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Date Posted: 22:41:40 08/14/03 Thu
Author: First aired Sunday 3rd August
Subject: Episode 8.22 - "MOMENTS - Season Finale" by Linda_Delurked & Imisstara (Part I)

Buffy's room. The camera shows a shot from above of her in bed. She's having nightmares, with visions of the Master's lair, the cemetery, the Master, of vampires and other demons, various events and artefacts. She wakes with a start.

Joyce: (off camera) Buffy?

Buffy: (sitting up) I'm up, Mom!

Joyce: (off camera) Don't wanna be late for your first day!

Buffy: (to herself) No... Wouldn't want that.

Cut to the school. The camera pans from the street to the main building. Cut to Joyce pulling up to the school in her Jeep to drop off Buffy.

Joyce: Okay!

Buffy gets out.

Joyce: Have a good time. I know you're gonna make friends right away, just think positive. (gives a thumbs up)

Buffy looks through the open car door and gives her mother a quick nod. She turns to go and closes the door behind her.

Joyce: And honey?

Buffy looks back at her mom again.

Joyce: Try not to get kicked out?

Buffy: I promise.

Joyce: Okay.

Buffy faces the school and lets out a deep breath. Joyce drives off.

The screen fades to white for a second, before fading back to the previous scene. Season 8 Buffy is now standing exactly where season 1 Buffy was. She looks around her, confused, finally staring open mouthed at the High School Building in front of her.

Buffy: What the…

Voice: (offscreen, faint) ‘scuse me, comin’ through, pardon me, ‘scuse me, not sure how to stop! ‘scuse me, whoa!

Buffy: Oh boy!

Buffy is knocked to the ground when Xander runs into her on her skateboard.


Buffy rolls backward. It’s dark, and she is in a park like cemetery. She is on her feet to meet a snarling bald vampire that leaps and spins and kicks at Buffy's head. Then it kicks her in the stomach, driving her back. It snarls and rushes her and she punches it rapidly five times. The vampire spins and backhands Buffy knocking her down. It rushes her and she kicks with both legs knocking it back.

Buffy: What’s happening!

The bald vampire rolls over backwards. Willow from the bushes, cries a warning.

Willow: Buffy another one!

A second vampire, a dark-haired one, snarls and grabs at the still prone Buffy and she flips it over. As the bald vampire comes to its feet Xander grabs it from behind by the jacket and Anya tries to hold it from the front.

Buffy kicks the dark-haired vampire in the face and he gets up and runs away.

Willow: Buffy!
Buffy: Will?

Screen fades to white

Buffy is standing outside the cage in Sunnydale’s library. Willow is lying inside the cage, unconscious.

Buffy: (horrified) Willow!
Willow: (offscreen) Buffy?

Buffy whirls around. Season 8 Willow is standing beside her. Giles and Angel are also standing next to Buffy.

Angel: Buffy, what’s wrong?
Giles: Are you all-?
Buffy: (to Willow) What’s happening? What’s going on?
Willow: We failed Buffy. Proserpexa was too strong. She’s finishing her spell.
Buffy: Finishing? Then it’s not done yet?
Willow: No. I don’t think we’d be jumping around like this if she had.
Giles: Proserpexa?
Angel: Uh... You’re not jumping. You’re just… standing there.
Buffy: (ignoring them) How do we stop it?
Willow: We have to find the others. I was with Dawn a moment ag-

Screen fades to white. Willow is standing in Oz’s living room.

Willow: (softly) Aw, darn!

Werewolf Oz suddenly emerges from behind the couch and growls at her.

Willow: (yells) Oh! Not good!

Werewolf Oz lunges at Willow. Without thinking, Willow drops into a fighting stance and kicks him squarely in the chest. Werewolf Oz is thrown backwards by the force of the blow.

Willow stares at Oz in wonder.

Willow: (whispers to herself) We’re still enjoined…

Screen fades to white

Willow is sitting on a tiny chair, in front of a table. She looks around. The room is full of children, all about six years old. They’re all drawing pictures with crayons on pieces of paper. Willow looks confused.

Willow: I don’t remember this!
Boy: (offscreen) Here.

Willow turns around. A little dark haired boy is holding a small yellow crayon out to her. Willow takes it. She looks at the crayon. It’s been broken, but the two pieces have been taped back together. Willow turns to the little boy, a look of wonder on her face. He’s putting the tape back on the desk.

