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Date Posted: Wed January 15, 2014 2:23:42PM
Author: BobK
Subject: Had Voyager front end rebuilt

I already posted this message on another forum but wanted to share it here as well..

Well, a few weeks ago I took my 98 XII to the dealer and asked them to rehab the front end: steering stem all-balls bearings, bushings, wheel bearings replace seals and dust cap seals and change fork oil (progressive springs) and got her back today....I was in no hurry due to weather.....Took it for shakedown ride and it seems fine.....I am especially gratified that the forks no longer leak....They stayed at their estimated price (pricey, but I decided to have it done as I have neither skill nor inclination)...only thing I noticed on the negative side was I came upon a speed bump unexpectedly at about 15 mph and was not gripping the bars tightly and the front end wobbled considerably when the wheel jumped into the air......

After not having ridden the Voyager in several weeks, I am convinced that it qualifies for a sedate man's hot rod, sorta-kinda, although bear in mind I am 77 years old, so fast and zippy for me may well be experienced differently by younger riders..

Just giving a status...
Bob in North Carolina....

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