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Date Posted: Tue September 03, 2013 3:38:01AM
Author: Donald Stanley
Subject: Re: CDI unit = the Ignitor
In reply to: aad The dutchman 's message, "CDI unit = the Ignitor" on Tue September 09, 2008 12:45:33AM

last march I had problems with the battery not being charged. Seems the Alternator was putting out about 11.4 volts. I ordered a new one and it arrived and was installed and the machine started right up. However now it is Sept.1st and last week the battery was dead. took a charge but down the road 40 miles it would not start the machine. However just before I turned it off they measured the volatage output of the new alternator and it was in the high 11's again. Then reved up to 2500 it was in the high 12's. but the battery did not hold a charge. So I replaced it. Then I started it and the alternator shows 12.8 volts on the new batter.
Now a week later the machine while crusing down the road starts running rough backfires once or twice and then it died. Let it cool down. then tried to start it and there is nothing in the battery just a clicking sound. Finally got it home. (trailer) and the charger was put on it. (will see if it starts tomorrow am.) However could it be the Alt. was not charging the battery and it ran out of juice and thus not enough to fire the plugs hence the back fire and stopped running? New plugs and wires 1 month ago too.

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