Boy: (grinning) No one will even notice.

Willow smiles.

Screen fades to white.

Willow is standing in the hallway of the old High School. Xander and Faith are with her.

Faith: Okay, this is REALLY starting to piss me off!
Willow: Faith!
Faith: Willow?
Xander: Xander!

Willow and Faith look at Xander. He looks sheepish.

Xander: Sorry. Thought there was a thing…

Buffy comes running up to the other two.

Buffy: Is Dawn okay?
Willow: Yeah, just confused which, hello? Not the only one!
Xander: Who’s Dawn?
Faith: What the hell is happening B? One minute I’m watching you bleed to death, the next I’m in jail, then I’m having dinner with The Mayor…
Xander: What? Buff, you okay? Were you hurt or something?
Willow: It’s Proserpexa. She’s destroyed time. She’s casting her spell right now!
Xander: Prosawhonow?
Buffy: I didn’t die. I was dying, but Pros… she destroyed time before I died. (looks at Willow) I guess that was enough to keep you and Dawn here.
Xander: (getting irritated) Who’s Dawn?
Willow: Wow! You really don’t know!

Xander looks at Willow. Willow turns to Buffy.

Willow: I mean, I know she wasn’t actually here but… with all the memories… it’s so weird to think there was a time she wasn’t around!

Buffy just looks at Willow.

Willow: …which really isn’t the important thing here, is it?
Xander: Okay, you guys do realize that I am totally lost, right?
Buffy: How do we find-?

Screen fades to white.

Buffy is standing on her hands. She gives a little yelp and falls to the ground. As she stares at the ceiling, Dawn stands over her.

Dawn: Buffy! Are you okay?
Buffy: Dawn!

Dawn helps Buffy to her feet. She’s in the training room at the back of The Magic Box. Giles is at a table, grumbling as he rearranges the crystals that Dawn knocked over. Dawn grabs Buffy’s arm and speaks urgently to her.

Dawn: We don’t have much time. We’re still enjoined. I’ve got all of Willow’s knowledge and so do you. We can cast the spell to keep us together. We just need to concentrate.
Buffy: Kinda hard to do that when I’m trying to figure out when I am!
Dawn: You think you’ve got problems? Buffy, I keep going back to being The Key! I mean, for real being The Key!
Buffy: What? How is that possible?
Dawn: I don’t know! But when I’m there…I lose myself Buffy. I can feel my thoughts, my… my self being lost. If I’m trapped there I don’t know what will happen to me!
Buffy: We’ll find a way, Dawnie! It’s going to be okay!

Dawn looks away, tearful.

Dawn: We’re still enjoined Buffy. (faces her) I know you don’t know how to stop this.

As they stare at each other Giles comes over to them. He’s worried by the urgency of their conversation.

Giles: Is everything all right?

Buffy and Dawn just look at him. Screen fades to white.

A small stone room. A group of robed monks are chanting before a swirl of green energy.

Screen fades to white

Dawn opens her eyes.

Dawn: (furious) No! Dammit, No!

Dawn bows her head. Her hair falls over her face. She goes to push it back, but her hands are fastened and she can’t move.

Confused, Dawn looks around. She is standing on the platform built by the escaped Mental Hospital patients. A look of horror comes over Dawn’s face.
Spike: (offscreen) You don't come near the girl, Doc.
Dawn looks up. Spike is standing between her and Doc.
Doc: I don't smell a soul anywhere on you. Why do you even care?
Spike: I made a promise to a lady.
Doc: Oh?
Doc's long tongue appears from his mouth, shooting out at Spike, who ducks aside. Doc drops to his knees and pulls Spike's legs out from under him. Spike falls to the floor. Dawn watches anxiously as they grapple. They get to their feet, Doc holding on to Spike, pinning his arms behind him.
Doc: Then I'll send the lady your regrets.
Spike gives Dawn an agonized look.
Spike: (whispers) No.
Doc pushes Spike over the edge.
Dawn: (screams) Noooo!

Faith is smashing herself against the bars of her prison cell.

Faith: No! No! *she stops and grabs the bars* Someone get me out of here!

