yourself any more. Plus the vampires seem to have backed off. I guess they finally figured out that this wasn’t the place to be.”
Kennedy doesn't look at Anya, instead she stares at the ground, panting. There's a sudden sound and they look up to see that the lights on the bluff are getting brighter.
Anya: "Should we go help the good guys now?"
Kennedy: (smiles weakly) "I thought we already were."
Male Voice: (offscreen) "Help! Somebody help us!"
Kennedy gets up without a word and walks to the voice, away from the bluff. Anya hesitates for a second, then follows her.
Scene: The Bluff.
Buffy and Proserpexa are fighting one on one. Buffy still has the spear. Proserpexa keeps trying to get past her to the mirror. She has gained some ground since the last scene. Willow and Dawn are back against the mirror, using all their power to keep Proserpexa at bay.
Faith is running across the Bluff. She sees the lights in the distance and runs harder.
Scene: Indoors.
Andrew and Spike are still giving Giles mouth to mouth.
Andrew: "I don't think it's working."
Spike: "Keep going!"
Andrew nods and keeps giving Giles mouth to mouth. Spike keeps pumping his chest.
Spike: (under his breath) "Come on Giles! Not here. Not like this. Come on!"
Scene: Outdoors.
Xander and the girl are still beside Xander's ruined car. Xander is lying beside her and holding her hand. He's stroking her hair.
Girl: "All your girlfriends turned out to be demons?"
Xander: "Well, there was Rachel. Not that she was my girlfriend. She kissed me back when I was in second grade. Though looking back at it now, I have my suspicions. What kind of a normal human likes cabbage?"
Girl: (laughs) "Sounds like you have one crazy life."
Xander: (smiles) "Yeah. It really is."
Girl: "Don't you get scared?"
Xander: "Sometimes, but not so much any more, not like I used to. There was a time when every little bump in the road would have had me running to panicsville with a quick stopover at cape mortal terror, but it's not like that now. It's not that I'm safer or anything. I've seen some awful things, worse than I could ever have imagined. But no matter how bad things got, no matter how hopeless it seemed, Buffy would always save the day. That's what she does."
Girl: "But what happens if she dies? Then we don't have any hero to save us."
Xander: "Actually, that's the amazing part. When one slayer dies, another one is called to take her place. And when she dies, someone else is called. And then another and another and another...”
Note: Intro to "The Scientist" by Coldplay starts to play
Xander : “…so no matter what happens, no matter how awful things are, there's always someone fighting for us. There'll always be a slayer to protect us. (smiles) Maybe even you. You could be mysterious wreckage girl the vampire slayer."
Girl: (smiling) "Clarity."
Xander: "What?"
Girl: "That's my name. Clarity."
Xander: (smiles back)"It's pretty."
Girl: (whispers) "Thank you."
There's a slight pause. Clarity sighs, and then lies very still. Xander's face falls.
Xander: "Clarity?"
He reaches out and touches her face.
Xander: (more loudly) "Clarity!"
Clarity is motionless, her eyes wide and unblinking. Xander strokes her face with his still bloodied hand, then breaks down and cries.
Come up to meet ya, tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
Buffy fighting Proserpexa on the bluff. Proserpexa is pushing Buffy further and further back, towards the mirror.
I had to find you, tell you I need you
Tell you I set you apart
Kennedy and Anya struggle to lift a heavy slab. Kennedy steps back for a second, wiping the sweat from her forehead with her arm. She looks exhausted.
Tell me your secrets, and nurse me your questions
Oh lets go back to the start
Slow motion shot of Faith running
Running in circles, coming in tails
Heads on a science apart
Xander closes Clarity's eyes and kisses her forehead.
Nobody said it was easy
It's such a shame for us to part
Giles’ body lies motionless on the ground. Spike puts his tee shirt over Giles' face. Andrew is sitting a short distance away, sobbing. Spike sits beside Andrew and puts his arm around him, trying to comfort him. He looks close to tears.
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start
Buffy battles Proserpexa. She manages to knock the spear from Buffy's grasp. Willow and Dawn lash out with their magic. The spear rises from the ground. Proserpexa snatches it and plunges it into Buffy's heart.
Willow and Dawn throw back their heads and scream. The scream is echoed by Faith, who finally reaches Buffy, just as she falls backwards into Faith’s arms. Faith catches her and lowers her gently to the ground.
Faith: (frantic) “Buffy! Buffy!”
Buffy doesn’t answer, She stares straight up at the sky. Blood pours from her wound, staining Faith’s hands.
Proserpexa reaches the mirror, which sparks and crackles with energy. A column of energy shoots out from it, into the sky.
I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart
In the sky above the mirror, an image of a giant snake appears, woven into a complicated knot and biting it's own tail. The column of energy from the mirror hits the snake image. It lets go of it's tail, arches back and makes a sound, half hissing, half shriek.
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart
The moon seems to vibrate for a second, and then starts to move backwards in the sky. The sun appears, also moving backwards, flying faster and faster across the sky.
And tell me you love me, come back and haunt me
Oh and I rush to the start
Cut to a street in Sunnydale town. It's chaos. The town has fractured into different time zones. In some places it's day and in others it's night. Terrified people are running, crying, asking each other what's happening.
Running in circles, chasing tails
Coming back as we are
Shot changes to slow motion. In the middle of the throng we see Xander. He is the only calm person to be seen. The camera moves closer and closer to him as he ignores everyone around him and stands peacefully looking up at the sky.
Nobody said it was easy
Oh it's such a shame for us to part
Faith swings her sword at Proserpexa. It hits off a barrier. Proserpexa turns to Faith and smiles at her, face human again and full of triumph. Faith looks over at Willow and Dawn. Willow is laying motionless, eyes wide. Dawn is lying beside her, but manages to turn her head to look at Faith. Blood is seeping from her mouth. She's dying. Faith rushes to her side.
Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said it would be so hard
I'm going back to the start
Faith kneels beside Dawn, trying to figure out how to help her. Dawn tries to speak. Faith lifts her up as gently as she can and leans in to listen. Dawn whispers something to Faith. Faith nods, and lowers Dawn to the ground, then goes to Buffy and kneels beside her. She sees that the watch around her neck is glowing with a soft green light. She glances at Dawn, who nods, then takes the watch from Buffy's neck and places it around her own. Dawn smiles, sighs and closes her eyes. Faith looks stricken.
Proserpexa is staring at the sky. The snake has unwound completely and is writhing in the stream of energy coming from the mirror, twisting and convulsing into different shapes. Faith takes Buffy into her lap and cradles her. She looks around desperately, at Dawn, at Willow, at Proserpexa, at the writhing snake, then down at Buffy again.
Faith: “Don’t you die on me, B!”
Buffy doesn’t reply. She lies motionless in Faith’s arms, barely breathing.
Faith: “You’ve gotta hold on!”
Buffy shudders and gasps, eyes widening. Faith is crying now.
Faith: “Come on B! Stay with me! I don’t know what to do!”
Ooooohhhhhhh [x3]
There is a close up shot of Buffy's face. Her eyes slowly close. The picture fades into black.
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