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Date Posted: Fri August 23, 2013 10:07:46AM
Author: Joe
Subject: Re: 1995 Voyager Xii transmission problems?
In reply to: davcot 's message, "Re: 1995 Voyager Xii transmission problems?" on Thu August 22, 2013 11:18:33AM

I am actually dropping my bike off to the mechanic tomorrow to have it fixed. Spoke with Carl Leo about a month ago and he said he has seen it happen but it's rare to see it happen, especially with low mileage bikes like ours. He said that the dog ear on 3rd gear is worn, possibly other gears and the shifting forks are most likely bent. The believed cause of it on the lower mileage bikes is if your bike has footboards or a heel toe shifter. I know this is not something you want to hear because I didn't either, but the engine and transmission will need to be pulled and taken apart to rebuild the transmission. It's not recommended to ride the bike the way it is as there is most likely metal floating around in your engine. Taking the engine out is not for a novice mechanic. The frame is bolted together and has to be taken apart. While the engine is out, I'm having the mechanic do things such as the rings, water pump, clutch, gaskets, basically anything that's hard to get to or that he has to pull off. You might as well do it now than wait for it to break and go through this pain again. It should be a new bike when I get it. That being said, I have priced other Voyagers out and thought about selling mine, but the money you will pay to get a decent one in the shape mine is in wouldn't be worth it. Voyagers are great bikes and have been known to go 300,000+ miles if maintained properly. The quote I have been getting for the job is $1500-$2000. It just depends on how much parts are and stuff. I know that's a lot, but if you truly love the bike like I do... It's worth it in the long run. I have owned cruisers, had a Goldwing, and a Venture, but the Voyager is by far the best bike I have owned.

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