Willow is on the floor of Joyce Summers’ bedroom, cradling Tara’s body in her arms.

Willow: (sobbing) Nooo! Nooo!

Buffy is trapped in her coffin, screaming as she frantically claws her way out.

Buffy: Noooo! Noooo! Nooooo!

Screen fades to white

Buffy and Spike are kissing passionately. Buffy draws back.

Buffy: Willow!

Pause. Spike stares at Buffy in shock

Spike: …not exactly the response I was expecting…

Dawn comes running towards them.

Dawn: Buffy!
Spike: (to Dawn) Whatever it is, it can wait!
Buffy: Is Willow okay? I felt her... I felt...
Dawn: She's not with us this time. I guess she... couldn't focus...
Spike: I will PAY you to leave!
Buffy: (to Spike) Not now! (To Dawn) We don’t know how to stop it, do we?
Spike: Not n-! Now listen here Buffy! I-
Dawn: No, not completely. We need to research, if we have enough time.
Buffy: Except we don't. We’re gonna jump any second now.

Spike glares at Dawn and Buffy.

Spike: Is someone going to tell me what you two are on about?
Buffy: Sorry, no time.

Buffy grabs Spike by the collar of his coat and pulls him down to her. She kisses him passionately. Dawn stares at her in shock.

Buffy eventually releases Spike. He stares at Buffy, amazed. Buffy grins at him.

Buffy: One for the road.

Screen fades to white.

Xander: I ate. I’m good. So, how exactly do you make cereal?

Buffy stares at Xander. Xander looks back at her.


Xander: Buff? You okay?

Before Buffy answers Dawn runs down the stairs. She stops at the last step and looks at Buffy, panting.

Dawn: Oh good…you’re here… *gathers herself* Kissy slut!
Buffy: Hey!
Dawn: You so are!
Buffy: (pouts) Am not!
Dawn: Are too! Taking advantage of the time distortion like that! Well, next jump? I’m getting a tattoo!
Buffy: You SO are not! *looks around* When is this? I'm pretty sure Willow made this jump with us. Where is she?
Xander: Uh…England?

Buffy and Dawn turn to Xander.

Xander: (confused) Are you guys okay?
Dawn: (sighs) Getting really sick of people asking that!
Buffy: (smiles) It’s to be expected. We are acting a little weird. (look passes over her face) Xander! There’s this seal under the school. Its-
Dawn: No!
Buffy: What?
Dawn: You can’t!
Xander: There’s a seal?
Buffy: Why not?
Dawn: It’s a rule!
Buffy: No it’s not!
Dawn: Is too!
Xander: ..As in flippers? (does flipper type motion with arms),
Buffy: Dawn, it’s not a rule to tell Xander-
Dawn: “…the future - it is. You tell him and history changes and it wrecks things and we’ll never be born and stuff!”
Buffy: Never be b-? Dawnie, this is last year!
Dawn: Its not Xander-specific Buffy. We cant run the risk of changing history.
Xander: and balancing beach balls on its nose for a fish?
Buffy: Couldn’t we at least-
Dawn: Sorry Buffy, last year or six years ago, doesn’t make any difference! *shrugs and folds her arms* I don’t make the rules!
Xander “…and its loose in the school?”

Everything on the edge of their vision is starting to swirl, as though reality itself is caught in a whirlpool. The circle of reality grows steadily smaller, closing in on Buffy and Dawn. Xander doesn’t seem to see this.

Buffy: Dammit!
Dawn: If you’d watched Back to the Future with me you would have known the rules.
Buffy: That’s just a movie Dawn. Anyway, they changed time in Superman. Oh. and Austin Powers.
Dawn: Sigh! Okay, forget movies….

Xander: Okay, you guys know that I’m totally lost now, right?
Buffy: You said that already.
Xander: What? No I didn’t!
Buffy: Willow’s in England. I guess Faith is in jail.
Dawn: And none of us know how to stop this. We need to research.

The circle starts to close on Buffy and Dawn. They draw closer together.

Buffy: No. We need-

Screen fades to white.

Buffy: (yells) Giles!

Oz, Willow, Buffy and Xander are all on the couch. Cordelia is sitting in a facing chair. Giles comes running out from the kitchen.

Giles: Buffy?

Buffy grabs Giles’ arms.

