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Date Posted: Wed January 09, 2013 2:22:40PM
Author: doug of so fla
Subject: Re: Thermostat Replacement
In reply to: Pete F 's message, "Re: Thermostat Replacement" on Tue January 08, 2013 1:55:07PM

Donald, Sounds like you are on the right track. What Pete says about a "air pocket" is real common, It is simply when air gets in the system, from running it to low or when you pour in to fast, or other ways, it will make for bad circulation, you have to get it out by taking the transmission cover off, you will see a black bleeder connection on the water pump, put a pan under XII and open bleeder screw & let out some fluid you may see a air bubble or not, just let out a bit and then make sure your tank and neck are full before you run it again. And as Pete stated " Engine Ice" will lower your engine temp considerably, 10 to 20 degrees. Main cause of high temp other than inaccurate gauge is radiator core gone bad or water pump problem.

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