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Date Posted: Sun January 20, 2013 9:17:48PM
Author: Donald Stanley
Subject: Re: Thermostat Replacement
In reply to: doug of so fla 's message, "Re: Thermostat Replacement" on Wed January 09, 2013 2:22:40PM

Ok on the Engine ice, have not seen that before? Auto Zone? Also took the bike out again a few days later and it ran ok temp about mid range slightly less. Again when stopped it cause the fan to come on and then it went off. Now two weeks go by and started it up and let it idle for awhile it was like mid 30's out When I climbed on it was in the red hot range. humm took it out on the road and it sort of cooled down But only just below the red zone. Stopped at Auto zone picked up more anti freeze and yes it took a bit. prob still has an air bubble but it took a pint at least of fluid. And it ran cooler again afterwards. So either a big bubble or I have a leak somewhere. It sits on Gravel so hard to see if dripping. Will check for crimps next. And get a piece of cardboard to put under it... for leaks. Oh and when the sun went down on our ride it dropped to 26 degrees and froze may ass off going 25 miles to home CCCCEEEERRRRSSS berrr

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