Buffy: Don’t talk, just listen. No matter what happens, I need you to remember this. I’m here from the future. A demon has destroyed time.
Giles: Buffy…
Willow: She’s telling the truth!
Buffy: Giles, listen to me! This demon cast a spell to destroy time and fix it the way she wanted it. I keep slipping into different times. So does Willow, and Dawn and Faith. We need your help.
Xander: Who’s Dawn?
Oz: Who’s Faith?
Cordelia: Who cares!

Giles stares at Buffy for a moment, taking in what he’s telling her.

Giles: What must I do?
Buffy: Research. Willow’s going to cast a spell to give us more immunity to this time distortion as soon as we’re strong enough, but we can’t stop it. Find out everything you can about time spells. Sometime in the future I’m going to need one.

Everything around Buffy and Giles is swirling, fading.

Buffy: Remember this! You have to remember this!

Screen fades to white.

Buffy: (yells) What now?
Faith: Not so loud, B!

Buffy whirls around. Faith is standing behind her.

Faith: I did just kill a guy!

Buffy stares at her, then sees that Faith is standing over the body of The Mayor’s assistant. Buffy let’s out a roar of frustration.

Buffy: I can’t do this. I can’t cope.
Faith: You can’t cope? Do you have any idea how many fights I’ve been in since this thing started? Not to mention all the guys I’ve screwed!

Buffy stares at Faith

Faith: I swear, I don’t know if I’m thumping or humping!

Buffy tries not to laugh.

Faith: It’s not funny!

Buffy is shaking in silent laughter. Faith sighs.

Faith: Okay, it’s funny. (mutters to herself) I’m gonna have one hell of a time in group therapy after this one!

Screen starts to fade to white.

Faith: Aw, screw this!

Buffy: No!

Buffy spreads her arms wide. Her eyes start to glow black. Lightning crackles from her fingertips.

Buffy: STOP!

The fading stops. Panting, Buffy lowers her arms. Faith is staring at her, open mouthed.

Faith: Did you…did you just…?
Buffy: (not looking at Faith) I didn’t stop it, not completely.

Faith follows Buffy’s gaze. She looks on as the buildings around them seem to melt and swirl. The circle of normality shrinks as the whirling closes in on them.

Buffy: I just bought us some more time.
Faith: How did you do that? I thought only Willow could do that stuff.
Buffy: I am Willow.

Faith looks at Buffy.

Buffy: (smiles) Willow is here with me. And Dawn too. And I am with them as well. We are all together.
Faith: You goin’ trippy on me?
Buffy: We cast a spell, to join our powers. (turns to Faith) Willow, Dawn and I are as one now.
Faith: Then how come you didn’t do this from the start?
Buffy: The fight drained us. (frowns at Faith) We did die Faith. Cut us some slack!
Faith: Fine, fine, consider the slack cut. What do we do now?
Buffy: Now we concentrate. This gives us more time between jumps. We’re not strong enough to stop them completely, even if we knew how. If we concentrate we can…(trails off)

Faith isn’t looking at Buffy. She’s bent over the Mayor’s assistant, staring at the body.

Faith: (looks up) Can what?

Buffy is standing across from Faith, on the other side of the Mayor’s assistant. She’s staring at Faith’s chest, a look of total shock on her face. Faith looks at Buffy, puzzled, then follows Buffy’s gaze until she sees her breasts, which are peeking out over her top while she’s bending down. Faith immediately jumps back.

Faith: Buffy! What the hell are you doing???
Buffy: Oh God! (covers her eyes and turns around) Oh God! Oh my God!
Faith: You were checking out my breasts!
Buffy: (turns back) No! No, Faith! I swear!
Faith: You were totally checking me out!
Buffy: I’m not! I mean… I just… I’m Willow now, and…

Buffy is staring at Faith’s chest again. Faith covers herself with her hands.

Faith: Stop it!
Buffy: I can’t!
Faith: This is insane! Willow never stares at my chest!
Buffy: I know! But she’s used to these feelings! I’m not! And the spell magnified our powers so I guess it…magnified other stuff too…

Buffy is still fixated on Faith’s breasts. Faith turns around quickly. Buffy still stares at Faith’s back. Her gaze drifts lower. She blushes.

Buffy: Actually you still look pretty good from this angle-
Faith: (whirls around) STOP IT!

Faith’s angry expression is suddenly replaced by one of fear. She stares at something behind Buffy’s shoulder. Buffy turns around and sees that everything around them is starting to fade to white. She turns back to Faith.

Buffy: Concentrate on us. As hard as you can.

Screen begins to fade to white.

Buffy: We’ll find you, Faith.

Screen fades.
Faith is standing in the living room of Buffy's house. There are Christmas decorations on the wall, and the fire has been lit. Someone places a hand on her shoulder.

Faith turns around. It's Joyce.

Joyce: I've got some egg nog in the fridge. (smiles apologetically, looking at the fire) It might help you to cool down.
Faith: Joyce?

Joyce smiles at Faith. When she sees Faith's shocked expression she looks concerned.

Joyce: Faith, dear...are you all right?

Outdoors. Buffy is trudging back to Sunnydale, looking annoyed.

Buffy: (muttering to herself) Stupid time jumps dumping me in the middle of nowhere. If I ever meet that Spielberg I am so going to kick his ass for not making better rules.
Angel: (offscreen) Buffy?

Buffy turns back to Angel. He's standing on a hill overlooking Sunnydale.

Buffy: (frustrated) Just wait there! You'll be fine! (turns back to Sunnydale, waving dismissively at Angel) It's gonna snow any minute now.

Buffy stomps off. Angel stares after her, then looks around. He's looks uncertain, and very dejected.

Screen fades to white

Buffy is holding a cup of tea in her hands. She sets it down on the table in front of her. Buffy is in Giles’ house again. This time it’s day.

Buffy: Giles! I need the time spell!
Giles (looks at her) I beg your pardon?
Buffy: I asked you to research time spells. Years ago! I told you I’d need it one day! I need it now!
Giles: Buffy, I…
Buffy: Please tell me you remember!
Giles: I’m sorry. I’m afraid I don’t.

Buffy buries her face in her hands.

Screen fades to white

Buffy buries her face in her hands.

Screen fades to white

The scene comes together and Buffy is standing outside on a sunny day. She looks around and sees that she is outside of her house.

Buffy: Can’t even remember to research one lousy spell! After like the thousand hours a week he spends doing it already.

Buffy looks around, finally becoming aware of her new surroundings.

Buffy: Oh great, when am I now? Well at least it’s day, which means I won’t have to deal with any whiny vampires…

Buffy looks through the window and then stops. She stands silent, and watches. The camera takes her point of view as we see Joyce washing dishes in the kitchen. Buffy takes a step back, visibly disturbed. She moves out of sight of the window and stands against the side of the house. She closes her eyes, taking a minute to compose herself.

Buffy hears a noise and becomes alert.

Joyce: (OS) Hello? Hello, is anyone out here?

Joyce walks towards Buffy and Buffy is tense at first, as if deciding whether or not she should see Joyce. Before she can decide, Joyce finds her.

Joyce: Buffy! You scared me half to death! I thought I heard a noise and….what are you doing standing out here like this?

Buffy: I’m…um..patrolling…in the day time. You know me, always wanting to get an early start.

Joyce: Well, come on inside! I have something for you.

Buffy looks around outside and then follows Joyce as they both enter the house.

Buffy: Mom, I’m sorry but I really can’t stay very long. Have you seen Willow or Dawn anywhere?

Joyce: Dawn?

Buffy: (quietly to herself) Too early I guess… (louder) Oh, she’s a friend I met in school. Thought I mentioned her to you by now.

Joyce: No, I don’t remember a Dawn. Unless I’m going senile, but you know I always figured I’d have at least a few good years left before everything started to go.

Buffy: (serious) Don’t say that.

Joyce: Honey, it’s only a joke! Are you alright? You don’t seem yourself.

Buffy: Sorry, just under a lot of stress lately, I guess.

Joyce: Is it college? I know it’s a big adjustment living away from home for the first time, but I’m always right here for you. I’ll always be here, whenever you need me.

Buffy takes a deep breath. She shakes her head softly, trying to fight back tears.

Buffy: Mom, I’m really sorry but I don’t have time right now. I have to find Willow, it’s really important.

Joyce: I understand. School stuff or slayer stuff?

Buffy: Slayer stuff. Major slayer stuff.

Joyce: Anything I should be worried about?

Buffy: (smiles) No, nothing to be worried about.

Joyce: (smiles back) Well then before you go, I want you to have something.

Joyce goes into another room and quickly comes back holding a bag.

Joyce: I know I shouldn’t have, but I saw this and I had to buy it for you.

Joyce reaches in the bag and takes out a brand new red shirt.

Buffy: (tearfully) Thank you…

Joyce: I know you want to be independent and all, but I couldn’t help myself. I stopped to get some coffee at my way to work. I know what you’re going to say, I shouldn’t have more than one cup a day…but I was so tired this morning I needed a little pick-me-up. So after I left the coffee shop, I saw this in the window and…

Buffy runs and hugs Joyce tightly.

Buffy: Mommy…thank you…

Tears run down her eyes. Joyce is taken aback at first, but embraces Buffy after a few moments even though she is still confused.

Buffy: Thank you mom, thank you so much….

Joyce: Buffy, it’s just a shirt! It was on sale!

Buffy: Mom…

The room around Buffy and Joyce start to swirl. Buffy holds on to Joyce tighter, as if maybe she could take her with her if she only held tight enough. Buffy closes her eyes and when she opens them, Joyce is gone.

Dawn and Buffy are sitting on Buffy’s bed. Buffy is holding a photograph of her and Riley, her hand is shaking a little.

Dawn: (softly) You saw mom?

Buffy: (nodding slowly) She…she was right there. It didn’t feel real, but I touched her, I hugged her.

Dawn: I bet that was nice.

Buffy: I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have told you, I didn’t mean it like…

Dawn: No, Buffy, I’m glad. (smiles) I’m glad one of us did.

Buffy: I wanted to tell her more, tell her everything, but there wasn’t time. And I knew she wouldn’t remember. Just like Giles didn’t remember.

Dawn: It makes sense, though. We would have ruined the timeline totally if people remembered what we’d done, or if we changed anything.
Buffy: I know, I know, it just took me by surprise. All Willow’s knowledge and I still can’t figure this stuff out! (pause) Did Willow call?
Dawn: (frowns) No, but I'm pretty sure she's in this time. I thought she would have come looking for us. Any idea where she might be?

Shot of Willow’s Univeristy dorm room. Willow is standing in the middle of the room looking around. She has only just appeared.

There is a knock at the door. Willow opens it and stands there in total shock.

Willow (whispers- almost inaudibly, her voice breaking with emotion ) Tara?

Tara(smiling): Whats the matter sweetie, you look like you just saw a ghost?

Willow runs to Tara and throws her arms around her, tears in her eyes.

Tara: W-willow, w-whats wrong. Whats happened?.. Is it something to do with Buffy’s mom?

Willow: Tara….Oh Goddess…Oh thank you…

Tara: You are scaring me now Will. What is it ?

Willow (kisses Tara repeatedly):. I missed you so much…

Tara: B-but Will, we had breakfast together only a couple of hours ago.

Willow: (gathers herself) I know…I just… (notices the calendar on the wall)..I was..just thinking about Buffy with Riley leaving suddenly...and.. how it would feel..if…if you went away like that.

Tara: Sweetie, I’m not g-going anywhere.

Willow (momentarily looks crestfallen but then quickly pretends to look cheerful): No..of course not (wipes her eyes)….just being silly…It doesn’t hurt to remind myself how lucky I …am. How beautiful you are.

Tara (putting on a fake stern face): Okay missy, that’s the last time you have a second helping of syrup on your waffles. Too much sugar is obviously bad for you.

Willow smiles. They both sit on the bed. Willow brushes her hand through Tara’s hair.

Willow: You always know how to make the bad things go away don’t you?

Tara: Okay, all these compliments are going to go to my head. (bends her head slightly and looks furtively at Willow) Are you trying to seduce me?

Willow smiles and kisses Tara passionately. Suddenly Willow notices the edges of the room start to shimmer. The look in Willow’s eyes passes from joy to sorrow. She reluctantly breaks the embrace.

Willow: Tara…

Pause. Tara looks at Willow. Willow takes a moment to gather herself.

Willow: I need your help.
Tara: M-my help?
Willow: (quickly) I need to cast a spell right now and I don’t have time to explain what it’s for but I need you to share your power with me.

Tara: Of c-course Willow. I trust you.

Willow takes Tara’s hands in hers and as the room begins to disappear the two witches concentrate, their hands giving off a bright glow. After a couple of seconds the glow fades and they step apart..

Willow. (softly) Thank you.

Tara: Did it work?

Willow: I…(Willow strokes Tara’s cheek with her hand. The swirling circle of energy is almost upon the two of them. Willow starts to cry again) This isn’t fair! There is so much I want to say to you! If only I could freeze this moment…. I am so sorry for all the things I did wrong, the mistakes I made. I want you to know that I am trying to be the person you always said I could be. I have let myself hide from it because it hurt so badly but you are still my always… in my heart. I love you so much!

Tara (looking bewildered): W-Willow? I love you with all my heart too. Please tell me what’s wrong!

Willow (She kisses Tara and touches her hair. She is crying): My sweet Tara

Tara: Willow?

Willow: (whispers) Goodbye.

Screen fades to white.

Faith is standing in a room in The Mayor's building. She looks around, and notices that Willow is kneeling, face bowed to the floor. She looks like she is crying.

Faith: Willow?

Faith takes a cautious step forward. She bends down and gently touches Willow's arm. No response.

Faith: You okay?

Willow suddenly grabs Faith's arm, so quickly it makes her jump. Willow's head snaps back. Her eyes are glowing black. There's a look of utter fury on her face.

Willow: (fiercely)Must Concentrate! Concentrate…! This WILL work! It HAS to work We WILL be together!

Faith stares at Willow, confused and more than a little shaken.

Willow: (almost shouting) We are together! We are forever! We are together! We are forever!

Faith stares at Willow for a moment, then claps Willow's arm tighter and takes up the chant.

Faith and Willow: We are together! We are forever! We are together! We are forever!

In a small stone room, several robed monks are chanting before a swirl of green energy. Their chant falters as they notice the energy begins to change.

The energy begins to take human form. It becomes Dawn, her eyes shut tight, chanting.

Dawn: We are together! We are forever! We are together! We are forever!

Buffy is standing in the library of the old High School, eyes shut, arms spread wide. Giles, Wesley, Oz, Cordelia and Xander are staring at her, afraid to come too close to her. Buffy is glowing with power, surrounded by a haze of bright blue energy. She is chanting in unison with Willow, Faith and Dawn.

Buffy: We are together! We are forever! We are together! We are forever! We are together! We are forever!

Buffy throws her head back, eyes snapping open. They are glowing blue.

Buffy: NOW!

Screen fades to white

Buffy, Willow, Dawn and Faith are holding hands in the library of the old High School. They open their eyes and look at each other.

Dawn: It worked! This is the old High School! And I’m not a blob of green energy!
Faith: I’m not in jail!
Buffy: We’re in the same place!
Dawn: Green is so not my colour!
Faith: Is this one of the times I’m in jail?
Willow: (softly) Thank you, baby.

Faith laughs, Buffy joins in. Dawn hugs Buffy, then Willow. Willow smiles.

It takes a moment for them to notice that Giles is staring at them, very confused.

Giles is sitting at his desk in the High School library. Buffy is sitting on a chair nearby. Faith is leaning against the wall. Dawn and Willow are sitting on another desk.

Giles takes off his glasses.

Giles: So this demon…
Buffy: Pyrexdishia.
Dawn: Proserpexa! Geez! You enjoin with Willow and me, she kills you and you still can’t get her name right?
Giles: …she destroyed time.
Buffy: Yes.
Willow: Or is maybe in the process of destroying it…we’re not sure…
Giles: …and all four of you are travelling through time.
Willow: Yes.
Faith: How does that work anyway? I mean, have I replaced the me in this time?
Dawn: Yes. Except before you ended up wherever the you in this time was, but now we’re strong enough to keep us all together. Hence me being here and not all keyish.
Giles: Keyish?
Buffy: Trust me. Don’t even go there!
Giles: But you, Willow and…uh…(waves his glasses to indicate Dawn)
Dawn: (quietly) Dawn. I’m Dawn.
Giles: …the three of you cast an enjoining spell.
Buffy: That’s right. Is this sinking in yet?
Giles: (quietly to Buffy) You do realize that spells of that nature are highly dangerous.
Buffy: So are time destroying demons. Besides, we’d cast it before.
Giles: You’d cast an enjoining spell bef-? (waves his hands) wait, wait…should I be hearing this.
Faith: Oh, it’s okay. You won’t remember.

Giles looks at Faith

Faith: Changes we make in these times don’t seem to change anything. I know because I… I made some changes to my life, but it didn’t work. It just kept happening exactly like the first time.
Buffy: The time distortions are too chaotic for our actions to have consequences. Each time has fragmented from the others. Normal rules of cause and effect don’t apply.

Everyone looks at Buffy.

Buffy: (to Giles) Enjoining spell. I’m sharing Willow’s brain.
Giles And erm…(gestures to Dawn)
Dawn: Yes, and erm’s too. It is affecting us all. (frowns) I just keep getting sudden urges to kiss female vampires…
Buffy and Willow look at Dawn.

Buffy: (turns back to Giles) I hate to rush you on this but we really need your help.
Giles: Yes, yes of course. How long will it be until your next … jump?
Faith: Uh…now?

Everyone looks at Faith. She has come away from the wall, which is beginning to swirl and fade behind her. Buffy stands up. Willow and Dawn slide off the desk. They all look a little worried. Giles looks confused.

Giles: What is it? What do you see?
Dawn: It’s ending. This…fragment. It’s unravelling.
Willow: We don’t have much longer. A minute, maybe less.
Buffy: Giles, tell us what to research. What should we be looking for.
Giles: Uh, well… there were some references in my grandmother’s diaries to a creature of Norse legend. A Giant snake, said to be the son of Loki. It was believed to be linked to the Ouroboros…

Buffy, Willow, Dawn and Faith back up closer together.

Buffy: Abridged version would be really nice right now Giles!
Giles: I- I’ll just fetch the diary in question.

Giles walks toward the edge of the closing circle

Dawn: Stop! You’ll hit the edge!
Buffy: Giles, just tell us what to research!
Giles: There’s no possible way for me to explain it to you in time! We need a way to make me remember.
Willow: There isn’t one!
Faith: (brightens) Yes…yes there is!

Before anyone can react, Faith pulls the watch off her neck, runs to Giles and places it over his.

Buffy: Faith!

There’s a close up shot of Giles face. Then several images one after another - Buffy describing how she killed Angelus, Giles handing Buffy her graduation scroll, the enjoining spell, Xander and Anya kissing in The Magic Box, Tara and Willow casting a spell. Buffy sitting at a table in The Magic Box with Dawn, stroking her hair. Buffy lying dead at the foot of the platform.

Giles cries out and drops to his knees.

Buffy hugging Giles in The Magic Box. Giles singing to Buffy as she trains. Dark Willow battling Giles, Giles talking to Willow as she looks at the flower she summoned from Peru. Giles sitting in a room with the scoobies, telling them how Proserpexa has risen. Fending off the snakes with Spike and Andrew, the earthquake, the masonry falling…

Giles kneels on the ground, stunned. Buffy, Willow and Dawn are crowding around him.

Giles: (whispers) Good Lord!
Willow: He’s okay. I think he’s okay.

Buffy stands up and looks at Faith. Faith is standing back from the four of them. The circle is beginning to close in on her. She smiles at Buffy. Buffy seems lost for words.

Faith: Forget it. No goodbyes. You’ll probably see me in five anyway, right?
Buffy: Faith…
Faith: No big. Truth is all that time jumping was making me dizzy, and I’m sick of going back to jail.

Faith takes a step backwards, towards the unravelling edges of their time.

Faith: Just make this noble sacrifice crap worth it, okay?

Faith fades. Screen fades to white.

Giles open his eyes. He gives a little yelp of shock. There’s a splash.

Wider shot. Giles is sitting in the bath. He’s wearing a pink shower cap patterned with yellow ducks.

Giles: Oh…Bloody…typical!
Buffy: I dunno…

Giles lets out another yelp. There’s an even bigger splash. Buffy, Willow and Dawn are standing in Giles’ bathroom. Dawn has her eyes covered. Willow is stifling a laugh. Buffy has her head cocked thoughtfully to one side.

Buffy: I think the cap is kinda cool!

Giles snatches off the shower cap and shoves it into the water.

Screen fades to white

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